Free Energy

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Quote:And the Gods said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” So the Gods banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After the Gods drove the man out, they placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. Genesis 3:22-24

Free Energy. Does it exist? Is it possible?

I have generally assumed proponents of free energy to be frauds because I have seen a lot of YouTube talk without proof... and I've also seen designs for "free energy" devices which were nothing more than antennae picking up ambient radio waves and converting to voltage much like un-shielded headphones near a cell phone. And besides all this I'm an engineer who works with thermodynamics every day so entropy only goes one direction in my line of work.

I have also not taken free energy seriously because my thinking is that if free energy were possible, someone would have torn the world apart by now.

But perhaps my thinking was short-sighted.

First of all... free energy obviously exists because.... voila... here we are surround by energy. But I know that is not really what is meant by Free Energy... Free energy or energy from the vacuum means that entropy reverses. But if you think about it... something had to "wind up" the universe and that bit was free. Perhaps it is possible to do a little re-winding in the middle of things as well?

So free energy would mean reversing entropy which is basically like reversing time. We have superconductors that require heat energy to be removed and what is left is a conductor with super low resistance... well what if we invert the idea of a super-conductor and imagine an anti-resistor that gets cold as it induces voltage and you feed heat into it which it converts to voltage. Is that possible? I don't know. Anti-particles are supposedly time reversed particles, so would an anti-matter resistor be a free energy device? What if there is some type of "meta-material" that safely imprisons anti-matter and functions as anti-resistor? I'm going on pure mental speculation right now...

As I said above, Free Energy taken to its conclusion means either the ability to tear the world apart or the ability to have eternal life... this notion of an eternal life device reminds me of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden. The Gods put a fiery sword between Man and the "Free Energy device" known as the Tree of Life so that Man could not both have the Knowledge and at the same time live forever. But the Gods presumably have access to this Tree of Life as well as the fruit of Knowledge, so perhaps that Cherubim with the flaming sword can be hacked?

If free energy were possible (and it is because here we are), then yes it makes sense that you need a hierarchical control system (cherubim) and a reliable process like entropy (flaming sword) to guard it to keep people from tearing the world apart and/or living forever and crowding out the fresh growth. But is there any control structure that is perfectly rigid? Is there any system without ambiguities around the edges? The Devil's in the details so can we exploit some oddity of physics and some ambiguity in the quantum vacuum fluctuations to wind back the universe in a localized way?

When psychokinetic events happen (and they do), where does the energy come from? Or do such events follow laws? Perhaps they are more like plugging in new pieces of reality code than a direct physical cause and effect.

There's been lots of talk about these UFOs lately and whether all that business is a CIA psyop or what, it still provides food for thought... these UFOs must be powered by some sort of exotic energy and there are reportedly chronological anomalies around them.

Anyway... a few scattered thoughts on Free Energy here. If anyone has any idea how a free energy device could work or the philosophical and metaphysical implications of such a device, please post here. Smile
(This post was last modified: 2019-04-29, 09:08 PM by Hurmanetar.)
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Going full crazy for this because why not?

According to my past life memories I lived with one human civilisation that eventually figured this out using a process that was effectively a hydroelectric dam but for the ether. they figured out that the amount of stuff in the universe was far more than they thought because it was typically unobservable. Everything we can observe at the moment is only so because it's doing something, it's going through some change or transfer, that's ow we know it's there. Well there was a theoretically infinite pool of energy that was completely inert under normal circumstances. But they figured out, probably by accident, that if you happen to disturb this pool of energy it "ripples" and then you can detect it.

After that they figured out that they could coax it to flow one way or another, resulting in the creation of AEC's, (Ambient Energy Collectors) Devices that would, first, stimulate the pool of energy to get it moving, then give it somewhere to go and something to become. Which resulted in enough energy to keep the process going plus a little bit more. Typically in the range of 1-3% over what the device expended. This didn't break overunity because the device was only poking a hole and then maintaining it as the energy naturally flowed out. That's why I use the hydroelectricity analogy, the only power you put in is whatever it takes to open the floodgates.

These devices were not very practical, they just didn't put out enough power for their relative size to be worth much, even if that power was technically infinite. And eventually all they were really used for were backup generators and to power cellphones and laptops, or the equivalents thereof.

The real big discovery was "dimensional" energy. Basically the same thing, but outside the local universe. Dimensional energy had a LOT more pressure behind it among other things. They'd open a tear and this energy would shoot out and hit a series of plates and rods which would soak up and convert the energy into something usable. Efficiency of these reactors went down that larger and deeper you made the tear but the net energy you'd get from larger reactors was still worth it up to a point.  The smallest could power themselves plus 99% of that energy cost. This technology was also the basis for interdimensioal travel though I don't remember which came first.

It was the perfect energy source, namely because you couldn't have an accident with it. The worst that would happen is the tear would close, so it couldn't meltdown or overload or anything. The only real bad thing was that opening the tear in the first place took an ungodly amount of power. So these reactors were typically run in a configuration where you'd use a starter battery to open them, then the reactor would refill that first, then it would refill a main battery, which would typically go fill other auxiliary batteries, and it was all of those that would power whatever it was that needed power. They were also very fragile, it didn't take much to destabilise the aperture. The universe constantly tried forcing tears closed. what you were doing was like trying to protect an egg from being crushed under the ocean. You force away some of teh water, the water tries to flow back in, you let a little flow in, whatever you need, but it won't flow unless you ckeep that hole open. If too much flows it floods the whole thing out and it collapses. If too little flows you don't get enough energy to keep the aperture open and it collapses.

All this happened after people'd already figured out that you could emit various forms of energy directly without needing a bunch of mechanical or chemical intermediaries. Which led to a bunch of other advances in way to transfer energy. I got a little weirded out when I first heard about the EM drive, because it was pretty much stuff like that.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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(2019-04-30, 04:27 AM)Mediochre Wrote: Going full crazy for this because why not?

According to my past life memories I lived with one human civilisation that eventually figured this out using a process that was effectively a hydroelectric dam but for the ether. they figured out that the amount of stuff in the universe was far more than they thought because it was typically unobservable. Everything we can observe at the moment is only so because it's doing something, it's going through some change or transfer, that's ow we know it's there. Well there was a theoretically infinite pool of energy that was completely inert under normal circumstances. But they figured out, probably by accident, that if you happen to disturb this pool of energy it "ripples" and then you can detect it.

Interesting... I have no idea what that pool of rippling energy could be, but then I guess if I did, I wouldn't be here... I'd probably be out throwing stones in it.

Quote:After that they figured out that they could coax it to flow one way or another, resulting in the creation of AEC's, (Ambient Energy Collectors) Devices that would, first, stimulate the pool of energy to get it moving, then give it somewhere to go and something to become. Which resulted in enough energy to keep the process going plus a little bit more. Typically in the range of 1-3% over what the device expended. This didn't break overunity because the device was only poking a hole and then maintaining it as the energy naturally flowed out. That's why I use the hydroelectricity analogy, the only power you put in is whatever it takes to open the floodgates.

These devices were not very practical, they just didn't put out enough power for their relative size to be worth much, even if that power was technically infinite. And eventually all they were really used for were backup generators and to power cellphones and laptops, or the equivalents thereof.

The real big discovery was "dimensional" energy. Basically the same thing, but outside the local universe. Dimensional energy had a LOT more pressure behind it among other things. They'd open a tear and this energy would shoot out and hit a series of plates and rods which would soak up and convert the energy into something usable. Efficiency of these reactors went down that larger and deeper you made the tear but the net energy you'd get from larger reactors was still worth it up to a point.  The smallest could power themselves plus 99% of that energy cost. This technology was also the basis for interdimensioal travel though I don't remember which came first.

Any ideas on how to build it or put these concepts into the terms of known physics?

Quote:It was the perfect energy source, namely because you couldn't have an accident with it. The worst that would happen is the tear would close, so it couldn't meltdown or overload or anything.

Hmm... that is interesting. But if you can generate free energy and store it, then even though the generation process might be childproof, the fact that it is free means there is no material or financial disincentive to avoid storing enough energy to potentially "tear the world apart", right? So if someone had that capability, sooner or later someone would do it right? Unless there was some kind of way to monitor and control people's energy usage...

Quote:The only real bad thing was that opening the tear in the first place took an ungodly amount of power. So these reactors were typically run in a configuration where you'd use a starter battery to open them, then the reactor would refill that first, then it would refill a main battery, which would typically go fill other auxiliary batteries, and it was all of those that would power whatever it was that needed power. They were also very fragile, it didn't take much to destabilise the aperture. The universe constantly tried forcing tears closed. what you were doing was like trying to protect an egg from being crushed under the ocean. You force away some of teh water, the water tries to flow back in, you let a little flow in, whatever you need, but it won't flow unless you ckeep that hole open. If too much flows it floods the whole thing out and it collapses. If too little flows you don't get enough energy to keep the aperture open and it collapses.

All this happened after people'd already figured out that you could emit various forms of energy directly without needing a bunch of mechanical or chemical intermediaries. Which led to a bunch of other advances in way to transfer energy. I got a little weirded out when I first heard about the EM drive, because it was pretty much stuff like that.

Any thoughts on element 115 and what role it might play?
(This post was last modified: 2019-06-19, 05:40 PM by Hurmanetar.)
I think the only "free energy" that is at all likely to actually come to pass is hydrogen fusion energy, which has eluded researchers for 60 years already mainly because of plasma instabilities in the Tokamak-type reactors. The only hope seems to be innovative new approaches. Some seem promising to actually yield sources of extremely low cost energy, in one case primarily as a reaction drive for space travel.

These approaches don't try to squeeze endless energy out of empty space by utilizing some fundamental advancement in physics, but instead utilize well-known deuterium-tritium fusion reactions via fundamentally new mechanizations, to yield huge amounts of heat energy with little radioactive waste produced (unlike fission). 

Beam-target fusion reactor     

Quote:"The new approach would use both electrical and magnetic fields to create a hybrid fusion device. This so-called "beam-target fusion" doesn't try to fuse the atoms from one source; rather, it hits a beam of atoms against a solid target — and the atoms from the beam fuse with the atoms from the target. The ion beam in this approach consists of deuterium, or heavy hydrogen ions with one neutron, and the target consists of tritium ions, a heavy hydrogen with two neutrons. The approach uses hydrogen, which is the lightest element, because in fusion, the lightest elements produce the most energy, according to Hopkins.

Magnetic lenses stabilize and excite the atoms in the ion beam, and when the beam hits the target, the two types of hydrogen atoms merge and release high-energy neutrons that can then be used to heat water or power steam turbines. The fusion also creates nontoxic helium and a little bit of the original fuel source, tritium, which is slightly radioactive but can be reused as fuel, Hopkins said."

Fusion-powered reaction drive for space travel           

Quote:"The Direct Fusion Drive (DFD) engine could take flight for the first time in 2028 or so, if all goes according to plan, the concept's developers said. 

That would be big news for space fans; the minivan-size DFD could get a 22,000-lb. (10,000 kilograms) robotic spacecraft to Saturn in just two years, or all the way out to Pluto within five years of launch, project team members said. (For perspective: NASA's Cassini mission made it to Saturn in 6.75 years, and it took the agency's New Horizons probe 9.5 years to get to Pluto.)

And the engine doubles as a potent power source, meaning the technology could have a broad range of off-Earth applications."
The DFD is a variant of the Princeton Field-Reversed Configuration (PFRC), a fusion-reactor concept invented in the early 2000s by Samuel Cohen of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). The DFD is basically a PFRC reactor with an open end, through which exhaust flows to generate thrust, Thomas explained. 

The DFD's interior will feature a magnetically contained hot plasma of helium-3 and deuterium, a special "heavy" type of hydrogen that has one neutron in its nucleus (as opposed to "normal" hydrogen, which has no neutrons). Atoms of these elements will fuse within this plasma, generating lots of energy — and very little dangerous radiation, Thomas said.

The fusing plasma heats up cool propellant flowing outside the confinement region. This propellant is directed out a nozzle at the back of the engine, producing thrust. 

All that heat translates to a lot of power — likely between 1 and 10 megawatts, Thomas said. The DFD will tap into that power, using a "Brayton cycle" engine to convert much of the heat into electricity."  
(This post was last modified: 2019-06-19, 04:03 PM by nbtruthman.)
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(2019-06-19, 02:10 PM)Hurmanetar Wrote: Interesting... I have no idea what that pool of rippling energy could be, but then I guess if I did, I wouldn't be here... I'd probably be out throwing stones in it.

When I started hearing about the oncept of dark matter and dark energy I thought maybe tht was a confirmation of these memories but something seems off about it. as far as I remember the defining characteristic of this energy was tht it was totally inert and had no default interaction which is what made it initially undetectable. But at the same time I was never deep into the pure physics side of these things so I don't know exactly what caused its discovery.

Quote:Any ideas on how to build it or put these concepts into the terms of known physics?

When I was a kid and these memories first came through I'm incredibly confident that, had I had the materials in front of me, I could've probably built one. But it sort of came like a flash during other related memories of the time and started to fade in less than a day. All I remember now is that I think part of the process included something I now dub "double induction" which was basically running two em induction fields against each other. If done right part of the "ricochet" would hit the ambient energy and cause it to ripple. But it wasn't as simple as running the fields against each other randomly, if they weren't aligned right you wouldn't get the effect or it would be too weak to be useful or detectable. Maybe it was the combining amplitudes that did it, I don't know anymore.

I think one simple setup involved a battery, two capacitors and then an overflow circuit. It was something like you'd dump one capacitor into the other back and forth or something and if done right the constant ups and downs would slowly start to cause a sort of low pressure area that would draw field into the capacitors kinda like a pump. But I don't remember enough of the rest of the setup, and I'm not sure that setup was specifically for AEC's or not since it doesn't use double induction.

The four sided knot technique I developed during Loderunner was specifically designed to use double induction for a similar effect, but that was not emf, I suspect "magic" is more photonic in nature so I don't know how good of an analogue it is. And on top of that that was nearly ten years ago, in a different body, in a different reality so who knows how it would apply here or if I'm remembering it correctly?

Quote:Hmm... that is interesting. But if you can generate free energy and store it, then even though the generation process might be childproof, the fact that it is free means there is no material or financial disincentive to avoid storing enough energy to potentially "tear the world apart", right? So if someone had that capability, sooner or later someone would do it right? Unless there was some kind of way to monitor and control people's energy usage...

I'm pretty sure tearing the world apart is enough of a disincentive on its own. I'm assuming you're talking about the idea of storing up enough energy to rip open an aperture so large that it destroyed everything. I mean, I suppose technically that would be possible, but the energy cost to open larger and larger apertures didn't scale linearly which was part of why it got more and more inefficient. So to open an aperture large enough to do that would probably require energy storage literally the size of the moon or larger. And that's with the tech they had. Yes they did also figure out a form of energy mass conversion which is a whole other thing I could go into so yes, technically, building such storage would be possible but it would still be impractical.

The power of this technology wasn't it's raw output but the fact that it was relatively free and safe. But after a certain point it wasn't feasible to go larger because you needed a large enough facility to house everything. So lots of different strategies popped up like running many of the super efficient reactors together and variable aperture reactors that could start small for a lower startup cost and slowly expand to meet demand, or contract as needed.

One other factor was the culture at the time which I think may have been a big factor in hindsight. I am not going to go into a whole history lesson but in short capitalism as it exists here transitioned into what I'm going to call an open-source culture. This changeover was well underway and arguably more or less complete by the time this tech was getting developed. So the idea of profit motive really wasn't there in the same way, along with several other things.

It's not like the tech wasn't weaponized, they developed a thing called a T-DRN from it. I don't remember what that stands for but it was basically a dimensional nuke. It worked by ripping open a rift that would consume any matter or energy around it, causing it to expand. Once its energy demands to stay stable outweighed what was immediately available to it it would implode and leave behind this slow moving black "lightning" in the area that would sort of snake through the air and had this weird squealing/tearing noise. That would last maybe as long as a month until the tears fizzled out themselves.

Quote:Any thoughts on element 115 and what role it might play?

Not really, I don't know much about it beyond that it's allegedly what power certain alien craft. This tech didn't seem to require any special chemicals from what I remember, it was mainly about precise field alignment and stuff like that.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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(2019-06-20, 03:48 AM)Mediochre Wrote: When I started hearing about the oncept of dark matter and dark energy I thought maybe tht was a confirmation of these memories but something seems off about it. as far as I remember the defining characteristic of this energy was tht it was totally inert and had no default interaction which is what made it initially undetectable. But at the same time I was never deep into the pure physics side of these things so I don't know exactly what caused its discovery.

Not surprising you wouldn't remember too many technical details... I suppose if the average person alive today was to try and recall the iPhone in an alien life, they wouldn't be able to describe how much of it worked because most people just accept the electronic wizardry inside without understanding it. I mean I don't understand all that much of it and I'm an engineer (mechanical not electrical or software)

Quote:I'm pretty sure tearing the world apart is enough of a disincentive on its own. I'm assuming you're talking about the idea of storing up enough energy to rip open an aperture so large that it destroyed everything.

I thought I read somewhere that Tesla once said that some of the technology he was peering into could "tear the world apart" or something to that effect.

The idea is that if it can be done, someone will do it. If it can be weaponized, someone will weaponize it. If free energy is available, then what limits the destructive power that could be unleashed?

My latest wacky theory is that the Genesis creation myth where we get kicked out of the garden, and are thenceforward forced to work for a living, and separated from the "Tree of Life" harkens back to a time when perhaps "free energy" was available to us. But due the necessity of our moral evolution, we were quarantined from the free energy Tree of Life which meant we had to work harder for a living. The "gods" thought we needed to work out our moral development to completion before we could be trusted with this free energy because we'd use it to make anti-matter weapons that would "tear the world apart"... so the free energy is guarded by some sort of hierarchy or heavenly bureaucracy and we may be allowed to overthrow the regional portion of this hierarchy, and take back the Tree of Life free energy and once again build a garden. Of course this only works if we have reached the moral development and organization to avoid self-destruction.

Quote:It's not like the tech wasn't weaponized, they developed a thing called a T-DRN from it. I don't remember what that stands for but it was basically a dimensional nuke. It worked by ripping open a rift that would consume any matter or energy around it, causing it to expand. Once its energy demands to stay stable outweighed what was immediately available to it it would implode and leave behind this slow moving black "lightning" in the area that would sort of snake through the air and had this weird squealing/tearing noise. That would last maybe as long as a month until the tears fizzled out themselves.

That is an idea I'm going to save in case I ever write a science fiction novel. Smile Sounds freaky.
(This post was last modified: 2019-06-20, 08:02 PM by Hurmanetar.)
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(2019-06-20, 08:01 PM)Hurmanetar Wrote: Not surprising you wouldn't remember too many technical details... I suppose if the average person alive today was to try and recall the iPhone in an alien life, they wouldn't be able to describe how much of it worked because most people just accept the electronic wizardry inside without understanding it. I mean I don't understand all that much of it and I'm an engineer (mechanical not electrical or software)

I thought I read somewhere that Tesla once said that some of the technology he was peering into could "tear the world apart" or something to that effect.

The idea is that if it can be done, someone will do it. If it can be weaponized, someone will weaponize it. If free energy is available, then what limits the destructive power that could be unleashed?

My latest wacky theory is that the Genesis creation myth where we get kicked out of the garden, and are thenceforward forced to work for a living, and separated from the "Tree of Life" harkens back to a time when perhaps "free energy" was available to us. But due the necessity of our moral evolution, we were quarantined from the free energy Tree of Life which meant we had to work harder for a living. The "gods" thought we needed to work out our moral development to completion before we could be trusted with this free energy because we'd use it to make anti-matter weapons that would "tear the world apart"... so the free energy is guarded by some sort of hierarchy or heavenly bureaucracy and we may be allowed to overthrow the regional portion of this hierarchy, and take back the Tree of Life free energy and once again build a garden. Of course this only works if we have reached the moral development and organization to avoid self-destruction.

That is an idea I'm going to save in case I ever write a science fiction novel. Smile Sounds freaky.

What in the heck have you been smoking?
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(2019-06-20, 08:09 PM)Steve001 Wrote: What in the heck have you been smoking?

I’m not giving you any so don’t ask.
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