Personal Stories

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Got a few things here. When I was 14, I played around a lot with Wicca. Don't ask me which gods I prayed to or what rituals or spells I did - I didn't really. I called it that because "Wicca" stood for "Witch-craft", that's all I knew to call it. Everything I did was straight forward and instinctual. Want something to happen? Just will it to.

A friend and I from highschool were into it, I think mostly as a means of rebelling. I came from an emotionally abusive/ neglectful home. We had another friend and my sister present at our home, my mother was not home at the time. Something worth noting about the house, it was brand spanking new. My mother flipped properties to build up a small fortune. She got to a point of getting new houses we'd move into custom made by an architect (resale value $$$$$). So I don't really believe the ghosties that followed me around from house to house had some tragic murder backstory. I think if anything, they just picked up on the fact that we were doing stuff and wanted to let us know. This is more of a hindsight thing, based on more recent experiences and conversations with new spirits (moved countries).

Story 1:
T = Friend into Wicca
S = Sister
N = Other friend not into Wicca

We were sitting down at the table having lunch. We were talking, I dunno, about random crap teenage girls talk about. T suddenly started acting rather strange. She had her eyes locked onto the wall, although she was still responding to conversation. She insisted she was ok when I asked, but I could tell something was up, she looked pretty scared. Instinctively I looked at the opposite direction of where she was staring. There was a silhouette of a 6ft tall man standing in front of the door in the reflection of a glossy framed photo that was leaning against the island bench of the kitchen. Greyish blackish, not real detail to make out. I looked at the door. Nothing. I looked again at the photo. A man is quite clearly standing there. Rather still, with slight adjustments, as a normal person would. 14 year old me freaked out and ran over to where T was sitting. His reflection was still there. S and N thought we were being ridiculous and asked what was happening. I explained and they looked at the photo and said nothing was there, and told us to stop "acting".

So an interesting takeaway:

My sister and friend who had no interest in the paranormal/ did not practice with energy could not even perceive the silhouette of the man in front of the door. However, T and I, could see this clear as day.

This house had been rife with activity before this event. The lights would constantly flicker, all the damn time. Remember, this house was brand new and we had the lights replaced twice. Didn't matter, they still danced. I was terrified to go to bed because I could blatantly feel something was always around. My friend, T, claimed to actually know a ghost named J who was a little girl relative of hers (who had died, obviously). Apparently J talked to her all the time and T claimed that J was the one playing with them, trying to let me know she was there. How accurate that was, I don't know. I personally don't believe it because she had made some rather outrageous claims to me and would magically forget specific details and change the stories later on when recounting them again. I think yes, a spirit was trying to say "Hello, I am here. Notice me senpai." But I don't think it was J, if she even existed.

14 yr old me who had no experience with this stuff was terrified though so I had decided to shut it all off after this incident. As in, instinctively I felt that convincing myself that I don't believe in it anymore would mean I would no longer experience it. Worked like a charm. Haha... charm...

There's more stories to update this post that happened in the same house but I'll add more when I feel like it later.
Spirits are not special and neither are you.
(This post was last modified: 2017-09-27, 03:27 AM by Dreamsoap.)
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(2017-09-27, 03:16 AM)Dreamsoap Wrote: Got a few things here....

14 yr old me who had no experience with this stuff was terrified though so I had decided to shut it all off after this incident. As in, instinctively I felt that convincing myself that I don't believe in it anymore would mean I would no longer experience it. Worked like a charm. Haha... charm...

There's more stories to update this post that happened in the same house but I'll add more when I feel like it later.
FWIW- I've given a bit of thought to the idea of some people seeing stuff that other people may or may not be able to see. It seems to bother lots of people that this occurs. Their thought being: it's either real (in which case we should ALL see it, and we shoul dbe able to photograph it) or not real (in which case the person who is seeing it is imagining it, and others are just being talked into imagining it).

There is another way to look at this however. 
I am pretty sure we all are using some facility to create the experience of our world all the time. It is the same facility that is used to create the experience of our dreams. Essentially I'm saying that there really IS NO matter, per se. We create the experience of it. Which really is the same thing for all intents and purposes, except there are some interesting twists that are now possible... Read on.

This creative process uses some source of information as the objective "baseline" of our experience, so we all create the base experience of our world from the same objective source. This is why we all pretty much experience the same world at he same time.

However- we also all have the ability (subconsciously/automatically) to integrate other stuff into our experience as well. These things may be considered by some to be fantasy or hallucinations. Examples are: cases of visitations, and apparitions. A classic example would be the all-to-common thing that happened to my aunt in the last few minutes of her life as she lay in her bed. She saw, standing in the corner of her room, a man. She asked her daughter who it was and as you might guess, my cousin couldn't see it. My cousin got up to get her a glass of water, and when she returned, her mother had passed. Many would say that the man in the corner was there to help guide my aunt through the process of transition.

So what I am saying is: we all create the baseline experience of our world from an objective set of information, and we also have the ability to layer onto that, other sources of of information that others may not have access to (for whatever reason). OTOH- others MAY see this additional stuff, if they are receptive (sensitive?) to that particular thing. And the combined experience is the one that we see, and the one that others may see too, if they are receptive.
(This post was last modified: 2017-09-27, 08:43 AM by jkmac.)

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