Jim Smith has moved his original post to another section of the forum. This means he will not acknowledge any of my criticisms of his post. It is unlikely he will respond here again in this part of the forum. This is a shame.
I discovered he has made errors in his post about the said photographs.
Quote:Photos of Seances taken by Sven Türck. "The Danish psychic researcher and photographer Sven Türck took many photos of Jonsson's psychokinetic powers, protected against any form of cheating through strict controls in his laboratory."
I guess Jim has got confused with the Swedish psychic Olof Jonsson. Jonsson did not perform seances though...
The photographs in question taken by Türck actually depict the spiritualist medium Børge Michaelson and the photographs were not taken in a laboratory but in his own home. There is no reason to believe these were scientifically controlled experiments.
I suggest users here click on the above link for information about the photographs. They are taken from Türck's book
[i]Jeg var dus med Aanderne... which translates (
I was Familiar with the Spirits).[/i]
[Image: 2.-Sven-Turck-laboratorium-i-Koebenhavn.jpg]
It seems Børge Michaelson was fond of jumping...
In conclusion: These photographs are evidence of fraud, not levitation.