Puzzle Corner

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Patience for the spouse's answer.
(2020-04-21, 03:23 PM)fls Wrote: Hint:

Ah. That adds a different flavour... will think on it overnight...

(2020-04-21, 03:23 PM)fls Wrote: Patience for the spouse's answer.

(2020-04-21, 02:14 AM)Laird Wrote:
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(2020-04-21, 03:56 PM)Silence Wrote:
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(2020-04-21, 04:33 PM)fls Wrote:
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(2020-04-21, 03:10 PM)manjit Wrote:
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Edit: Actually, rereading the original question and the specific way it is worded, my answer is the only possible, reasonable answer, unless I have completely misunderstood the question....

Well now I am curious! Is this not the right answer, Linda?  the responses are intriguing me, so I must consider I have wildly misunderstood the question, as this seems like the obvious answer?

Further spoiler speculations below! 
Show content3rd time lucky:

EDIT: It's quite infurianting that I managed to unintentionally manually insert a smiley face into that response.....
(This post was last modified: 2020-04-21, 05:24 PM by manjit.)
(2020-04-21, 05:21 PM)manjit Wrote: Well now I am curious! Is this not the right answer, Linda?  the responses are intriguing me, so I must consider I have wildly misunderstood the question, as this seems like the obvious answer?

Further spoiler speculations below! 
Show content3rd time lucky:

EDIT: It's quite infurianting that I managed to unintentionally manually insert a smiley face into that response.....

To be honest, I wasn't quite sure that I understood your response the first time. You've clarified it. 

You are correct that I didn't mention weighing it in one go, but for the sake of the puzzle, assume that it is weighed in one go. Thanks for picking up on that omission.

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Hold on, I just realise my secondary answer above is actually incoherent. Slightly more considered answer below:

Show content3rd answer!:
(2020-04-21, 05:09 PM)Silence Wrote:
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The expectation is that either the weight of the product only comes in 1 pound increments, or that the weight of the product is altered to adhere to 1 pound increments. I didn't specify the product because the answer should be generic - it should be applicable to any case which satisfies the initial conditions.
(2020-04-21, 05:59 PM)manjit Wrote: Hold on, I just realise my secondary answer above is actually incoherent. Slightly more considered answer below:

Show content3rd answer!:

Weighing in one go means you put whatever it is you want to weigh on the scale, then you add or subtract weights until it balances. 

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(This post was last modified: 2020-04-21, 06:35 PM by fls.)

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