What Dreams May Come.....

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Listening and reading about NDE's, of all different kinds, that dont seem to "fit together". Many of them are consistent, but they all doesn't tie together. I wonder if they ALL aren't "true". I know the Bardo thodol,  The Egyptian Book Of Death, the Abrhamic religions "guidance". My father died last year, but he told me a year before that; that he had such a vivid dream, that he thought he was awake, and he was in a complete black void, just hanging/floating/existing ( he didn't know for how long...but a long time) and suddenly he flet like the "blackness" around him was "closing in" like he suddenly was in a "smaller cube" of blackness. And he felt a "presence"....something was there in that cube...watching..."accessing him" in some way. And just as "IT" was saying something, he woke up in the bed" This is, for us reading about/hearing about NDE's is the VOID. Floating in fucking nothingness, boarding the sanity of those "there".

But I've read, and listening so much about DMT-expreiences, and they ALL almost speaks of the same thing. Jokers/jesters, almost taunting you, trying to "join them". "Were have you been, why didn't you come before" some say. They interact and wants you to join them and do what they do, because "it's fun". "look at this? Dont you wanna do this" they say; and show you some intricate colourful patterns, and egging you on. And when some DMT'rs are feeling they going out of their "trip", they hear them shout"; Come back...stay with us,...stay with us forever"

I think these "dribbling basketballs" and "jokers" are just "doorkeepers". They are the fuckers you might interact with if , when you die, are the ones you are presented with, because you, as a soul, are not along the "ladder enough" to surpass them. Almost everyone I hear who have done DMT "meets them", and they really want you to "stay" there. They put on a "show", to distract and lure you in.
But I think this is just a "station" that one have to "navigate through". They obviously want you there" to stay. So they put on a "show". Ask any DMT'er. They say almost the SAME thing in their experiences.

I know it sounds a bit like a rambling. But I think we all goes through different "stations" after death.Some seem to go straight "home" and meet loved ones. But others seems to directly be stuck in a one-way" mirror experience of their actual life here; eg; being a "ghost". Seeing everything, but not be seen by anyone. Some seem to get the "purgatory" for lack of better word. It might be blackness - forever - just floating in insanity. Or, even worse; Hell...for sure. We are NOT lacking NDE'rs experience of that. Even some who have been resuscitated in hospitals screaming directly; "please dont make me go back"the first they do.

If I bet my money I think it will be a bit like the Bardo thodol. We're you are met with the absolute worts version of yourself, that you will have to "battle", and in the end, realize you are just fighting yourself. But after that??...will youy be reconciled with your true self, or will you be held in an never-ending battle with yourself, and dont realize the fact you are fighting yourself in a ring-battle that will never end, until you " see yourself, acknowledge, and accept, and forgive yourself.."?
But what do I know?
BUT nevertheless; I dont think ANYONE is prepared for it.

PS: sry for my grammar, and generally incoherent rambling - a bit tipsy
(This post was last modified: 2020-06-28, 03:30 AM by Pollux.)
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