There... and back again, somehow in one piece

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This... was a journey, far more profound than any thus far. I feel compelled to write this down... how does one find balance between documenting profound experiences so as to not forget them, while not coming across as preachy or full of oneself or narcissistic, or is that all just irrational fear? Sigh, I don't know... but here goes nothing... or something:

In preparation for my Ayahuasca journey, my loong and tiger spirits stayed in the background, apparently building up energy for tonight's journey, as my loong had plans... healing in multiple angles. Our connection had just been getting stronger and stronger thanks to all of the sober world energy healing it was putting me through over the last few weeks. The extra clarity caused a sort of... schism in me, where I was at once delighted that such a reality was possible, yet at the same time feeling like it far too much, that part of me, my Shadow, wanted it to stop, for things to make sense... a loong has thoughtful, clever solutions for everything, though, somehow... it's crazy how just clever a spirit can be, thinking far outside the box, that I can barely follow if wasn't having me follow along with the thought process.

The journey comes, and the come up is... smooth? Me, my loong and tiger eventually travel up this tunnel and break into this... space. The loong comments interestedly that this feels like the DMT hyperspace I've been interested in... and it notes that in the distance were the so-called DMT elves that Terence McKenna talked about so much ~ it asks them questions, and they respond, though they can't say everything in this space, because they're waiting for me to take DMT proper, so they can teach all of us some cool tricks that we seem capable of in their words? They're all giddiness and silliness and yet they're barely containing their composure. Eventually, they bade us goodbye, and we leave that space.

And that was... without my fully having come up yet?! What was even happening... I ended up in a headspace where I felt the desire to travel... the loong and tiger held their paws firmly against my back, to stay close to me as my mind wandered where it would. I ended up flying... to somewhere in the Amazon, meeting this shaman, who seemed to recognize me ~ I looked familiar to him. He was like, oh, it's you. Cool, your tiger is with you, and what's this entity, as he gazed curiously at my loong? I explained, and he mused for a few moments, saying he might have run into one at some point somewhere. He examined my energies, and gave me something to drink, saying it would strengthen me ~ spiritual medicine. He waved me away, saying that we would meet again ~ maybe physically at some point in the future. Taking the medicine, it blazed through my body, form, whatever I was in that state ~ it burned through and expanded my energy, and then I just went fully limp, feeling barely conscious. Maybe my body needed to acclimate to the force of it... I felt like I might pop from the force, as my body just roared with energy I could see, lighting me up fully.

Slightly hazy after that, but my loong was becoming very mischievous and playful again, just letting fully loose. We danced and flowed... my tiger felt compelled to join in, drawn by the intensity. We all danced... it was like a circus, full of wonder and beauty and... showmanship. I wasn't fully how I was doing any of what I was doing, just that I was witness to myself doing impossible things that made perfect sense in that headspace.

Then we go even further into a previously impossible to imagine space... my loong comments wonderingly... is this heaven? What is this pure state, where we were all feeling pure and whole and perfect? It was sublime and beautiful, beyond description. Then things got... weirder. We ascended even further into some... conceptual space, where there was a pure void of infinity, white, purely serene and full of... fullness. Yet we had no bodies or forms ~ we were... points of existence in this space. My loong panicked slightly and wondered what the hell was happening, what even is this??? They demand that my angelic spirit guides explain what... even is happening. They pop into existence beside us. The loong asks... well, actually, what even are you? My angel guide laughs softly and says, well, I don't know... spirit? It notes that the loong is also similar in this state, and so was I. What is this? Conceptual reality, where thoughts and intentions are reality. You become what you feel.

The loong seems stumped by this new information, wondering what to do with it. Ideas and thought begin to slowly form in its mind. It thinks long and hard, and eventually manifests a full form that feels as heavy as my tiger's. The loong comments happily that it decided to create something that would feel as if it were physical in nature, more defined, more solid. It's a slightly weird experience, as this is its imagination of what it might be like if it had even physically incarnated. In that state, I had no idea whether it was accurate or not.

Eventually, I was drawn to connecting with my parallel lives again, my tiger leading me the whole time, happily ~ my loong queried that if you have a connection, then there's a reason, and so you should explore what it has to teach you, because why waste such a gift? Gooseberry I casually greeted, and he happily greeted me in turn ~ and then... stuff got weirder. My headspace was of a spinning kaleidoscope that turned and shifted and spun ~ I ended up unwittingly pulling Gooseberry fully into that space mentally, but he acclimated quickly enough, thanks to prior experience. He peered at me and everything with an appearance of almost mild interest, though he was brimming with fascination, lost for proper words, just sticking at saying what made sense for him. But, life calls, and he noted softly that he needed to go back his family. The kaleidoscope immediately pauses for us, just frozen, and he notes, oh, that's very kind of it to do that. He thanks me happily and merrily and bows out of the space. I think he would have stayed longer, but family is family. Being a father and husband(?) isn't the easiest thing... Smile

I connected to my other life with Fredreich, and he was just lounging by a lake with his dragon. They were just happy and content with their lot, saying hi to me, that they're doing quite fine indeed. I smile and leave them to their own devices. I then disconnect. There's a flurry of different events that happen that I don't remember. My tiger comments on various aspects about our past life that she's still worried about, traumas, and we work work through it.

The I connect with Gooseberry again, and he's meditating next to his mate and hatchlings. He immediately notices me, and says hi. I'm not sure how much time passed, but it seemed irrelevant. I ask him how he's been, how he's doing, and he notes that the weather has been strange, but it's been like this on occasion, with destruction and danger. He's been feeling off because of it. We say our goodbyes, and more flurries of events I don't recall happen.

Then I connect to my other major parallel life with Aralen, and this one was... very in-depth. We connected easily, and he casually said, oh, hi, you're here. I asked him about how he'd been, and he sighed... the forest wasn't the safest place ~ one tribe member got bitten by something poisonous and died, and he felt like he'd failed them, worrying himself sick with guilt. He was supposed to be a strong leader, being stoic, yet he could barely hold his emotions together... a leader has to maintain appearances of strength, so as to not lose trust, to not be challenged by the others for showing weakness... he was doing it, barely. He was a bit of a scattered mess, barely holding himself together.

Something in me felt compelled to share a lot of details about the nature of his soul nature with him, and he was mildly fascinated at first, but then trembled at it being far too much, that it was too much. He was who he was, not... me, whoever I was anyways ~ I was in some state as an oversoul at that point, not soul, but oversoul? ~ and he wanted to remain him, him, not something he wasn't. Why are you telling me this? I'm the emotional one, not the intellectual one! He ranted and almost screamed at me, saying it was all too much ~ I don't understand what you're even showing me, it's... too much information, as if he was on the verge of a mental breakdown. His screaming scared off some predator, annoyed some birds who were just trying to sleep.

I show him the nature of what incarnation is... the soul is a garden, a big garden, and each incarnation is a seed that becomes a profound tree, stretching far above and far below. His individuality was never at threat ~ his individuality has its source in the soul, and it nurtures his uniqueness so that he has become who he currently is. I say that he is more him than ever ~ he is that tree, full of splendor and nothing can take that from him. He seems to anxiously accept, yet not understanding, feeling unlike himself, as if he's slipping away, becoming not himself. He's barely clinging to sanity.

Oversoul-me just simply tells him to seek out comfort in his mate. He silently agrees with some glumness. He goes to her, and he just has a full emotional breakdown, sobbing, crying, ranting, yelling, just lost in the throes of his emotions, pain, grief, worries and passions. He's a broken mess. His mate just... serenely listens with full compassion, unflinchingly, allowing him to empty himself of his pain. After he'd exhausted himself, he demanded that she say something ~ she's the intellectual one ~ and she just said that he worries too much. All of that cosmic knowledge and stuff? Accept it for what it is, and it won't bother you. He's skeptical, but then just decides to listen to her soothing, honeyed words, unable to resist. She's been communicating a lot with my tiger, and they had shared basically everything they knew about each other, as they are the same soul. He comments dryly that she's become almost strange and different. She laughs, and says that she's just learned stuff while he's been out being brave and reckless. Your soul saved you multiple times from death, so be grateful, she adds dryly. He sighs and grumbles that it was all skill, though he's accepted the inevitable at this point, seeking vague sanctuary in one last thing he feels he can claim as just his. We say our goodbyes, him gazing gently at his mate all the while, lost and enamoured by her wisdom and love.

The connection pops away, and I slowly flow back down to a sober headspace, the light show fading slowly, back to dancing with my loong and tiger again. It almost feels like a silly circus act ~ but the most intricate, impossible one you can imagine. It shouldn't be possible, but it was, the dance. It was... surreal, weird and beautiful.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

(This post was last modified: 2024-12-09, 07:19 AM by Valmar. Edited 4 times in total.)
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