Psience Quest Interview No. 2: Cyrus Kirkpatrick

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(2017-09-25, 12:08 PM)chuck Wrote: Thanks for the interview. I may have a couple of questions.

1. Have you ever considered directing some of your time in the astral to seeking out someone (or some organization) who can show you some of the meta-structure of reality? I think the dimensional planes you are describing are mostly related to Earth and the life energy surrounding this planet (humans, plants, animals, etc.) (Or maybe you have already done this exploration and it didn't come up in the interview.)

By "meta-structure of reality" I'm thinking of areas where different life systems center their existence and chains of life planes. Surely there are a nearly infinite number of systems all with their lower-astral, physical and afterlife planes. Just as likely there must be systems that are organized in an entirely different manner. My guess is that the structure of this overall system may at least in some way represent the larger visible universe with it's galaxies. 

2. One has to assume from the majority of OBE writers (And some channelled material), and you confirm it, that there are large sections of the afterlife where people live much like we do. (Jane Sherwood's, Post-Mortem Journal: Communications from T. E. Lawrence is specifically coming to mind.) People live and work if they choose, explore, socialize, form bonds, or not as they chose. But I think what doesn't happen is that people don't immediately become all-knowing about the true nature of the universe when they die. It seems like people who are consciously aware folks, when they die, they pass on to an existence where they know a bit more about the structure of reality, but not the whole enchilada.

So in essence this question is an echo of question number one:

On Earth there have always been groups who gathered and passed on occulted knowledge about the true nature of reality. There must also be such groups in the afterlife who are intensely curious about what goes on "behind the curtain" as it were. Have you ever sought out a guide who might begin to introduce you to such a group where you might find some larger answers to the mystery of existence?

3. At this point how much control are you able to exert over your travels on the astral plane? Can you, with effort, return to a location or person that was of only general interest to you? Or do you think that more intense connections are required in order to make repeat visits to the same location or entity (like with your mom, for instance?)

4. You've been given a gift--that of being able to travel between worlds. Do you feel a sense of purpose? Have you developed a long term plan of what you would like to accomplish over the course of your lifetime utilizing this gift?
We've had many OBE writers, many of whom describe a roughly similar terrain and structure to reality. Jurgen obviously is traversing some of these "outer worlds". Robert Monroe as well began to explore some outer reaches at the end of his life-time.

Will there ever be an astral explorer of a completely different magnitude? Is there a "New World" as yet undiscovered in the nether realms? If there is, would such a discovery even be communicable through language? What is left when you pull away the curtain and remove the framework of common conception and familiarity? And then once you have arrived there, what is behind that curtain...

Hi Chuck,

For first question,

1.) I suppose I understand what you mean with regard to meta-structures of reality. As far as contacting organizations on the other side, my sense is that these are the types of things studied and explored. Average folks are perhaps mystified by such subjects like we are. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to find such people. A fleeting experience gives me the opportunity to talk to a few people and take in some sights and sounds before it's all over. I'm sure these are topics that can be explored in greater depth.

2.) Similar answer, but I think there are great fields of study to understand reality. Things that are currently only studied on that side. And the fact areas of study exist, universities or temples as we may see them, is proof that everyone who dies is not gifted complete knowledge, for if that were the case, fields of study would not exist, and essentially life wouldn't continue as we see it.

3.) To return consistently demands connection. Otherwise you just appear in a way that's not predictable. The act of focusing say, on my mom, allows me to appear where she is, probably from a real desire to be with her. This is why a lot of times people go places with the help of guides who literally teleport the subject to places of note. This has rarely happened to me. In fact, I'm often surprised by the sheer lack of attention I receive from guides. Very much, it feels like I am often "on my own" in my journeys. Although the existence of guides were confirmed by a powerful medium, I would sometimes cynically ask myself if I even have guides, or perhaps I came down here stubbornly deciding I'd do all this type of work myself. 

The reason I've had OOB experiences in really dynamic places, like hotels in the majestic desert or an astral version of London, is because I have determined I exist a parallel life on that side. Astral projection is merely the practice of converging my consciousness here, with my consciousness there. So I may simply appear on that side, engaged in activities I had already been engaged in, but now my two minds are fully unified and I am able to return with memories (at least memories of the current situation, details of my life there remain very hard to bring back.)

4.) My purpose is to build that connection to our parallel dimension. I could say it's the work I am "meant" to do because of some abstract soul contract, but that defies the logical necessity created by "afterlife" research. Many people desire a better world, and many do it through fields like technology or medicine. However, a whole lot of human potential is accelerated when the blinders of this "veil" are taken away. I see the "other side" as the regular dimension, and this as a strange isolated and primitive realm.

But the greatest advancements are not likely to happen by out of body experience writers. These things just help us visualize the other side as a normal place with normal (albeit more metaphysically advanced) humans living their lives. The real advancements may be occurring through science and technology, primarily from their side. I hear from people in my group on FB who've received phone calls and text messages from their loved ones. We have folks like Marcus Lang receiving semi-regular tablet messages from his daughter, there's my father who claimed my mom recently gave him an experimental phone number that he rang and she picked up, there's the Soul Phone work which could lead to something, there's Sonia Rinaldi's work with Nikola Tesla producing crystal clear EVPs and video transmissions, there's Schwartz's technological work, etc. 

OBEs are a great way to get a sneak peek at their life. And from what I've seen it's a fun and dynamic place filled with cities, nature, arts and culture, and even commerce and politics. However, in the near future, we won't have to read OOB accounts. We can just talk to them on the phone.
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(2017-09-25, 06:21 PM)jkmac Wrote: Cyrus:

I my opinion you've written one of the best books on the subject that is available.

HIGHLY recommended.

Question- can you recommend a specific OBE technique?

Yes something that's helping me lately is inspired a bit by Jurgen, I get into the habit of saying "Awareness NOW!" even during my regular waking hours. If I can perform this while I'm asleep I can wake myself up, eliminate dream imagery, physically pull myself out of my body, etc.
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(2017-09-26, 05:37 AM)Cyrus Kirkpatrick Wrote: Yes something that's helping me lately is inspired a bit by Jurgen, I get into the habit of saying "Awareness NOW!" even during my regular waking hours. If I can perform this while I'm asleep I can wake myself up, eliminate dream imagery, physically pull myself out of my body, etc.

Yes- I'm a bit of an "awareness now" fan. I find it makes an immediate and significant difference in the level of consciousness I get in a lucid dream.

As to whether I use in physical life? If I could figure out how to attach a  picture of my computer monitor you would see a note saying "Awareness Now".  Thumbs Up
See lower right of my screen for awaremeness now reminder. 

I see it a lot!  Smile

And then there's the reminder in the lower left, to implant the question "am I dreaming" for lucid dream work.

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(This post was last modified: 2017-09-26, 12:21 PM by jkmac.)

1. In your awareness on your body immediately before you are able to OBE, how would you rate the state of relaxation. I'm assuming it is on the verge of "body asleep"? So entirely relaxed? Do you do anything specifically to relax the body prior?

2. What is the state of your attention on your mind just prior? Do you do any specific concentration or mental focusing? How do you maintain the point of the mind so that it doesn't drift off with the body at the point when the body falls asleep? Can you elaborate on any particular mental states at that exact point in time?
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