Multimedia Resources Thread - Deathbed Visions & ADCs

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(2020-01-18, 08:48 AM)Chris Wrote: A final presentation from last year's ParaMOOC course was uploaded last week:

Actually it seems this is the final presentation from ParaMOOC2019 to be uploaded.

Stephen E Braude. "Post-Mortem Survival: The Central Issues", May 18th, 2019:

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Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page - the Shattered Reality podcast has an interview with Sharon Hatfield, the author of a book entitled "Enchanted Ground: The Spirit Room of Jonathan Koons" [2018], about a famous mid-19th-century American medium:
Here's a 2008 TV documentary with Tony Robinson, from a short series called "Unexplained", about the medium Helen Duncan:
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Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page - here's a presentation by David T. Saunders given at the Parapsychological Association Convention last year, entitled "Mediumship Research in the 21st Century":
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Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, episode two of season seven of the BBC's "Out of the Ordinary" programme, Lightning before death (broadcast on 2 March 2020, runtime 28 mins), investigates "reports that people with severe dementia, or who haven't spoken for years, can sit up and have lucid conversations just before they die. Can it be true?"

(I haven't (yet?) listened to this - am sharing it only because the SPR recommends it).
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(2020-04-01, 12:23 PM)Laird Wrote: Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, episode two of season seven of the BBC's "Out of the Ordinary" programme, Lightning before death (broadcast on 2 March 2020, runtime 28 mins), investigates "reports that people with severe dementia, or who haven't spoken for years, can sit up and have lucid conversations just before they die. Can it be true?"

(I haven't (yet?) listened to this - am sharing it only because the SPR recommends it).
Interesting, as far as it goes, though flavoured with the BBC's own patented sauce recipe. Wink
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(2020-04-01, 02:02 PM)Typoz Wrote: Interesting, as far as it goes, though flavoured with the BBC's own patented sauce recipe. Wink

Was that pure dogma I heard in the presenters voice?  Rolleyes
Oh my God, I hate all this.   Surprise
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The Spooky Isles YouTube channel has published an interview with Andy Chaplin entitled "How I became a Psychic Medium: Andy Chaplin Interview". I haven't watched it (yet?) but thought it might be of interest others:

The Afterlife Investigations: the Scole Experiments – Free Documentary, by Bernie O’Connor on the Videos of the Damned blog reviews the movie of the title, concluding:

Quote:RATING: 3 Charley’s.
Undoubtedly, the claims made in this video, along with the many photos and videos presented, are incredible. With a complete suspension of belief that is. Over all it’s a well-produced video.

Quote:My personal take on this documentary is that a great deal of it could be authentic, and you will get the chills while viewing it. But in viewing it a number instances, I felt the producers couldn’t resist the temptation not to “pad it” with either visual effects or over-the-top claims.
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This is a very remarkable ADC (After death communication) report from a former sceptical materialist scientist. Stick with it, it's very persuasive because of the evidence he provides.   

Leben nach dem Tod – wissenschaftliche Belege | Oliver Lazar im Gespräch - YouTube

You have to select the auto translate (English) but it's pretty good.
(This post was last modified: 2021-10-09, 06:44 PM by tim.)
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