David Grusch & Joe Rogan

6 Replies, 594 Views


Groundbreaking interview. 

From this interview and then from reading up on what happened at the recent Sol Foundation event, it really seems like within this decade, we will get official disclosure from multinational sources. 

The Schumer amendment already proposes a staged disclosure (if it passes), starting in 2024 and culminating in 2030. David Grusch in this interview fleshes out everything so far that he is able to talk about. 

From my own perspective, it seems that the PTB cannot keep this under wraps any further due to various reasons. I suspect that rapid societal changes and dynamics, economical reasons such as housing crises in the west, migration, AI and technological advances, all are putting such pressure on the entire ecosystem of humanity over a short period of time, that disclosure at this time is considered a unifying event.

Bear in mind disclosure may also include the realities of consciousness and other assorted paranormal phenomenon.

I think it is reasonable to assume that we are living through probably the most momentous period in recorded human history, that will be looked back upon for hundreds and hundreds of years. Glad to be alive during this!
(This post was last modified: 2023-11-21, 09:50 PM by diverdown. Edited 1 time in total.)
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And this is something that I can't help but shake. I recently had a dream where a few seriously negative individuals that I knew and spent time around in my life appeared. I suspected they were either psychopathic or seriously disordered individuals who enjoyed causing harm.

I was almost interrogating them. I kept asking them, why do you act so rude? Why are you so nasty and negative? Why do you cause so much harm?

And with each individual I felt their specific frequency of negativity, almost like their tendrils creeping up around me as usually I would feel in their presence. 

But I was strong. I had no fear and felt none. It was the opposite actually, it was like I was going hunting. I had a righteous energy and was determined to hold them accountable. And each time I completely and utterly told them how horrible and evil they were, they got really annoyed and tried their usual with me. But I just stared them down. Amusingly, as I was doing this, some random character who I did not recognise, appeared and then proceeded to distract me, and I told them politely yet very firmly to not interrupt me as I was talking as that is rude and they should know better than to do so. They backed down because I was so firm.

The whole dream was strange because it felt more like a message to me than some random dream. I've had dreams like this before of course and more commonly, but none recently in all honesty, maybe none in the past few years.

This dream was proceeded by an interaction I had with someone at a bar. Someone in my life had gone through a terrible time with cancer and I had met this girl who was involved in cancer research when I asked her what she done. I told her it was amazing work that she was doing and that she is a real benefit to society and thanked her.

Her reaction took me aback. She suddenly turned into the nastiest piece of work you could imagine. The energy change was absolutely palpable. She proceeded to start calling me a piece of **** and all sorts. I was initially shocked and when she was done I just stood at the bar.

Then something just switched on inside me, almost like, she cannot get away with this. So I turned around, very firmly yet calmly said " How dare you speak to me like that? How dare you throw a story of deep personal pain that I shared with you back in my face like that? Do you realise how much pain that caused? You should be ashamed of yourself. I shared a bit of my humanity with you and this is how you act?"

I got upset after this and walked away to compose myself, and had found out that she had gone looking for me to apologise. 

Now, where the hell is all this going you might ask? Why am I telling you this story? How does this even tie up with UAP etc etc?

Firstly, I think the two events were connected. My dream and this interaction. Usually I would either walk away or get really really angry and verbally abuse someone like that in return, which in turn would lower my own energy. However, I was completely calm in my manner. It wasn't coming from a place of reaction nor negativity. Just straight forward brutal honesty coming from a place of truthfulness. And I think she came to her senses after that quite quickly and realised....but herein lies the arc of the story.

Did I just encounter someone who was briefly possessed by negative energies/entities/forces whatever you want to call it, and did my brutal honesty at the pain they created, shock their higher self to make the individual come to their senses?

Secondly, as I mentioned, this interaction and the dream I had shared similar dynamics. I had been toying again in life with a more non dual approach, acting out in love etc etc, and I find that it works GREAT for a period of time UNTIL I encounter someone or something that confronts me in the polar opposite; negativity.

Does this mean that there is a cautionary tale to be had here about energies, forces and entities that we are being told about now, but have no way of verifying? What about all the cattle mutilations? The abductions? The hitchhiker effect reported by NIDS investigators who were at Skinwalker Ranch. The radiation burns suffered by people who encounter UAP. The blue orbs of light that apparently according to James Lacatski, cause seriously negative physical effects on humans?

TLDR; we have really no idea as to the scope and intentions of what is going on with UAP and other phenomena. I really think it's extremely important that people are cautious with "downloads" or spiritual philosphies that preach "trust me" but provide no direct evidence so we can verify FOR OURSELVES, the goodness and intent of the information.

Obviously the above contains many assumptions, but I really feel like I had to also share my concerns with this, because I do think if disclosure happens, we need to be careful. We just have no idea if we are being played or not by either authorities or the others themselves.
(This post was last modified: 2023-11-22, 12:53 PM by diverdown. Edited 1 time in total.)
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(2023-11-22, 12:41 PM)diverdown Wrote: Did I just encounter someone who was briefly possessed by negative energies/entities/forces whatever you want to call it, and did my brutal honesty at the pain they created, shock their higher self to make the individual come to their senses?

These are interesting questions. I've asked myself related questions about periods of depression - to what extent is this some part of myself, and to what extent might it be an external force. Definitely at times I've considered it to make more sense as something external, a kind of occupation (in the sense of takeover) or an attack from outside. I reached that sort of view in my own experiences since the change between states of darkness and light was instantaneous, like flicking a switch, and the lighter part felt comfortable and unconstrained. At the same time, we have to accept responsibility for the energies we are either generating or expressing - it is not enough to entirely attribute responsibility to some 'other'.

Quote:Does this mean that there is a cautionary tale to be had here about energies, forces and entities that we are being told about now, but have no way of verifying?

There may be a cautionary tale, but the word 'now' suggests something just happening at present. I tend much more towards this being the same story which reappears in every era, in ancient times, in historical times. Often it is described in terms of religion or spirituality but it may be enacted in the world we live in in more mundane ways.
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DD, always good to see you posting.

I've queued up that Rogan interview.  Its been a tough topic for me and one I will admit I've not looked deeply into thus far.  That said I do notice a certain adventurous side of me (perhaps?) that hopes its true.  That we find out things that break us out of this so secular, physicalist, and dare I say 'meaningless' trend in modern society.  Hardly scientific or logical I know, but I think its in me somewhere.
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(2023-11-21, 09:48 PM)diverdown Wrote: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6D6otpH...ad86cd4ec7

Groundbreaking interview. 

From this interview and then from reading up on what happened at the recent Sol Foundation event, it really seems like within this decade, we will get official disclosure from multinational sources. 

The Schumer amendment already proposes a staged disclosure (if it passes), starting in 2024 and culminating in 2030. David Grusch in this interview fleshes out everything so far that he is able to talk about. 

From my own perspective, it seems that the PTB cannot keep this under wraps any further due to various reasons. I suspect that rapid societal changes and dynamics, economical reasons such as housing crises in the west, migration, AI and technological advances, all are putting such pressure on the entire ecosystem of humanity over a short period of time, that disclosure at this time is considered a unifying event.

Bear in mind disclosure may also include the realities of consciousness and other assorted paranormal phenomenon.

I think it is reasonable to assume that we are living through probably the most momentous period in recorded human history, that will be looked back upon for hundreds and hundreds of years. Glad to be alive during this!

The upcoming gradual disclosure over a few years story has a certain persuasiveness, but I just consider it on a probability scale to be above 50%. The unfortunate fact is that as of yet there still has been absolutely zero disclosure of any photographic or physical evidence of the existence of crashed UFO vehicle debris or mostly intact vehicles or alien bodies. And the premier whistleblower David Grusch has apparently been refusing to testify in new House committee hearings the details he supposedly revealed to the DOD Intelligence Inspector General. Problems with clearances have supposedly been solved.
(This post was last modified: 2023-11-22, 05:29 PM by nbtruthman. Edited 1 time in total.)
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(2023-11-22, 01:20 PM)Typoz Wrote: These are interesting questions. I've asked myself related questions about periods of depression - to what extent is this some part of myself, and to what extent might it be an external force. Definitely at times I've considered it to make more sense as something external, a kind of occupation (in the sense of takeover) or an attack from outside. I reached that sort of view in my own experiences since the change between states of darkness and light was instantaneous, like flicking a switch, and the lighter part felt comfortable and unconstrained. At the same time, we have to accept responsibility for the energies we are either generating or expressing - it is not enough to entirely attribute responsibility to some 'other'.

I am quite aware of the energies I generate. It is the vast majority of others who lack the self-awareness and commitment to know, that are dangerous. Anyway, it is a theory of mine that has origins in my life, from Gurdjieff, Ouspensky and other 4th way actors and groups I have been in. Also the work of Jerry Marzinsky. 

I suspect it's a bit of both. These energies I believe are incredibly powerful. However it certainly seems to be a core teaching throughout history that one has the ability to develop self control with regards to this...
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(2023-11-22, 03:31 PM)Silence Wrote: DD, always good to see you posting.

I've queued up that Rogan interview.  Its been a tough topic for me and one I will admit I've not looked deeply into thus far.  That said I do notice a certain adventurous side of me (perhaps?) that hopes its true.  That we find out things that break us out of this so secular, physicalist, and dare I say 'meaningless' trend in modern society.  Hardly scientific or logical I know, but I think its in me somewhere.

Thanks Silence, good to see you posting also!

I do agree. I am of the same mindset, getting bored from the current physicalist mass reality.
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