Why are We Here? Jane Goodall interview

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WaWH?: Jane Goodall

Quote:Ard: So when Bertje showed real, what I would consider loving behaviour, and he would hug you and be very affectionate, very loving. So they have a loving side.

JG: Absolutely: love, compassion, true altruism. I mean, there are wonderful stories of chimpanzee altruism. Like a young male at Gombe, a twelve-year-old adolescent, and he adopted a motherless three-year-old who had no older brother or sister who would normally look after an orphan.

But little Mel didn’t have an older brother or sister, and we thought he’d die. Three, just beginning to be able to survive without his mother’s milk, just. But we didn’t think he’d make it, and then Spindle waited for him and let him travel on his back, even clinging below if it was cold or Mel was frightened. And then Mel would creep up to his nest at night, and Spindle was lying in the nest and Mel was always a little bit apprehensive. And he’d, ‘Ooh, Ooh,’ and Spindle would reach out and draw him close.

David: And they weren’t related?

JG: Not at all.

David: So this was just genuine care and generosity?

JG: Yes. I think when you have the long-term family supportive bonds they have, which can last through a life of up to 70 years in captivity, then all of that behaviour – of nurturing and caring for another – is kind of, now, inbuilt, so you can extend it, like we do, out beyond the immediate family.

Quote:Ard: So I’ll tell you another story of our chimpanzee. We had chickens as well, and one day there was a mother hen with little chicks, and he kind of sat there pretending to mind his own business until they got very close and he grabbed the chick. And, of course, he was playing with it, and his hands were so strong, he just killed it, and then he got bored because it wasn’t doing anything. And then he noticed that the mother hen was coming, very protectively, trying to get the chick. So what he did is, he would hold the little chick out like this and entice her to come. And then when she got close, he tried to grab her: bang! And so this poor mother hen was trying to get her chick back – her dead chick – and he was just teasing her with it. And I was shocked by that behaviour. I thought, that’s morally outrageous: you take someone’s young and you basically used it as a game.

The second bit is why I am wary when people act as if their pet was capable of human recognition of things like a baby's vulnerability. To an animal a baby could be sufficiently different from a human to inflict harm upon IMO.
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

(This post was last modified: 2023-10-29, 04:32 PM by Sciborg_S_Patel. Edited 2 times in total.)
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Does WaWh refer to a website or whatever?

(2023-10-29, 05:50 PM)David001 Wrote: Does WaWh refer to a website or whatever?


Just shortening Why Are We Here. I guess that is a bit too lazy on my part, since I can cut and paste it from the title. Apologies!
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

Jane Goodall and Francis Collins | Being Human

Quote:Jane Goodall and Francis Collins talk about the importance of hope in conservation and the spiritual side of human existence.

Scroll down to see transcript


I’m Jane Goodall, and I have a degree in ethology. So I’m an ethologist, but also a conservationist and environmentalist. And I think my main job right now in grim times is to give people hope.


I’m Francis Collins, I’m the director of the National Institutes of Health. I’m a physician, a scientist, a believer in God and the founder of BioLogos.


Welcome to Language of God. I’m Jim Stump.

Our regular listeners will know that Francis Collins is the founder of BioLogos, leader of the Human Genome Project, and the current director of the NIH. We talk to him about as often as his schedule allows. But we only found out fairly recently that he’s friends with Jane Goodall. We hear in this episode how that came about, and even a bit of the tension that still exists between people developing vaccines and defenders of animal welfare.

Jane Goodall, of course, is a pioneer in the study of chimpanzees from her time in Tanzania. That led to conservation work more generally, and the founding of the Jane Goodall Institute over 40 years ago. It aims to inspire people to conserve the natural world, thereby improving the lives of people, animals, and the environment.

Having these two on the podcast together is pretty special, given that they are the two most recent recipients of the Templeton Prize, which honors scientific and spiritual curiosity....
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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