Mediumistic type experience?

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I've hesitated to post this experience, because I'm not sure if I'm being silly, but decided today to do so... it's why I've recently become interested in these mystical and kundalini type experiences...

On the 12th Jan I had been talking with a friend about the Suchir Balaji case, where the police had initially declared the case a suicide, and the belief of some people that he may have been murdered. Later that evening after my friend had left, I decided to do some more research (several hours worth actually) into what I thought might have happened, and came across some high definition photographs of the scene in his flat.

Bit by bit, as I researched things, and looked at the photo's, I was slowly moving towards a position that this was an unintentional shooting, neither suicide or murder, but that Suchir had tragically, and unintentionally shot himself. At some moment, as I inspected these high definition photo's, I became very certain that this was the situation... suddenly I started feeling very strongly... at which point all my hairs went up, from my legs to the top of my head... really strongly... the sort of thing I very rarely get, but if you strongly think there is an intruder in the house... it was electric moving up my body... that moment, I felt/sensed a presence of someone behind me, and to my left whilst I was looking at my computer screens, I didn't turn round... and this is going to sound really silly... but in my head, I saw Suchir was in the room with me, standing behind me and to my left... there was a jumble of confused images around what had occurred in his flat, but it felt rushed/accidental, and water under the bridge... none of that was important... what I experienced really strongly was very powerful sense of love/coherence, and a wish that he wanted his parents to know that he had not intentionally shot himself.  That they had not done anything wrong. They had raised him well, and he didn't want them to worry that they had made any sort of mistake in his upbringing, or that he was at all unhappy.

I've not had any experience like this before... but talking to friends who know more about this than me... they think this sounds like a typical mediumistic type experience... there again, it could all be rubbish... although this strongly felt experience came completely out of nowhere...
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring 
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
(This post was last modified: 2025-02-03, 02:46 PM by Max_B. Edited 1 time in total.)
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