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manjit's Most Liked Post
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Hello, Great Work & a big Thank You!! 2017-08-17, 11:24 AM 14
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Hello, Great Work & a big Thank You!! Psience Quest Specific
Member Introductions
Post Message
Hello everybody, Wow - excellent, really pleased to see this place up and running.  :D :D :D Thank you so, so much to Ian, Typoz, Steve and others for taking the time and effort for directing me to this new forum - old link on phone and other devices has been deleted and replaced with this forum!!  :cool: Also another big thank you to all those involved with setting up this new forum - you may never know how much your efforts are appreciated, certainely by me, but I suspect by many, many others too, even if we don't often if ever express it! Thank you all so much and i genuinely look forward to reading and participating on this new forum  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :)

manjit's Received and Given Likes
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Last week 4 2
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Most liked by
Typoz 32 15%
Sciborg_S_Patel 30 14%
Stan Woolley 25 12%
Ninshub 25 12%
Laird 23 11%
Most liked
Sciborg_S_Patel 44 22%
Ninshub 20 10%
Typoz 18 9%
Stan Woolley 18 9%
tim 15 8%

