High level political attempts to overcome the Pentagon UFO coverup continue

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The UFO issue refuses to go away despite several deliberately error-filled blanket denials from the existing mock "investigatory" organizations. 
Politics are entering again - two powerful senators previously involved in this are now attempting again to pass a UFO disclosure and eminent domain amendment in next year's National Defense Authorizon Act. That naturally brings up the question of what do these two senators know that we don't.

From https://www.splinter.com/what-does-senat...about-ufos :

Quote:Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) will try to pass their Unidentified Aerial Phenomena amendment in next year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). They tried and failed to get it in the last NDAA, despite still passing some minor UAP legislation; doing it again demonstrates a level of noticeable commitment on the part of two very powerful men on an issue with little to no electoral upside. What’s more, Pentagon UAP whistleblower Luis Elizondo’s book is out today too, which will undoubtedly spark a new wave of interest in the subject. But Schumer’s bill has genuinely caved my head in — specifically this section:

The Federal Government shall exercise eminent domain over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interests of the public good.
This seems to be Schumer’s main aim: declassification of the government’s knowledge of UAP’s to some degree. The rest of this bill is so sensational that it is possible it is just posturing and will be traded in to ferry the presidential review board through Congress. Schumer and Rounds have modeled this on the JFK Assassination Records Review Board, asserting the urgent need to restore the public’s trust on an issue similarly shrouded in mystery. So far Congress has opposed this portion of the bill, with the House being its largest obstacle to date, but Rounds and Schumer are already fighting to pass this again next year, and they have other co-sponsors like Democratic Senators Martin Heinrich and Kirsten Gillibrand to start the fight this time around. Marco Rubio has also championed this issue in the Senate and is one to keep an eye on going forward, proving this to be one of the last true bipartisan coalitions in Washington D.C.
It seems pretty clear that the members of Congress digging into this feel that Congress may have been lied to. That’s the gist of all their public statements over the past year after they have met in classified settings with members of the military and internal government watchdogs who are purported to be involved with UAPs. Congress apportions funds for things, and if those funds don’t go to those things, that’s illegal. Congress doesn’t like it when that happens. They feel stupid. They’re the ones who are supposed to be pulling the ‘ol switcheroo.
So where would the supposed misappropriated funds go? I have one idea. Return to Schumer’s sentence that sparked this whole article, talking about (emphasis mine) “biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interests of the public good.”

To listen to award-winning journalist George Knapp tell it, the fear is that gigantic defense contractors have the majority of the information on this issue. One of the best counterpoints to UAP’s being a thing is “how could the government keep this a secret over all this time?” but maybe they didn’t have to. Maybe someone buried it deep in behemoths like Lockheed Martin as suggested by Knapp’s sources, far away from FOIA laws and other pesky democratic measures that could pry the doors open.
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My guess is still this is more about mundane but questionable funding that has been shuffled around, with the UFO/UAP stuff at best some extra unclassified reports.

I just have a hard time believing that Congress has any explicit knowledge of UFO/UAP recovered materials. Maybe some oddities here and there, but an entire craft just seems doubtful.

If Lockheed Martin had this tech, it seems even harder to believe there's a cover up as that's even more people involved.

All that said, I am appreciative of these updates as I could be totally wrong and will change my mind if the evidence is forthcoming. Thumbs Up
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