Multimedia Resources Thread - Deathbed Visions & ADCs

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I watched it - no trouble for me, because German is my third language.
Anyway, excellent and highly credible stuff!

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(2021-10-09, 06:42 PM)tim Wrote: This is a very remarkable ADC (After death communication) report from a former sceptical materialist scientist. Stick with it, it's very persuasive because of the evidence he provides.   

Leben nach dem Tod – wissenschaftliche Belege | Oliver Lazar im Gespräch - YouTube

You have to select the auto translate (English) but it's pretty good.

Thanks for this, was interesting to listen to it - happily, my German language is now good enough to understand everything, so no English subtitles was necessary.

Felt a kind of nostalgia while listening to it, BTW... Like these old times on the Mind-Energy forum, where Skeptiko once started, where I started posting. BTW, it was October 2011 when I began to participate in forum discussions, with my first post concerning Daryl Bem's precognition research - so this October is a 10-year anniversary for me.

Is here anyone who was there on Mind-Energy, like me, who remembers that old forum and the superb discussions there?

What I noticed about myself and others, and our forums (Skeptiko and Psience Quest) in general: predominant topics radically changed, from consciousness-related ones to society-related ones, like societally impactful scientific controversies (global warming, Covid-19 etc.) and political stuff connected to them, from conspiracy theories to the overall social criticism.

And, with change of topics, where was also a very notable change of mood and attitude - from friendliness to animocity. While debates of consciousness-related topics on Mind-Energy could also be pretty hot, they lacked the enmity, vehemence and fervent polarisation with which sociopolitical topics are being discussed nowadays.

Well, this change reflects the overall societal change for the darker and uglier - could anyone of us foresee, these years ago, how increasingly hellish our reality will become? It is like dystopias becoming real, before our very eyes. In such times, love and light of the spiritual are supressed and consumed by the hatred and darkness of the very worst aspects of the social. And it's only getting worse...
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.
—Oscar Wilde
(This post was last modified: 2021-10-13, 10:52 PM by Vortex.)
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@Vortex I recall the mind-energy forum days, though I think I was a bit of a late arrival there and some of that forum good-times may have been before I arrived.

While I agree that the topics under discussion on Skeptiko shifted, on the other areas I disagree.

Heaven and hell is a state of mind and in fact is subject to free will. We can choose for our own world to continue to get better and more optimistic and uplifting. We do need to remember from time to time that each of us is far more than surface appearances suggest, and not to fall into accepting the imaginary role or label which something external might apply to us.

Personally I take a very simple view of my own life.  Each day has its own challenges and opportunities. I try to make each day a good day, for myself and for those I meet along the way, as best I can. That's sufficient for me.
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(2021-10-14, 07:28 AM)Typoz Wrote: We do need to remember from time to time that each of us is far more than surface appearances suggest, and not to fall into accepting the imaginary role or label which something external might apply to us.

Personally I take a very simple view of my own life.  Each day has its own challenges and opportunities. I try to make each day a good day, for myself and for those I meet along the way, as best I can. That's sufficient for me.

It’s tricky, the first paragraph I’ve copied above is far more ‘tricky’ than the second, which I heartily endorse. (‘Heartily’ may not be right, I might instead use ‘tend to’  Wink)

The first is worthy of lots of discussion, the second I see as being far ‘closer to truth’ in a way. I think the former involves the reality of being a human on this earth, the second is your way of playing this game we call life. Many people give little or no thought to the meaning within the first paragraph. I didn’t, until I was given the opportunity to do so when my ‘first para life’ was radically altered.

Perhaps we are not meant to have time, until we’re ready to ask questions? Was my love of aviation really greater than my love of the big questions? I think it may have been, but more on the ego level. I love my life now, yet it’s currently as challenging as it ever has been.

Gratitude is such a powerful feeling, imagine if I moved on to Love!
Oh my God, I hate all this.   Surprise
(This post was last modified: 2021-10-14, 08:08 AM by Stan Woolley.)
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(2021-10-14, 08:00 AM)Stan Woolley Wrote: It’s tricky, the first paragraph I’ve copied above is far more ‘tricky’ than the second, which I heartily endorse. (‘Heartily’ may not be right, I might instead use ‘tend to’  Wink)

The first is worthy of lots of discussion, the second I see as being far ‘closer to truth’ in a way. I think the former involves the reality of being a human on this earth, the second is your way of playing this game we call life. Many people give little or no thought to the meaning within the first paragraph. I didn’t, until I was given the opportunity to do so when my ‘first para life’ was radically altered.

Perhaps we are not meant to have time, until we’re ready to ask questions? Was my love of aviation really greater than my love of the big questions? I think it may have been, but more on the ego level. I love my life now, yet it’s currently as challenging as it ever has been.

Gratitude is such a powerful feeling, imagine if I moved on to Love!

Well, that first paragraph was difficult for me to put into words. Sometimes I just stop myself in my tracks and look at myself, perhaps noting that I'm (at that moment rather than generally), I'm undervaluing myself. This isn't raising oneself above one's fellows, just dragging myself up out of the dust sometimes.

Gratitude, sometimes I have need to thank others who have helped or supported me. Other times, when I'm outdoors and the sun shines, I'm just grateful for that. I express my thanks sometimes just for that moment.
(This post was last modified: 2021-10-14, 08:34 AM by Typoz.)
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(2021-10-09, 06:42 PM)tim Wrote: This is a very remarkable ADC (After death communication) report from a former sceptical materialist scientist. Stick with it, it's very persuasive because of the evidence he provides.   

Leben nach dem Tod – wissenschaftliche Belege | Oliver Lazar im Gespräch - YouTube

You have to select the auto translate (English) but it's pretty good.

This is the English-dubbed version:

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(2022-12-15, 02:38 AM)Ninshub Wrote: This is the English-dubbed version:

I enjoyed that… he had a similar experience to the one I had in 2021…

I’m still open minded about mine… sometimes I think I was picked up by something.. other times something dived into me… but like him, it was preceded by this strange - best way I can describe it currently- is total surrender, then a question, and a refusal by me to answer it.. a surrender that I did not know the answer, it was anger, but resigned to overwhelming sadness… and when it hit, I was totally released “chains thrown off”, and I felt like I was given an answer…

I’ve always been able to do the goosebumps, raised hair thing at will.. but since the kitchen experience… it is much stronger, it also writhes around more up my spine. Sometimes it’s spontaneous, and I have wondered like him, whether it’s a felt reaction to something passing close to me - reacting to it. Other times it blazes away when I hit upon a powerful idea, and I wonder whether it’s signalling that this is the correct direction of thought. This is going to sound very strange… but when it happens, it feels open, connected, selfless, fearless, powerful, and writhes around like it wants to break free, as if it’s not external at all, but something internal wanting to break out.. and it feels most like a warrior.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring 
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
(This post was last modified: 2022-12-15, 09:11 AM by Max_B. Edited 1 time in total.)
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