Reincarnation Multimedia Resources Thread

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On April 12, actor John Cleese moderated a panel discussion at the Paramount Theater in Charlottesville, Virginia. The panel consisted of the leading researchers at the University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies, and each of them spoke at length on their particular area of interest. First up was Bruce Greyson, followed by Jim Tucker, Emily Kelly, Kim Pemberthy and finally Ed Kelly. There were two question-and-answer periods.

Although I found all the talks compelling, it seems most of the questions and comments from audience members pertained to research on reincarnation. Therefore, I've decided to place the discussion's video in this thread for reincarnation media files.

(with thanks to K9!)
(This post was last modified: 2018-06-02, 12:51 AM by Doug.)
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(2018-05-28, 02:27 PM)Typoz Wrote: A video promoting a new book,

Book: 100 Reincarnation Cases In Pingyang: Extraordinary True Stories of Kam People Who Recall Past Lives

Although it is available in English translation, apparently the translation is ongoing, currently about 85% complete.

Thanks for posting these links, Typoz. Until now I was unaware of Changzhen Li's fieldwork in China. It looks promising, insofar as he is familiar with Stevenson's work and seems to be using his approach. In addition, evidence of Li's conscientiousness can be seen in the many dozens of interviews on his Youtube channel. The only thing missing from them are subtitles. He also has an advantage over Stevenson and other western researchers, in that he can communicate directly with the villagers of Pingyang and the surrounding region. No middlemen translators are necessary.

Li also provides a sizable case history excerpted from his book:

It's a fascinating account of a former husband and wife, each of whom was  murdered during Mao's Cultural Revolution. In one interesting respect it resembles the case of Bongkuch Promsin, the Thai fellow who claimed to have spent seven years over a bamboo tree located where his previous body had been dumped after he was killed.

In any event, it's nice to know that a local person has painstakingly been gathering children's reincarnation accounts in China. If peer review of his work is ever carried out, and proves favorable, we'll be able to add his data to that of the other respected researchers from UVA and elsewhere.
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Apologies if this has been posted before - I haven't seen it here.

[-] The following 3 users Like Ninshub's post:
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I don't remember having seen this case before. A white boy remembers a past life as a black woman named Pam.

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The twelfth and final interview of James Matlock on reincarnation:

Matlock caps off his series of interviews with a discussion about the process of reincarnation. It is stressed that his thoughts on the subject have been empirically derived from the UVA database of children's reports recorded by Stevenson and others.
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Long video about reincarnation. Don’t think it’s about UFOs although Mufon involved.

Oh my God, I hate all this.   Surprise
[-] The following 2 users Like Stan Woolley's post:
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Quote:Long video about reincarnation. Don’t think it’s about UFOs although Mufon involved.

Does anyone know this ladies name?
Oh my God, I hate all this.   Surprise
(2018-07-12, 01:38 PM)Stan Woolley Wrote: Does anyone know this ladies name?

You mean Carol Bowman? At least that's what it says in the comments on the youtube page.

It also says, under the video, "The interesting thing is that 100 percent of subjects who report past life remembrance are children" which is false, since recall may happen in adults.
(This post was last modified: 2018-07-12, 02:13 PM by Typoz.)
[-] The following 3 users Like Typoz's post:
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This is a well-known case, but I didn't notice these particular videos until recently.

(plenty of ads in this one)
Show 24: THE CASE FOR REINCARNATION BY A POLICE DETECTIVE,Robert’s Snow Search For A Past Identity!

There's also a fairly recent book (2015)
Portrait of a Past-Life Skeptic: The True Story of a Police Detective's Reincarnation
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Same case, this one is new (about 4 days ago).

MP3 download:
Spaced Out Radio July 17 18 Past Life Recall With Robert Snow
Quite a long session, roughly first two hours of content on the Robert Snow interview (some advertising, final hour is someone else).
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