As I have done the astral projection training mentioned in another thread, I have kept a random playing card on a table while training. So, in case I manage to project, I should be able to look at the card and remember it afterwards. Obviously I have been very careful with the cards so that I don't accidentally see them with my physical eyes, and the table is placed in such a position that it is not possible to see the card from where I practice (on a mattress on a floor).
On February 3 I realized that I was dreaming and tried Robert Bruce's technique: I crossed my arms on my chest and fell backwards. I was back inside my body and everything was black as I kept my eyes closed. When I felt the vibrations, I rolled out of my body to the floor. I noticed that a drinking glass had tipped over and there was water on the floor. I got distracted by this and drifted into a normal dream. I don't actually have a drinking glass on the floor.
On March 6 I had a dream in which I was in my grandmother's apartment (she died 20 years ago and the apartment was sold). I saw my table in front of me and went to see the card. It was the king of clubs. After awakening I did my OBE training and after that I went to see the card. It was 2 of clubs. So it was a miss. However, what is very interesting to me is that on the next day when I went to see the card after my OBE training it was in fact the king of clubs. I have kept a dream journal and I haven't had any dreams about the playing cards this year except this aforementioned one.
It's interesting, thanks for sharing.
The impression I get is that during an OOBE one is not simply exploring the material world as we know it, nor even if we include the dimension of time so we can move backwards or forwards in time, there is also an additional element, it would be misleading to call it simply a dream or imagination in the sense of being fiction, but there is this other mental component. Or something like that.
Yesterday evening I managed to repeat this result. I was doing my OBE training when I suddenly saw a playing card in front of me (I was in a trance and this vision came as a powerful "flash"). It was a jack of clubs. Then I had a jerking physical movement and awoke from a trance instantly. I went to see the playing card, but it was a queen of hearts. I thought that when I check the card next time it will probably be the jack of clubs. Just before going to sleep I put the card on the table. I was very careful that I didn't see the card and I shuffled the deck thoroughly. When I woke up this morning I went to see the card expecting it to be the jack of clubs and indeed it was.
I think I should add some clarifications to my previous post, which I wrote in a hurry this morning due to the excitement. Yesterday when I was walking to the table to see the playing card, a thought occurred to me: "Maybe this is a similar situation as last time. The card I saw in my vision (the jack of clubs) won't be on the table until tomorrow." So, when I saw that the card was a queen of hearts, I didn't consider it a miss, but instead became confident that next time it will be a jack of clubs. While shuffling the deck before going to sleep I was aware of the importance of what I'm doing: "I know in advance the playing card which I'm going to pick from this deck". Thus I wanted to make everything right so that there couldn't be any possible normal explanation (except for a coincidence). When I woke up in the morning and went to see the card, I was already confident that it would be the jack of clubs, and I was right. Therefore I consider this playing card experiment a success, and I have decided to quit it. When I first started this OBE training, I divided my goals into two parts. Part 1 is gathering evidence, and part 2 is exploration. Now I have had the evidence I wanted and can thus move on. I have already put the card deck back in my sideboard, and changed my OBE training routine to be in line with part 2. I think I should also emphasize that the experience mentioned in my first post in this thread was a dream, and I had this second vision in a trance. So neither of these was an OBE. During all this time I tried this experiment (January 6 - March 15) I kept a dream journal, and these two experiences where the only times when I had a dream or mental image about the playing cards.
Very interesting. In a way, you found even more than you were looking for. You were looking for evidence of clairvoyance in the present, and instead you got precognitive clairvoyance.
(2025-03-15, 06:19 PM)Raimo Wrote: I think I should add some clarifications to my previous post, which I wrote in a hurry this morning due to the excitement. Yesterday when I was walking to the table to see the playing card, a thought occurred to me: "Maybe this is a similar situation as last time. The card I saw in my vision (the jack of clubs) won't be on the table until tomorrow." So, when I saw that the card was a queen of hearts, I didn't consider it a miss, but instead became confident that next time it will be a jack of clubs. While shuffling the deck before going to sleep I was aware of the importance of what I'm doing: "I know in advance the playing card which I'm going to pick from this deck". Thus I wanted to make everything right so that there couldn't be any possible normal explanation (except for a coincidence). When I woke up in the morning and went to see the card, I was already confident that it would be the jack of clubs, and I was right. Therefore I consider this playing card experiment a success, and I have decided to quit it. When I first started this OBE training, I divided my goals into two parts. Part 1 is gathering evidence, and part 2 is exploration. Now I have had the evidence I wanted and can thus move on. I have already put the card deck back in my sideboard, and changed my OBE training routine to be in line with part 2. I think I should also emphasize that the experience mentioned in my first post in this thread was a dream, and I had this second vision in a trance. So neither of these was an OBE. During all this time I tried this experiment (January 6 - March 15) I kept a dream journal, and these two experiences where the only times when I had a dream or mental image about the playing cards.
That's inline with my experiences and investigation. One doesn't actually leave ones body during a veridical OBE, instead one gets access to information via a mechanism which transcends spacetime. Anomalous information can be accessed because classical patterns match, and become connected outside of spacetime. The closest patterns which one can match, are therefore ones own patterns. And, matching patterns add up, so that the winning matching pattern tends to take all. That mechanism seems to be responsible for all experience.
My experience has been that these phenomena don't seem to spontaneously happen again in quite the same way. Analogous to following a trail of breadcrumbs... once one breadcrumb has been found, one moves onto the next breadcrumb... but perhaps that is just me. I have no anomalous experiences for years... then have a huge one... a friend has more frequent little experiences.
Finding methods to erect barriers to limit access, seems to be just as important as opening up to allow access. Necessarily, if matching patterns do connect up via a mechanism which transcends spacetime, limiting ones exposure to mass produced third party patterns which generate strong emotive experience, and/or creating your own patterns seems to help.
Personally, I think the others discovered this mechanism yonks ago, and use systems they have created involving mass patterns, to influence the patterns one connects to, together with methods of pattern interference to insulate themselves from repercussions (money).
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.