
7 Replies, 1931 Views

So Alex has erased a post of mine and suspended my account on Skeptiko. I doubt there will be any sort of appeal, so I might as well move over here. 

Hello, everyone!
[-] The following 7 users Like chotki's post:
  • berkelon, tim, Brian, Typoz, Max_B, Laird, Doug
Wow, it's becoming a running gag. In any event, it's terrific to have you here, chotki - welcome! Smile
[-] The following 3 users Like Ninshub's post:
  • tim, E. Flowers, Max_B
Thanks! I'll probably be rather periodic, and especially quiet in the near future as I wrap up the PhD, but I look forward to more conversations with interesting people.
[-] The following 2 users Like chotki's post:
  • malf, Ninshub
Welcome to the land of the banned. Smile
I do not make any clear distinction between mind and God. God is what mind becomes when it has passed beyond the scale of our comprehension.
Freeman Dyson
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(2017-08-27, 09:01 AM)Max_B Wrote: Well Bailey just said he wants people to come back, all your sins will be forgiven if you'll only return into the arms of AT. And DB will even put a good word in with the boss. if you'll only repent in public, and throw yourself upon the mercy of AT. Lol...

I see AT has begun a drive to restore his badly damaged public image, with that video interview... he's all smiles, ease and bonhomie as he flashes those pearly whites at the viewers... and Bailey now bizarrely states they are getting rid of proponents who don't act nice to sceptics, as SF is now all about welcoming skeptics and hearing their arguments.

So which forum was it where most of the skeptics were banned?
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