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RE: Robert Lea on ghosts and the laws of physics 2017-10-30, 01:58 AM 6
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Robert Lea on ghosts and the laws of physics Related Topics
Skeptic vs. Proponent Discussions
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Chris Wrote: (2017-10-29, 08:30 PM) -- But that is Cox's argument, as quoted in that article - that it's "almost inconceivable" that an unknown mechanism of interaction would have escaped detection by the Large Hadron Collider. -- It's okay for things like gravitons, strings, extra dimensions, super symmetric particles (sparticles), just to name a few, remain out of reach of the LHC.  In fact, it's even okay to use the math to conveniently push them beyond the reach of the LHC in order to keep popular theories alive when non-detections do happen.  But unpopular things like consciousness, ghosts, etc HAVE to be detected NOW, or it's woo-woo. Perfectly logical, Cox's argument is .... :/ (We'll leave out the fact that it's pretty naive for Cox to assume in the first place that the "everything-is-made-of-particles" idea will hold forever)

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