Hello everybody,
I wish you all a very & joyous Happy New Year
On another forum, I recently posted up my current perspective on reality, based on a lifetime of exploration, research and experience etc - this is not something I do often. As I was going to post a quick "Happy New Year" here anyway, I thought I would copy and paste it here, in case somebody gets something of some use from it. Please ignore the references to a "path" & other forums none of you may be familiar with, they make no real difference anyway. I don't know to what extent this is "true" or whatever, but I can state with 100% certainty and sincerity that these are my literal experiences and understanding, with no exaggeration whatsoever - the opposite, if anything (as there are no words majestic enough to do the experience justice!).
Anyway, peace to all!:
Recently a strange thought occurred to me; for the past few years posting here and over at the RSS forum, I realise I very rarely, if ever, discuss my own realisations and experiences (and when I do it's with very little "passion" as they're ideas I've already expressed in the past, perhaps such as my experiences with RS or kundalini etc). Instead, I engage with the ideas and beliefs of the participants on these forums. So, as it's a new year, I thought I would do something different and write out my own current experience and understanding without any self-censorship. This is a daunting task; imo, normally on these forums what we do is merely express concepts and beliefs, as if moving around chess pieces on a board, trying to win the game of which concept or belief is the intellectual/rational victor. One may notice that there is very little actual experience of any sort which even remotely confirms the "reality" of these concepts & beliefs - if any experience at all. I know a lot of RS satsangis will dispute that, but to understand what I mean, one must understand that seeing the radiant form of a guru, experiencing synchronicities or miracles, feeling ecstasy in their presence etc does not prove the reality of reincarnation or "chaurasi" or needing a "perfect living master" to escape it, for example. That adding 2 plus 2 and getting 3,274,956.
Anyway, this post is an attempt at something else. It is attempting to describe actual experience, profound, infinite and beyond concept (ie. non-linear, non-rational etc), into as simple words and concepts as I can possibly manage.
This is the experience/realisation which unmistakably consumes all the gurus and paths, all the religions and teachings, and leaves you at total peace, without fear of death or grief or loneliness or incompleteness etc It cannot be disproven by any subsequent experience, philosophy or science...indeed, at their pinnacle, they all point to this truth. This is also a very simple and self-evident truth. It is a grand mystery - once realised - how astonishing it is that we are able to hypnotise ourselves into not realising this self-evident truth and reality. It is absolute perfection, nothing to do, nothing to worry about. It is without boundaries or gatekeepers, no gurus or spiritual paths which can connect you to it, or withhold it from you. It is merely the illusory construct of ego which prevents it's realisation and insists upon the "need" to do something to attain "it". But that is fine, there is no real need for "realisation" of it, as it's just perfect as it is, and our very seeming "forgetfulness" of it is as much a part of the "point" as is it's "realisation" of it, there is no higher or lower here, no chosen ones or forgotten ones!
What is the experience? it is that the entire creation of dualistic experience, from heavens to earths to hells, all the living organisms contained therein and their experiences, are manifestations of one undivided consciousness that we call God, dividing Itself endlessly to create infinite worlds, beings and experiences. The ego is a necessary construct, a tool of forgetfulness. Once it disappears, the universe disappears - and if Consciousness didn't want all this wonderous display, why did it create it in the first place? This One consciousness did this because - and here words are a mere echo of the experiential reality - when it remains as Oneness knowing it's Oneness, it is "lonely".....the universe, all it's infinite dimensions and experiences, is a kind of gift to Itself. But this can only be understood through direct experience, words are too limited to describe that which is meta-lingual.
What we call our selves, our egos, are actually merely "masks" worn by this singular consciousness. It is both woman and man, simultaneously, making love together, wearing masks to create the illusion of separation. It is both guru and seeker, consciousness has created this wonderful game of hide and seek! But do not think the consciousness in the guru is any different than that of the seeker. Neither is liberated at "death". Consciousness is ever-liberated, ever-free. It is merely the mask which is shed....of what sense does it make to speak of the reincarnation or liberation of masks? Once a bubble bursts, it has gone forever, and air returns to air. it is it is only the ego which clings to these narratives of bondage & liberation and feels fear pondering it's demise, the more puffed up it becomes, the more elaborate the eternal heavens and sach khands it creates for itself.. Death is an illusion, but not because when one dies their soul carries on. It is an illusion because this entire existence, along with all others, is contained within Consciousness as an appearance only (that we, mistakenly, identify with and take to be "real"). A mask is shed and that is all. This is experienced directly, immediately, and without any ambiguity or doubt possible, in deep spiritual experience.
As limited, embodied, conscious beings, as egos, we forget, due to the mechanics of embodiment, that we ARE THAT (One Consciousnes, infinitely dividing itself). This is essential, otherwise duality hence creation and experience, would not be possible. Once the ego is unravelled (either through death or deep spiritual experience), one returns to this natural state, there is nowhere else one could possibly go. All else are fantasies, desires and wishes of the illusory egotistical self, projecting itself into eternity. Actually, this should be obvious if one has the courage to face these beliefs and where/to whom they originate.
So what is the purpose of gurus, spiritual paths and religions etc? Nothing at all like what most people believe. These are structures created within Consciousness to diversify experience, there is no real or right "path", as they're all plays or illusions within consciousness, and there is no path from consciousness to consciousness. Indeed, and I can understand why the ego of many will struggle to accept this, but there is no difference from the perspective of Consciousness (or God etc) between the crack addict dying for a hit, and a Satguru giving darshan, no difference whatsoever, they are both illusions, both are manifestations of One Consciousness forgetting itself and experiencing itself as "other", the "quality" of consciousness remains the same in both experiences.....
There does exist varying degrees of "realisation" of this, though. Somewhat paradoxically, though, the greater the degree of "realisation", the less "neccessary" it seems "realisation" of this becomes imo...because one realises nothing is gained or lost to consciousness. Everything is perfect as it is, self-fulfilling it's purpose. Beware those who threaten you with hell or eternal transmigration, they are trying to sell you something foreign and hook you in by fear. This realisation cannot be had via paths of fear, initiation, rules, dogmas, vows etc, as it transcends them all. "Realisation" is had for it's own sake, because one cannot breathe without it, not because one is scared of incarnation or hells, or desires eternal bliss in eternal heavens. Only follow a spiritual path if it is one's innate nature or tendency to the core, otherwise you are born a sheep who is trying to be a racehorse, and that can surely only lead to an unhappy life. And it IS one's innate nature or tendency which defines how "far" one goes on these "paths", not the path or guru or religion itself......they are all masks, pretences. Indeed, there is no limit or barrier to how one can access this realisation, there is not even any need for any outer "path" or guru at all, it can be attained just as easily by spontaneous chance, observing the flight of birds, an entheogen, a long run, a hike up a mountain etc.
So, Consciousness is everything, dividing itself infinitely to create infinite regions and realms of experience, each with their own limits, laws and boundaries, and infinite egos with an illusory sense of individuality to inhabit and experience them. One can actually experience these realms, as well as identifying completely with the unitary Consciousness behind them all, experiencing all these infinite realities simultaneously, sensing how everything is connected to everything else, through little openings unfolding in consciousness etc. It's a grand Divine Play, purely for entertainment! There is no limit to the worlds or experiences that can be experienced in consciousness, this cannot be over-emphasised. Every possible thing you can imagine to the power of infinity, and with infinite inter-connections, endlessly......
Love? Love is the energy Consciousness feels for itself when it believes itself to be a separate being, to drive itself back to unity, it's natural state. We are all loved because we are all conscious beings who believe ourselves (nost of the time!) to be separate....the universe can manifest this love in many ways, but we, in our own consciousness, must be open & receptive to it, not keep it out with walls of belief and thought (particularly materialistic and atheistic). What we believe in our consciousness becomes our reality, as reality is constructed by consciousness. However, in deepest identification with God/Consciousness, even love is absent, in my experience. There, the idea of "love" makes no sense at all, as there is only One being, contained within itself, with no "other" to love. That said, in dualistic "realms", "love" is the supreme driving force for most experience.
Science? Having spent decades deeply studying the science related to consciousness and reality, I am struck by how profoundly indicative they are of the reality of the experiential "truth" I state above. And we should not mistake pseudo-science or the philosophy of materialism (based on 18th century science) to distract us from that. From quantum physics to science's abject lack of comprehension of consciousness, everything points to the inexplicable, mysterious yet fundamentally important role of consciousness in creation & reality. We are literally unable, scientifically, to disentangle consciousness from matter. And the experience I speak of makes this abundantly clear in incredibly complex & clear ways....but ways so outside of our linguistic structures that it would be impossible to express. All the seeming randomness, "determinism", materialism etc is shown, clearly, to be an illusion/appearance within Consciousness, seemingly "random" and without meaning because we have lost touch with Consciousness and instead identify with a ego-mind with all it's intellectual & belief limitations; we lose sight of the bigger "Consciousness" picture. But, there is no need for grand spiritual visions to understand this. It's simple, are any of you able to describe an experience, a law of science, a physical observation etc that exists OUTSIDE of someone's conscious? Scientism & materialism, incredibly, seek to eliminate consciousness from our observations of the universe "out there"......pretending, magically, as if they are observing through something other than consciousness! It really is cognitive dissonance par excellance. It is one of the our current culture's grand delusions, that everything can be explained in materialistic terms, despite stating this from a position of pure non-materiality; consciousness itself! This I have understood directly and experientially in so-called "spiritual experience". It remains obvious to my mundane intellect, too. I really don't think this can be argued against, and it is deeply held beliefs that prevent materialists from understanding this.
Okay, this has gone on much longer than I expected! Finally I just wanted to add, what I write above is the REAL "perennial" mystical vision, encountered as the highest spiritual understanding, amongst many well-known religious founders such as Buddha. However, beyond that it is encountered by millions of other lesser known people, spontaneously, through a variety of means and contexts, by gurus, shamans, monks, during NDEs, entheogen use, spontaneously etc. The doctrine of cults, gurus and religions which disconnect you from what is more intimate to you than your breath - consciousness - who impose locks, keys, rules, initiations, vows etc, who tempt with bliss and heavens, who scare with hells and transmigration etc......these are traps, self-imposed prisons. Doctrines and dogmas which have evolved in and through time....they are not the timeless which can be grasped by anyone anywhere, without mediation! Think, who can come between you and you God/Consciousness?! They merely impose further limitations on consciousness and what it can experience. No doubt radiant forms and 5 regions exist - what can't Consciousness conjure up!
Ultimately, we are all loved, and there is nothing to fear or worry about. Except perhaps that we are all drowning in an Ocean of Self, of Love. Surrender!
Happy New Year to all!
I wish you all a very & joyous Happy New Year

On another forum, I recently posted up my current perspective on reality, based on a lifetime of exploration, research and experience etc - this is not something I do often. As I was going to post a quick "Happy New Year" here anyway, I thought I would copy and paste it here, in case somebody gets something of some use from it. Please ignore the references to a "path" & other forums none of you may be familiar with, they make no real difference anyway. I don't know to what extent this is "true" or whatever, but I can state with 100% certainty and sincerity that these are my literal experiences and understanding, with no exaggeration whatsoever - the opposite, if anything (as there are no words majestic enough to do the experience justice!).
Anyway, peace to all!:
Recently a strange thought occurred to me; for the past few years posting here and over at the RSS forum, I realise I very rarely, if ever, discuss my own realisations and experiences (and when I do it's with very little "passion" as they're ideas I've already expressed in the past, perhaps such as my experiences with RS or kundalini etc). Instead, I engage with the ideas and beliefs of the participants on these forums. So, as it's a new year, I thought I would do something different and write out my own current experience and understanding without any self-censorship. This is a daunting task; imo, normally on these forums what we do is merely express concepts and beliefs, as if moving around chess pieces on a board, trying to win the game of which concept or belief is the intellectual/rational victor. One may notice that there is very little actual experience of any sort which even remotely confirms the "reality" of these concepts & beliefs - if any experience at all. I know a lot of RS satsangis will dispute that, but to understand what I mean, one must understand that seeing the radiant form of a guru, experiencing synchronicities or miracles, feeling ecstasy in their presence etc does not prove the reality of reincarnation or "chaurasi" or needing a "perfect living master" to escape it, for example. That adding 2 plus 2 and getting 3,274,956.
Anyway, this post is an attempt at something else. It is attempting to describe actual experience, profound, infinite and beyond concept (ie. non-linear, non-rational etc), into as simple words and concepts as I can possibly manage.
This is the experience/realisation which unmistakably consumes all the gurus and paths, all the religions and teachings, and leaves you at total peace, without fear of death or grief or loneliness or incompleteness etc It cannot be disproven by any subsequent experience, philosophy or science...indeed, at their pinnacle, they all point to this truth. This is also a very simple and self-evident truth. It is a grand mystery - once realised - how astonishing it is that we are able to hypnotise ourselves into not realising this self-evident truth and reality. It is absolute perfection, nothing to do, nothing to worry about. It is without boundaries or gatekeepers, no gurus or spiritual paths which can connect you to it, or withhold it from you. It is merely the illusory construct of ego which prevents it's realisation and insists upon the "need" to do something to attain "it". But that is fine, there is no real need for "realisation" of it, as it's just perfect as it is, and our very seeming "forgetfulness" of it is as much a part of the "point" as is it's "realisation" of it, there is no higher or lower here, no chosen ones or forgotten ones!
What is the experience? it is that the entire creation of dualistic experience, from heavens to earths to hells, all the living organisms contained therein and their experiences, are manifestations of one undivided consciousness that we call God, dividing Itself endlessly to create infinite worlds, beings and experiences. The ego is a necessary construct, a tool of forgetfulness. Once it disappears, the universe disappears - and if Consciousness didn't want all this wonderous display, why did it create it in the first place? This One consciousness did this because - and here words are a mere echo of the experiential reality - when it remains as Oneness knowing it's Oneness, it is "lonely".....the universe, all it's infinite dimensions and experiences, is a kind of gift to Itself. But this can only be understood through direct experience, words are too limited to describe that which is meta-lingual.
What we call our selves, our egos, are actually merely "masks" worn by this singular consciousness. It is both woman and man, simultaneously, making love together, wearing masks to create the illusion of separation. It is both guru and seeker, consciousness has created this wonderful game of hide and seek! But do not think the consciousness in the guru is any different than that of the seeker. Neither is liberated at "death". Consciousness is ever-liberated, ever-free. It is merely the mask which is shed....of what sense does it make to speak of the reincarnation or liberation of masks? Once a bubble bursts, it has gone forever, and air returns to air. it is it is only the ego which clings to these narratives of bondage & liberation and feels fear pondering it's demise, the more puffed up it becomes, the more elaborate the eternal heavens and sach khands it creates for itself.. Death is an illusion, but not because when one dies their soul carries on. It is an illusion because this entire existence, along with all others, is contained within Consciousness as an appearance only (that we, mistakenly, identify with and take to be "real"). A mask is shed and that is all. This is experienced directly, immediately, and without any ambiguity or doubt possible, in deep spiritual experience.
As limited, embodied, conscious beings, as egos, we forget, due to the mechanics of embodiment, that we ARE THAT (One Consciousnes, infinitely dividing itself). This is essential, otherwise duality hence creation and experience, would not be possible. Once the ego is unravelled (either through death or deep spiritual experience), one returns to this natural state, there is nowhere else one could possibly go. All else are fantasies, desires and wishes of the illusory egotistical self, projecting itself into eternity. Actually, this should be obvious if one has the courage to face these beliefs and where/to whom they originate.
So what is the purpose of gurus, spiritual paths and religions etc? Nothing at all like what most people believe. These are structures created within Consciousness to diversify experience, there is no real or right "path", as they're all plays or illusions within consciousness, and there is no path from consciousness to consciousness. Indeed, and I can understand why the ego of many will struggle to accept this, but there is no difference from the perspective of Consciousness (or God etc) between the crack addict dying for a hit, and a Satguru giving darshan, no difference whatsoever, they are both illusions, both are manifestations of One Consciousness forgetting itself and experiencing itself as "other", the "quality" of consciousness remains the same in both experiences.....
There does exist varying degrees of "realisation" of this, though. Somewhat paradoxically, though, the greater the degree of "realisation", the less "neccessary" it seems "realisation" of this becomes imo...because one realises nothing is gained or lost to consciousness. Everything is perfect as it is, self-fulfilling it's purpose. Beware those who threaten you with hell or eternal transmigration, they are trying to sell you something foreign and hook you in by fear. This realisation cannot be had via paths of fear, initiation, rules, dogmas, vows etc, as it transcends them all. "Realisation" is had for it's own sake, because one cannot breathe without it, not because one is scared of incarnation or hells, or desires eternal bliss in eternal heavens. Only follow a spiritual path if it is one's innate nature or tendency to the core, otherwise you are born a sheep who is trying to be a racehorse, and that can surely only lead to an unhappy life. And it IS one's innate nature or tendency which defines how "far" one goes on these "paths", not the path or guru or religion itself......they are all masks, pretences. Indeed, there is no limit or barrier to how one can access this realisation, there is not even any need for any outer "path" or guru at all, it can be attained just as easily by spontaneous chance, observing the flight of birds, an entheogen, a long run, a hike up a mountain etc.
So, Consciousness is everything, dividing itself infinitely to create infinite regions and realms of experience, each with their own limits, laws and boundaries, and infinite egos with an illusory sense of individuality to inhabit and experience them. One can actually experience these realms, as well as identifying completely with the unitary Consciousness behind them all, experiencing all these infinite realities simultaneously, sensing how everything is connected to everything else, through little openings unfolding in consciousness etc. It's a grand Divine Play, purely for entertainment! There is no limit to the worlds or experiences that can be experienced in consciousness, this cannot be over-emphasised. Every possible thing you can imagine to the power of infinity, and with infinite inter-connections, endlessly......
Love? Love is the energy Consciousness feels for itself when it believes itself to be a separate being, to drive itself back to unity, it's natural state. We are all loved because we are all conscious beings who believe ourselves (nost of the time!) to be separate....the universe can manifest this love in many ways, but we, in our own consciousness, must be open & receptive to it, not keep it out with walls of belief and thought (particularly materialistic and atheistic). What we believe in our consciousness becomes our reality, as reality is constructed by consciousness. However, in deepest identification with God/Consciousness, even love is absent, in my experience. There, the idea of "love" makes no sense at all, as there is only One being, contained within itself, with no "other" to love. That said, in dualistic "realms", "love" is the supreme driving force for most experience.
Science? Having spent decades deeply studying the science related to consciousness and reality, I am struck by how profoundly indicative they are of the reality of the experiential "truth" I state above. And we should not mistake pseudo-science or the philosophy of materialism (based on 18th century science) to distract us from that. From quantum physics to science's abject lack of comprehension of consciousness, everything points to the inexplicable, mysterious yet fundamentally important role of consciousness in creation & reality. We are literally unable, scientifically, to disentangle consciousness from matter. And the experience I speak of makes this abundantly clear in incredibly complex & clear ways....but ways so outside of our linguistic structures that it would be impossible to express. All the seeming randomness, "determinism", materialism etc is shown, clearly, to be an illusion/appearance within Consciousness, seemingly "random" and without meaning because we have lost touch with Consciousness and instead identify with a ego-mind with all it's intellectual & belief limitations; we lose sight of the bigger "Consciousness" picture. But, there is no need for grand spiritual visions to understand this. It's simple, are any of you able to describe an experience, a law of science, a physical observation etc that exists OUTSIDE of someone's conscious? Scientism & materialism, incredibly, seek to eliminate consciousness from our observations of the universe "out there"......pretending, magically, as if they are observing through something other than consciousness! It really is cognitive dissonance par excellance. It is one of the our current culture's grand delusions, that everything can be explained in materialistic terms, despite stating this from a position of pure non-materiality; consciousness itself! This I have understood directly and experientially in so-called "spiritual experience". It remains obvious to my mundane intellect, too. I really don't think this can be argued against, and it is deeply held beliefs that prevent materialists from understanding this.
Okay, this has gone on much longer than I expected! Finally I just wanted to add, what I write above is the REAL "perennial" mystical vision, encountered as the highest spiritual understanding, amongst many well-known religious founders such as Buddha. However, beyond that it is encountered by millions of other lesser known people, spontaneously, through a variety of means and contexts, by gurus, shamans, monks, during NDEs, entheogen use, spontaneously etc. The doctrine of cults, gurus and religions which disconnect you from what is more intimate to you than your breath - consciousness - who impose locks, keys, rules, initiations, vows etc, who tempt with bliss and heavens, who scare with hells and transmigration etc......these are traps, self-imposed prisons. Doctrines and dogmas which have evolved in and through time....they are not the timeless which can be grasped by anyone anywhere, without mediation! Think, who can come between you and you God/Consciousness?! They merely impose further limitations on consciousness and what it can experience. No doubt radiant forms and 5 regions exist - what can't Consciousness conjure up!
Ultimately, we are all loved, and there is nothing to fear or worry about. Except perhaps that we are all drowning in an Ocean of Self, of Love. Surrender!
Happy New Year to all!