Roundo: our new mobile-friendly theme, proposed to be set as default

131 Replies, 8859 Views

(2023-02-03, 07:44 PM)Laird Wrote: Just an FYI: I've modded the home page shown by this theme so that by default it displays threads in descending order of those with most recent posts, so this might be more convenient than using Active Threads, since it includes all threads (via the page numbering) by default, whereas Active Threads is limited in the period of time it shows.

And if you just want to see your unread threads, you can click on "Unread Posts ([unread count])" in the top menu.

You've moved blue 'new' to the start of the title as well, so it's all inline... excellent. Ah no, I got that wrong, that is only happening when I click 'Active Threads' in the drop down, the new default still shows blue 'new' at the end.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring 
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
(This post was last modified: 2023-02-03, 08:23 PM by Max_B. Edited 2 times in total.)
(2023-02-03, 07:40 PM)Laird Wrote: Hmm. I can't reproduce this behaviour, and I can't see how in theory it could even be the case, because the bubbles aren't hyperlinks and don't seem to have any "onclick" event associated with them either.

Thanks Laird. It's not so big an issue for me now since I'm aware of it. In any case, no cause for lost sleep since it seems I merely found an existing behaviour.

Maybe my description was not accurate. If I get time I may do a little screen-capture video just so we aren't at cross-purposes. Actually rather than a video I might do screenshot images with a little annotating text to describe things and the sequence in which they occur for me.

One of my statements was a guess,
Typoz Wrote:What I'm suggesting (have not confirmed) is that the rounded blue rectangle effectively disappears when the filled speech bubble on the left is clicked and the count of unread posts decreases,

This was my error, "the rounded blue rectangle effectively disappears" - this seems to be false.

I've only got a small number of unread posts and I'll leave testing until I'm ready to do screenshots (for my own sanity as much as anything).
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(2023-02-03, 08:20 PM)Max_B Wrote: You've moved blue 'new' to the start of the title as well, so it's all inline... excellent. Ah no, I got that wrong, that is only happening when I click 'Active Threads' in the drop down, the new default still shows blue 'new' at the end.

Though I haven't checked to confirm, I expect that it would be pretty easy to modify the relevant templates so that the blue "new" is at the start of the title. Another item for my to-do list!
(2023-02-03, 08:30 PM)Typoz Wrote: Maybe my description was not accurate. If I get time I may do a little screen-capture video just so we aren't at cross-purposes. Actually rather than a video I might do screenshot images with a little annotating text to describe things and the sequence in which they occur for me.

No worries - I'm interested to better understand what you're experiencing.
(2023-02-01, 07:21 AM)Max_B Wrote: There seems no way to reply to threads without quoting, on the old design there was also a separate reply button on the right after the end of the last post that started with an empty reply box.

I noticed that that button appears at the top of the page already, but it seems much more user-friendly to add one at the bottom too, so I've done that. It was, as I expected, a very simple change to make - just a copy-paste.
(2023-02-03, 08:20 PM)Max_B Wrote: You've moved blue 'new' to the start of the title as well, so it's all inline... excellent.

As you noticed, I hadn't, but, unless I've screwed up (I currently have no unread threads so can't test), I have now.
(This post was last modified: 2023-02-03, 09:59 PM by Laird. Edited 1 time in total.)
(2023-01-31, 12:26 PM)Max_B Wrote: the greys are all still too pale for me [...] All those greys are going to have to get significantly stronger, (towards the charcoal end, more a greyish black, than a greyish white)

I've darkened all of the ones I could identify. How is it looking now to you?

(2023-01-31, 12:26 PM)Max_B Wrote: text size could also be a slightly larger for comfort on my iphone only

I haven't yet changed the text size: would it be sufficient to adjust it only for low-width devices like iPhones? If so, which text would you like increased? Would it be sufficient to increase the size of text in post bodies, or are there other types of text that you'd like increased?
(2023-02-03, 10:52 PM)Laird Wrote: I've darkened all of the ones I could identify. How is it looking now to you?

I haven't yet changed the text size: would it be sufficient to adjust it only for low-width devices like iPhones? If so, which text would you like increased? Would it be sufficient to increase the size of text in post bodies, or are there other types of text that you'd like increased?

Yes, it's my phone where it's a problem, luckily the CSS is well coded, and I can turn my phone to landscape to get a very usable boost in text size if necessary, but it's hardly convenient to hold the phone.

Thread Title, Author, Date, Body by a similar % (I think)

I'm on my PC at the mo, I'll try on my phone tomorrow, and give you some feedback

I'm using it more and more.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring 
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
(2023-02-04, 12:31 AM)Max_B Wrote: Thread Title, Author, Date, Body by a similar % (I think)

Can you estimate the percentage increase that would work best for you?

(2023-02-04, 12:31 AM)Max_B Wrote: I'm on my PC at the mo, I'll try on my phone tomorrow, and give you some feedback

Great to hear.
(This post was last modified: 2023-02-04, 06:44 AM by Laird. Edited 1 time in total.)
(2023-02-03, 09:14 PM)Laird Wrote: No worries - I'm interested to better understand what you're experiencing.

I think this is just an existing feature which I hadn't noticed before.

Here is a composite image showing part of my "Unread Posts" screen in both old and new themes. I'm using the 'Dark Reader' browser plugin.

The yellow arrows indicate the icon and orange-coloured call-out box in each case. I hovered the mouse pointer so the pop-up description text appears.

In both cases the same outcome. If I click on the icon/box, all posts are marked as 'read' in that thread. (Probably I never noticed it before because the icon was so tiny it didn't register in my attention.)

Nothing has changed except I clicked it and then wished I had not. I will avoid it in future unless I intend to do that.


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