An optical illusion for the ears?

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BBC news article about a silent animated GIF which makes 70% of people think they can hear a thudding sound:
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(2017-12-05, 08:28 PM)Chris Wrote: BBC news article about a silent animated GIF which makes 70% of people think they can hear a thudding sound:

It just so happens that I had a tooth extraction yesterday and since then, for some odd reason, I've been hearing my heartbeat in my right ear (the same side as the now missing tooth). Watching that jump-rope sequence in the GIF, I noticed that it was perfectly in tune with my resting heartbeat.
I do not make any clear distinction between mind and God. God is what mind becomes when it has passed beyond the scale of our comprehension.
Freeman Dyson
As the Mafia boss told me: I heard nothing.
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I came across that yesterday, it did nothing for me.

Though it was frustrating to have to do a web search to find the actual gif. The BBC article has only jpeg and mp4 copies.

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(2017-12-06, 07:59 AM)Typoz Wrote: I came across that yesterday, it did nothing for me.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=55]

Aha, so that is what high voltage pylons is doing when no one is watching.....- skipping rope!!
I knew it!!
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(2017-12-06, 08:25 AM)Max_B Wrote: Yeah, the camera vibration part does something to my eyes, that's where I most feel it (as a vibration), and then that seems to trigger a noiseless thud in my body. I can't actually hear anything, but I can, if you know what I mean. It's the sudden and violent camera vibration that does it for me.

Yes, I sense something weird when the camera vibrates. It almost feels as though the muscles in my ear are doing something.
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It's the camera vibration that does something. But if you close your eyes, there's no sensation at all. Hence, for me, there's no actual sound.
(2017-12-05, 09:14 PM)Kamarling Wrote: It just so happens that I had a tooth extraction yesterday and since then, for some odd reason, I've been hearing my heartbeat in my right ear (the same side as the now missing tooth). Watching that jump-rope sequence in the GIF, I noticed that it was perfectly in tune with my resting heartbeat.

Even though you'll not see this reply there's no mystery. That area has been traumatized and your body is sending more blood to heal by enlarging blood vessels. This creates more blood pressure, enough to disturb the surrounding tissue and with every beat that tissue moves thus creating sound.

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