Pavlo Mikheenko - Microtubules

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Pavlo Mikheenko is a Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at The University of Oslo, Norway:

I've only just stumbled across him, and his work.

Recently, Mikheenko has been writing many papers on research he's undertaking on the - cylindrical, helix-like - microtubule, where, by different experiments he's designed, he attempts to build evidence for the presence of warm/wet superconductivity within microtubules. Some of his papers are published, some are not. He's produced some really interesting results, and some enlightening speculations in his papers.

One of the signals for potential super-conductivity in materials, is their ability to screen magnetic fields.

In an Experiment (below) published at the 2023 iEEE conference, Mikheenko uses Magnetic force microscopy, together with a phase shifted technique to produce phase shifted image maps comparing mammalian microtubules with fungal microtubules. By convention, the phase shifted image map technique he uses shows areas with negative gradients of magnetic forces as dark. Therefore, magnetically screened areas are expected to be bright. This is interesting work.

The two images below show the bright areas of magnetically shielded microtubules. The upper image shows the more ordered mammalian microtubules. The lower image shows the more disordered fungal microtubules. 

[Image: screenshot-2023-12-31-at-13-12-00-paper-...-1.pdf.png]

The next two images show the different stages of growth of mammalian microtubules taken 21 hours apart, they are far more detailed as they are produced within a stable oscillation regime. The upper image shows the initial bright (magnetic shielding) and highly ordered microtubule growth. The lower image is taken 21 hours later, and shows the extended microtubule growth that has taken place over the following 21 hours. However, note that the microtubules in the second image are dull, and not bright. This is presumed to be due to the microtubules becoming dehydrated over time, this is supportive of the idea that highly-ordered structure of water inside the microtubule channel maybe required for magnetic shielding, and thus would be required for super-conductivity.

[Image: screenshot-2023-12-31-at-13-12-43-paper-...-1.pdf.png]

The final image shows the bright (magnetically shielded) fully developed mammalian microtubule network, with many connections.

[Image: screenshot-2023-12-31-at-13-13-22-paper-...-1.pdf.png]

It is lovely to see an experimental physicist specialising in condensed matter physics  just come right out and say that proving the existence of Josephson radiation from microtubules in living organisms would provide evidence for "transfer of information inside and between living organisms"

Quote:...Proving [the] existence of coherent Josephson radiation in
living organisms would be additional argument in favor of
superconductivity and an evidence of mechanism for the
fast, with the speed of light, transfer of information inside
and between living organisms
. Thus, superconductivity
could offers not only quantum processing in the organisms
[5], or effects based on entanglement of united electrons
[20], but also fast delivery of quantum information.


Magnetic force microscopy of self-assembled
microtubules coming from different evolutional branches of
living organisms, namely mammals and fungi, reveals
differences and similarities in their growth and formation of
contacts between them. The microtubules assembled from
the tubulin of mammalian brain are long, spread in all
directions from a nucleation cite, branch intensively and
form parallel bundles. In contrast, microtubules formed from
the tubulin of the fruit body of a fungus Boletus edulis are
short, fragmented, but still well connected with each other. In
spite of these differences, both types of microtubules show
screening of magnetic field, which is considered to be
consequence of superconductivity. Due to the entanglement
of paired electrons in the superconducting state or other
effects, nanoscale superconductivity might be a key to
quantum processing of information in living organisms.
Additionally, superconductivity can provide fast, with the
speed of light, delivery of quantum information via coherent
Josephson radiation. The detection of infrared waves from a
slice of brain at application of voltage could be the evidence
of such a radiation. To be coherent, a high density of
Josephson contacts is required...

Note: The Quantum Mechanical Josephson junction was discovered by Professor Brian Josephson who was awarded a Nobel prize for his discovery.
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(This post was last modified: 2023-12-31, 02:04 PM by Max_B. Edited 1 time in total.)
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Isn't this quite a departure from your usual theory that magnetic energy is responsible for the transfer of information between living organisms?  Smile
(This post was last modified: 2023-12-31, 02:53 PM by sbu.)
(2023-12-31, 01:57 PM)Max_B Wrote: It is lovely to see an experimental physicist specialising in condensed matter physics  just come right out and say that proving the existence of Josephson radiation from microtubules in living organisms would provide evidence for "transfer of information inside and between living organisms"

What is meant by "information" in this context? Is this really a skeptic v. proponent issue.  I don't get the impression that he is talking about psi from the information posted here.  Maybe I have missed something?
(2023-12-31, 02:52 PM)sbu Wrote: Isn't this quite a departure from your usual theory that magnetic energy is responsible for the transfer of information between living organisms?  Smile

Nope, nobody on here [I think] has ever understood my ideas. That is 1) EM fields create patterns in brains neural networks, and 2) the patterns add-up outside of spacetime, so that only matching patterns can be shared to a result... now go back to 1) and repeat. 

There is so much experimental evidence that what we understand as Electromagnetism, (the term understand loosely meaning what we can say about our shared experience) is implicated in understanding our experience, that EM will be involved.

Mikheenko is just looking for evidence of superconductivity. His results showing the expulsion of some part of the EM field is suggestive of superconductivity. So that when the field is twisted by the MT structure (this is really mathematical to be honest) it probably releases (and absorbs) infrared radiation from it's outer surface. There is a good suggestion that the inner channel of the MT is likely to carry UV. This IR-UV relationship within the MT I think will probably be related to the UV/IR Hierarchy problem.
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(This post was last modified: 2023-12-31, 05:08 PM by Max_B. Edited 1 time in total.)
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(2023-12-31, 03:37 PM)Brian Wrote: What is meant by "information" in this context? Is this really a skeptic v. proponent issue.  I don't get the impression that he is talking about psi from the information posted here.  Maybe I have missed something?

psi is really only a label for anomalous phenomena within experience which we don't yet understand. That such anomalous phenomena is not yet explained, just means our current understanding of nature is wrong/incomplete. Mikheenko is producing experimental evidence suggesting that a correction may be needed to our understanding.

Hence, if we replace your term 'psi' with the term 'something we don't currently understand' we can rewrite your sentence as "I don't get the impression that he is talking about psi something we don't currently understand from the information posted here". You might then see that something-we-don't-understand is exactly what 'he is talking about'?
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(2023-12-31, 04:14 PM)Max_B Wrote: There is a good suggestion that the inner channel of the MT is likely to carry UV. This IR-UV relationship within the MT I think will probably be related to the UV/IR Hierarchy problem.

Sounds extremely unlikely. The EM emitted by the brain is very low frquency. It will require a high energy source to emit UV radiation unlikely to be present in such a microscopic biological structure.
(This post was last modified: 2023-12-31, 08:34 PM by sbu. Edited 1 time in total.)
(2023-12-31, 08:28 PM)sbu Wrote: Sounds extremely unlikely. The EM emitted by the brain is very low frquency. It will require a high energy source to emit UV radiation unlikely to be present in such a microscopic biological structure.
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(2023-12-31, 09:48 PM)Max_B Wrote:

So the claim is the existence of molecular oscillations in microtubules occurring at a frequency of more than a billion vibrations per second (which would place them in the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum). Not random oscilliations but somehow organized to be able to transmit information within the brain.
(This post was last modified: 2024-01-01, 06:13 PM by sbu. Edited 2 times in total.)
I found this a useful explanation of the theory that Mikheenko is relying upon - for claiming that the bright, magnetically shielded microtubules measured using a Magnetic force microscope, are evidence that the microtubule may be a superconductor

This brief explanation covers the theory of the levitation of a magnet above a super-conductor...


Quote:3.3 Superconducting Bearings

In its simplest form, a superconducting levitation system includes a permanent magnet (PM) levitated in a stable position over a superconductor. Because the superconductor is not a magnet and exhibits special properties, its presence enables the system to bypass Earnshaw's theorem, a general theorem in magnetics that states that any magnetic system will be statically unstable. One of the fundamental properties of superconductors is their tendency to exclude magnetic flux from their interiors. This exclusion of magnetic flux, called the Meissner effect, makes them behave like a strong diamagnet. Accordingly, a superconductor with a PM positioned close above it develops a shielding current, which excludes flux in such a way that the actual magnet “sees” its mirror image.

More specifically, if the magnetization of the PM is in the vertical direction with its north pole down, the image will also be vertically magnetized but with its north pole up, exerting a repulsive force on the real magnet. The closer the magnet gets to the superconductor, the stronger the repulsive force; the farther away the magnet, the weaker the force. This setup can yield a levitation that is stable in the vertical direction.

Mikheenko seems to using the same phenomena, to look for superconductivity in the microtubule, by using a very fine magnetic probe to scan the surface the microtubules have colonised.


Mikheenko seems to think it is likely the water, within the microtubule, is producing the superconducting effect. That the water adopts some reciprocal hydrogen-oxygen bond structure in response to the confining water-channel of the microtubule structure. And it is the the outside of this unusual water structure where the supercurrent circulates.

In another slightly earlier paper, Mikheenko shows magnetic force measurements of vertically self-assembled microtubule structures that suggest they are Abrikosov vortex's, using the same Magnetic force microscope technique described earlier.

Quote:The self-assembly of microtubules perpendicularly to the surface gives another, even more exciting,
possibility to check expulsion of the magnetic field. Previously, the data for a sample prepared on the
magnetic substrate were analysed in [18] quantitatively, confirming ideal diamagnetism. Here the
sample was prepared on a non-magnetic substrate. In Fig. 4, two phase-shift maps are presented recorded
at the surface (a) and at the height of 20 nm (b). The holes in a) correspond to the centres of the
microtubules, and the most intensive screening in b) (bright contrast) comes exactly from the centres.
As the magnetic field lines in this configuration are along the length of microtubules, due to a small
demagnetising factor, screening is seen at much larger distances than in the in-plane configuration, and
its amplitude at the height of 20 nm is about 30 degrees, which is close to the value expected for the
ideal diamagnetism as was estimated from the magnetic decoration studies [18,19]. The resolution of
diamagnetic measurements in this case is very high. To illustrate this, in Figs. 4c,d the van der Waals
profile and the diamagnetic response in the cross-section of an individual microtubule at the height of
30 nm is shown.

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