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(2018-01-11, 05:50 PM)Typoz Wrote: Still not seeing it. I wonder whether it works for anyone else?

I tried it now and for me there pop up a new grey button far out to the right, above the other buttons.
So it apparently works.
(Even though I have had the habit of putting in dots for the part I leave out of a quote, so as to not give the impression that was all that was written.)
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(2018-01-20, 07:51 PM)Max_B Wrote: No grey reply button appears for me when I highlight text.

This is probably a really unhelpful question to ask but I have to be totally sure: you don't have Javascript disabled, do you?

(2018-01-20, 07:51 PM)Max_B Wrote: Dunno what the quote+ quote- button is for either, as it doesn't seem to do anything.

"Quote+" adds the post to a list of posts to be quoted. You can click it on different posts to select multiple posts to be quoted (and then remove individual posts from the list by clicking the "Quote-" button). If all's working well, then if there is at least one selected "Quote+" post, a message will appear at the bottom of the edit window: "You have selected one or more posts to quote. Quote these posts now or deselect them". Clicking on "Quote these posts now" (which is a hyperlink) will insert all of the selected posts (quoted) into the edit window. Clicking "deselect them" will... well, you get the idea.

Again, this will only work if Javascript is enabled - but since Firefox makes it difficult to disable, it's highly likely that it is enabled.
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(2018-01-21, 10:02 AM)Max_B Wrote: Yes, Javascript is enabled Laird.

OK, thanks for that. Maybe there's a Javascript error due to some sort of compatibility issue. If you're willing to go to this trouble, Max, could you please press F12 to bring up Firefox's web developer tools, then click on the "Console" tab of those tools, and then note down any messages that might appear in the output of that tab when you select text that is supposed to bring up the "Reply" button?

(2018-01-21, 10:02 AM)Max_B Wrote: Ah, Ok that's helpful regarding the quote+- button, it works across multiple posts!

Yes! Is it working for you?
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(2018-01-21, 05:22 PM)Max_B Wrote: All I can see is this...

TypeError: MyBBEditor.sourceMode is not a function

That's very helpful, and is probably a clue to the problem. To the very right of that there should be an indication as to the source file and line that the error's occurring in - if you could share that too it would be helpful.
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(2018-01-21, 07:04 AM)Laird Wrote: "Quote+" adds the post to a list of posts to be quoted. You can click it on different posts to select multiple posts to be quoted (and then remove individual posts from the list by clicking the "Quote-" button). If all's working well, then if there is at least one selected "Quote+" post, a message will appear at the bottom of the edit window: "You have selected one or more posts to quote. Quote these posts now or deselect them". Clicking on "Quote these posts now" (which is a hyperlink) will insert all of the selected posts (quoted) into the edit window. Clicking "deselect them" will... well, you get the idea.

Ah - This is very useful to know. I had thought the quote button was somehow disabled until I read this and tried it. Now I see that I have to confirm the addition of the quote(s) before they appear in the post.

Thanks Smile
I do not make any clear distinction between mind and God. God is what mind becomes when it has passed beyond the scale of our comprehension.
Freeman Dyson
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(2018-01-21, 08:26 PM)Max_B Wrote: Dunno if that helps...


That's the sort of thing that would help very much, yes, except it would help even more if you could include the associated error messages too (i.e. similar to what you shared in your previous post, "TypeError: MyBBEditor.sourceMode is not a function"). All I currently see for those is stuff that I can't interpret, such as "<anonymous>", "i", "fireWith", etc.

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