The theory that quantum correlations are more fundamental than space-time:

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The theory that quantum correlations are more fundamental than space-time

Quote:Bizarre quantum bonds connect distinct moments in time, suggesting that quantum links — not space-time — constitute the fundamental structure of the universe.

Quote:Quantum physics offers a way. In 2012, Jay Olson and Timothy Ralph, both physicists at the University of Queensland in Australia, laid out a procedure to encrypt data so that it can be decrypted only at a specific moment in the future. Their scheme exploits quantum entanglement, a phenomenon in which particles or points in a field, such as the electromagnetic field, shed their separate identities and assume a shared existence, their properties becoming correlated with one another’s. Normally physicists think of these correlations as spanning space, linking far-flung locations in a phenomenon that Albert Einstein famously described as “spooky action at a distance.” But a growing body of research is investigating how these correlations can span time as well. What happens now can be correlated with what happens later, in ways that elude a simple mechanistic explanation. In effect, you can have spooky action at a delay.

These correlations seriously mess with our intuitions about time and space. Not only can two events be correlated, linking the earlier one to the later one, but two events can become correlated such that it becomes impossible to say which is earlier and which is later. Each of these events is the cause of the other, as if each were the first to occur. (Even a single observer can encounter this causal ambiguity, so it’s distinct from the temporal reversals that can happen when two observers move at different velocities, as described in Einstein’s special theory of relativity.)
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

(This post was last modified: 2017-10-19, 01:53 AM by Sciborg_S_Patel.)
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Is it possible that this anomaly of quantum correlations can be explained by Marcus Arvan's P2P interactive simulation hypothesis

Quote:"Without adequate error protection, different computers on the network can provide their respective users with blatantly contradictory experience. For instance, without adequate error protection, I might experience myself (in, say, the game of Halo) as shooting and killing you before you kill me, but you might experience yourself as shooting and killing me before I kill you. Without adequate error protection – which takes an incredible amount of processing power – users can experience a P2P simulation as an “unplayable” incoherent series of events. But these are just technical problems resulting from limitations in processing power. P2P networked simulations are possible with enough processing power and error-correction – and here’s the crucial thing about them: they reproduce all of the fundamental and most baffling features of quantum mechanics. For consider once again the very structure of a P2P simulation. A P2P simulation is one in which no individual computer represents “the” reality that all users within the simulation experience. On the contrary, the simulated reality just is the network of individual machines connected to one another taking “measurements” of where things are in the environment in real time, utilizing error-correction algorithms to ensure that different machines’ measurements don’t come apart “too far.” Further, notice that in any P2P simulation, there will have to be random divergences between the measurements of different machines, and indeed the same machine at different instants, due to “noise” within the simulation. Because information cannot be transmitted instantaneously, but must instead flow from machine to machine with some (perhaps minute) “time lag”, anytime an observer in a P2P simulation takes a measurement of their external reality, they not only (a) affect the entire network, thus altering measurements taken by others (i.e. a direct analogue of quantum-measurement problems); because of the inherent “noise” within a P2P simulation (each individual computer is continually error-correcting itself against others on the network), it’s also the case that (b) observers will only be able to develop a probabilistic theory of the fundamental properties of their simulated environment. In other words, quantum phenomena – the quantum measurement problem and quantum indeterminacy – emerge naturally and inevitably from any P2P simulation. Not only that: P2P simulations reproduce a strong analogues of quantum entanglement. There are clear cases of non-locally entangled states within existing online simulations. [b]I've experienced them before when playing Halo. If one steps on a particular patch of ground, another patch of ground elsewhere may instantaneously shift to a different state (with no information transfer observable to individuals in the simulated-world reference frame)." [/b]

Time and causality are entirely different in the simulation reference frame, as opposed to the outside user reference frame. For instance, maybe, due to uncorrected time delays between the different processors in the P2P network, simultaneous events in the outside reference frame could become correlated time separated events in the simulation reference frame with no causal chain connecting them. Of course, it has already been pointed out that such virtual reality simulation hypotheses may, by explaining too much, explain nothing.
(This post was last modified: 2017-10-19, 05:16 PM by nbtruthman.)
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