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Hello All,

I am the Skeptiko poster formerly known as John Maguire. For a short time I was editing/producing some of Alex's shows, and helped administer the forums a bit too. I also contributed & co-edited 'Why Science Is Wrong'. It was a real honor for me to work with Alex personally, and support a platform I greatly respected.

Life changes took me away from Skeptiko/Alternative Research, and checking in only occasionally nowadays, I was a little surprised to see a swath of the forums got dusted basically over night, and Skeptiko, a platform based on scientific fact-based peer-reviewed research, is starting to dip it's toes into alt-right pizza gate reality. This shouldn't shock us in hindsight I suppose, as Alex has toyed with climate denialism for awhile as well, etc.

Anyway, happy to be here, even though I'm unsure how much I'll actually participate.

Take Care.

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  • laborde, Doppelgänger, malf, Stan Woolley, Doug, Ninshub
Welcome Monad/JM!
Glad to see you checking in, John. I still check out your podcast from time to time.
Thanks Chuck Smile Yeah, I've curtailed my investment in Pentamental as well, as I'm now approximately half-proud, half-embarassed by the whole project, if I'm being honest. Definitely some hidden gems in there, though for people who still enjoy wild speculation.
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(2017-08-19, 01:56 AM)Monad Wrote: Thanks Chuck Smile Yeah, I've curtailed my investment in Pentamental as well, as I'm now approximately half-proud, half-embarassed by the whole project, if I'm being honest. Definitely some hidden gems in there, though for people who still enjoy wild speculation.

I'm curious if you still keep up with the latest on "cold fusion" and where people can find out what is currently happening in that field. Are you still as excited about it as you used to be? Is it actually beginning to be recognized as a year or so ago seemed imminent.
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I think the basic science still holds up to peer-review/scrutiny, but I believe very little of the hype concerning "commercial development" any longer. Brillouine Energy might be the dark horse to make something happen on that front, but the rest have gone completely belly-up.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Monad's post:
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(2017-08-28, 12:39 AM)Monad Wrote: I think the basic science still holds up to peer-review/scrutiny, but I believe very little of the hype concerning "commercial development" any longer. Brillouine Energy might be the dark horse to make something happen on that front, but the rest have gone completely belly-up.

Helium-4, Tritium, Excess Heat, etc. -- all of that data is still relevant/interesting IYAM. Dr. Edmund Storms & Dr. Michael McKubre are the best scientists still left alive in the field.
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