A Divine quote?

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(2020-05-05, 04:12 PM)Laird Wrote: So, if a Microsoft representative calls you on the phone, and tells you that he wants to help you to get rid of the virus on your computer, then, even though he's a scammer, your experience of that scammer as being from Microsoft is real. And if we can't believe our own experience of a scammer as a Microsoft representative, then what can we believe?

Hmm. I'm not sure how useful that is.

What I’m saying is the feelings/emotions I experience as a result of the phone call from the rep, maybe over a ten minute period going from happiness + relief, to doubt, then confusion to frustration and finally to anger - those things are real. Emotions/feelings and sensations are the only thing that we can really know. Anything else goes through filters, possibly even the emotions I mentioned get filtered to some degree as they pass through our brain?

I imagine that at some point (an NDE, the afterlife debrief, who knows?)it’s possible to sit down with a teacher, and review and discuss our reactions to such emotions. Were they sensible, did they help or did they hinder, how was the rep affected etc. I tend to think these are the sort of things that are actually rather important.
Oh my God, I hate all this.   Surprise
(2020-05-05, 04:12 PM)Brian Wrote: If you take all the situations where you use the word love (except for the colloquial use of "liking a lot") and you strip them of all the things that are unique to those individual situations and if you remove every sense of "being in love" and anything else that is more to do with your own pleasure than with the other person, then you are left with only one feeling that you can refer to as "love" - caring deeply.  This is the feeling that remains between you and your spouse when the fireworks are over and is what keeps you together.  The sense of "love" you get from peak experiences is more akin to "being in love" than to actual love.

I was struck by Rupert Spira when he pointed out that when we fall deeply in love, it all our own doing.

Nobody physically adds anything to us or anything like that, it’s all in our mind. I defy anyone that’s ever fallen in love to say it isn’t a real ‘thing’.
Oh my God, I hate all this.   Surprise
(2020-05-05, 04:59 PM)Stan Woolley Wrote: Emotions/feelings and sensations are the only thing that we can really know.

OK. So, it seems that your answer to the question, "What is love?" is: "Love is an emotion/feeling/sensation".

(2020-05-05, 05:42 PM)Laird Wrote: OK. So, it seems that your answer to the question, "What is love?" is: "Love is an emotion/feeling/sensation".


*For me, that’s as close as I think I can come using language.

I must admit, I feel like a golf ball being manoeuvred on to a tee!  Unsure

*I maintain the right to be wrong, see my lawyer for further details.

Big Grin
Oh my God, I hate all this.   Surprise
(2020-05-05, 05:53 PM)Stan Woolley Wrote: *For me, that’s as close as I think I can come using language.

I must admit, I feel like a golf ball being manoeuvred on to a tee!  Unsure

*I maintain the right to be wrong, see my lawyer for further details.

Big Grin

Yeah that's fine and it's not the point I was trying to make. My thing is that feeling "love" coming from some being isn't really a good reason to consider said being loving or good or whatever. It's smarter to judge them on their actions. Even if they artificially beam love inducing stuff at you it doesn't mean they're being malicious either. When I used to get a lot more poltergeist activity I used to get people who'd show up and emanate good feelings and I'd still question them on who they were and why they were there. According to some of them beaming out good vibes was sort of standard procedure to help put people at ease since many have a tendency to freak out a bit. I know first hand that the generic feeling of energy, even when completely neutral, can feel somewhat uncomfortable, kinda like soft but heavy static. The generic feeling of a "presence" which can be scary. So I can understand the desire to mask that or colour it a bit to remove that reaction.
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I think this vid belongs in this thread if only for the ending.

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