Guy Lyon Playfair (1935-2018)

5 Replies, 2104 Views

The SPR reports the sad news of the death of the veteran parapsychologist Guy Lyon Playfair. He had quite a wide range of interests, but was probably best known as an investigator of the Enfield poltergeist case in the 1970s:
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I enjoy reading GLP. Always came across to me as genuine and rational. A long and interesting life and someone who actually did psychical research instead of just talking about it.
(This post was last modified: 2018-04-11, 09:23 AM by Obiwan.)
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Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here's an obituary in the Daily Telegraph (free registration required):
Also courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here's an episode of the Spooktator podcast including a discussion of Guy Lyon Playfair and an interview with him from 2010 - in which he comes across very much as someone who doesn't suffer fools gladly:
Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here's a long article about Playfair in the Daily Mail:
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Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here's an article by Alan Murdie on Playfair's career in parapsychology, which originally appeared in the SPR's Paranormal Review, and is now available on the Europaranormal website:
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