(2019-02-20, 10:25 PM)leadville Wrote: It's arguable that you are unlikely to learn how to do it, hell or not. It's said - and can't be disproven - that mediums are born with the necessary, latent attributes.
It is likely that childhood trauma causes an increased incidence of mediumship (as well as disease):
Quote:In addition, self-identified mediums report a higher incidence of childhood trauma than do non-medium populations of similar ages and genders. Because of the established relationship between childhood trauma and adult physical disease and our research finding that a single mediumship reading did not cause any changes in various hematological and psychophysiological factors in participants, we have concluded that the increased incidence of disease in mediums is related to the increased incidence of childhood trauma. Thus, we have concluded that it is not mediumship that causes an increase in disease but trauma that causes both disease and mediumship.