Upcoming Events

3 Replies, 6005 Views

Please post links to upcoming events here.

[Also note that as of early 2020, upcoming events posted here are also being added to our Psience News pages and to our calendar --Laird]
(This post was last modified: 2020-03-21, 04:05 PM by Laird.)
Not sure if this is the right place for this (btw, shouldn't events be a board on its own rather than a thread in a sub of Philosophy?) but I want to arrange an event around our field of interest or a series of them. 

I have a cafe/bookshop in East Sussex, UK so if anyone wants to work on such a thing with me then let me know.... either in organising or giving a talk yourself. Have already had a few talks and got Christopher Josiffe on "Gef the Talking Mongoose" coming up but want also some 'Skeptiko' style talks too.
(2017-08-15, 12:27 PM)Tarquin Rees Wrote: btw, shouldn't events be a board on its own rather than a thread in a sub of Philosophy?

Doug has very conscientiously created an "Upcoming Events" thread in each of the relevant subs. This one just happens to be the one in the "Philosophy" sub. If your event isn't to do with philosophy, then maybe try the same thread in the relevant sub (maybe the Upcoming Events thread in this forum: Psience QuestExtended Consciousness PhenomenaPsi Phenomena (ESP, PK, Remote Viewing, etc.)?).
(This post was last modified: 2017-08-15, 01:00 PM by Laird. Edit Reason: Fixed a typo. )
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The 20th Annual Conference of the Consciousness and Experiential Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, entitled "Exceptional Experiences", will be on 7-8 September at Regents University, Regents Park, London. The keynote speakers will be Etzel Cardeña, Milan Scheidegger and Chris Roe:

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