Psi Multimedia Resources Thread

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BBC Horizon documentary - "The Case of ESP" (1983)  With research luminaries Russell Targ, Charles Tart, Charles Honorton, J B Rhine, Gertrude Schmeidler, Helmut Schmidt, and others.
(found at

(This post was last modified: 2017-08-14, 02:51 AM by Doug.)
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Hal Puthoff talk on the history of remote viewing (2004)
(found at

(This post was last modified: 2017-08-14, 02:52 AM by Doug.)
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William Bengston interview - "Hands on Healing Research Ignored", Skeptiko #185 (2015)
(found at

(This post was last modified: 2017-08-14, 02:52 AM by Doug.)
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Telekinesis Documentary - Do you have the ability to move objects with your mind? Can you levitate, or can you change events by the power of your thoughts? Not many can or can they?

(This post was last modified: 2017-08-26, 02:34 AM by Ninshub.)
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Instead of making a PK compilation video to sum up the year I decided to make a brief documentary about the history and future of PK in relation to the scientific community. Though there are literal thousands of experiments to choose from I selected only a few to highlight in this particular video. Starting with Nina Kulagina a 1950’s Russian housewife and moving on to the PEAR research labs of 1979 and ending with the present day works of Dean Radin at the Institute of Noetic Science.

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The late Dr. Steven Baumann, a long-time researcher at the Rhine Research Center, presented "Studying Physiological Coherence Between Alternative Healers and Patients" At PF's Eileen J. Garrett Library on April 2nd 2003. When he presented it, Dr. Steven Baumann was an Adjunct Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Duke University and a Visiting Research Associate at the Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina. He outlined research on healing which he had designed and which was then underway at Duke University. Dr. Baumann, who had a long-time interest in scientific parapsychology, had performed numerous studies on brain function using electroencephalographic (EEG) and magnetic resonance (MRI) over the course of his all too brief life.

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English - Greek Lecture Given at the City of Athens Cultural Center by Mario P. Varvoglis of the Institut métapsychique international, Paris, France titled LABORATORY ESP: SELECTED APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION. 

Thanks to Chris for pointing these out.
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Live-streamed talks from the PA's 60th Anniversary Celebration in Columbus, Ohio. Edwin C. May joins us from California to give an overview of the Star Gate Archives: Reports of the US Government Sponsored Psi Program –1972-1995

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An auto-Ganzfeld telepathy experiment for emotions.

The second annual PF International Affiliates Conference took place on Saturday January 29th during the first month of the 2017 Parapsychology Research and Education online course. College instructor, researcher and counselor Csongor Matyi, nominated by PF International Affiliate for Hungary, Dr. Zoltán Vassy, presented his autoganzfeld research conducted to fulfill the requirements of his master's degree some years back. Now teaching the history and research methods of parapsychology at Eötvös Loránd University, he is developing a new research program.

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Stephan Schwartz discusses parapsychology experiments with Jeff Mishlove:

Quote:Here he discusses some of the central issues in conducting parapsychology experiments. These include double-blind and triple-blind protocols, randomization methods, and target selection. He emphasizes the importance of advance preparation. He also suggests that subtle forms of bias are inescapable for particular individuals and cultural groups. It is important to be mindful of this to the extent possible -- in order to prevent displacement.
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