It's not Christmas-time yet, but I looked around in some old threads and found this one that I thought to post, and wondered; `what kinda parent take their kids to a "Demon-Walk" as a Christmas-treat??´
It's like Hell opened one of its gates in a town in Austria.
"The Krampus is an old german/slavic/eastern europe Christmas `tradition´, where men dresses out like furry devils and demons to look like the Krampus, who are said to be the counterpart of Santa Clause. The Krampus comes to scare all those children who haven't been good the past year, and is said to punish those children by swatting/whipping them with a bundles of birch branches.
Every 5th of December they have a Krampus-walk in many cities around Austria, Romania, southern Bavaria, South Tyrol, northern Friuli, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia. A part of the tradition is that the Krampus interacts, in some manner, with the audience and onlookers, and scaring some of the kids, that the parents brought to this parade. Apparently they have some crisis and therapy-groups, in many of those countries, with adult people who got scared by a Krampus when they were kids. "
I would have freaked out if I saw some of these figures when I was a small kid. What kid would not behave & keep in line, when threaten by their parents that a Krampus might come and get them, if they don't behave!?! Like a variation of the Bogeyman.
Krampuslauf Graz 2010
Around 300 scary, dark figures strolled around the Grazer Krampuslauf and were accompanied by a heavy snowfall and numerous visitors through the Grazer Herrengasse
Krampus - Real Hell in the Central Europe - Austria
(This post was last modified: 2017-08-24, 09:38 PM by Pollux.)
It's like Hell opened one of its gates in a town in Austria.
"The Krampus is an old german/slavic/eastern europe Christmas `tradition´, where men dresses out like furry devils and demons to look like the Krampus, who are said to be the counterpart of Santa Clause. The Krampus comes to scare all those children who haven't been good the past year, and is said to punish those children by swatting/whipping them with a bundles of birch branches.
Every 5th of December they have a Krampus-walk in many cities around Austria, Romania, southern Bavaria, South Tyrol, northern Friuli, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia. A part of the tradition is that the Krampus interacts, in some manner, with the audience and onlookers, and scaring some of the kids, that the parents brought to this parade. Apparently they have some crisis and therapy-groups, in many of those countries, with adult people who got scared by a Krampus when they were kids. "
I would have freaked out if I saw some of these figures when I was a small kid. What kid would not behave & keep in line, when threaten by their parents that a Krampus might come and get them, if they don't behave!?! Like a variation of the Bogeyman.

Krampuslauf Graz 2010
Around 300 scary, dark figures strolled around the Grazer Krampuslauf and were accompanied by a heavy snowfall and numerous visitors through the Grazer Herrengasse
Krampus - Real Hell in the Central Europe - Austria