Apparitions, Hauntings & Poltergeists Text Resources Thread

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Please post links to text files (journal papers, Web articles, etc.) here.
(This post was last modified: 2017-11-02, 07:28 AM by Doug.)
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Parapsychologist Bryan Williams of the Psychical Research Foundation has recently posted an article about the Johnson haunt case:

Here's a short excerpt from the article:

Quote:In 1987, Doretta and Ron Johnson purchased a stretch of property in Indiana which contained a home and a small vacant motel. Upon moving in with their two children, they began experiencing various kinds of haunt-related phenomena in the home such as apparitions, phantom sounds suggestive of hum an presence (e.g., slamming doors, voices singing or speaking unintelligibly), flowery scents
and foul odors, cold spots, spontaneous fires, and objects seeming to move about on their own. The family would suffer from bouts of ill health, and open, bleeding scratches would occasionally appear on the skin of Mrs. Johnson and the children. Similar kinds of haunt-related phenomena had also been reported by previous owners of the property.

Williams has also posted a very short summary of the case on his blog, along with a link to an episode from the old TV series Sightings:


(To preserve their anonymity, the Johnsons are introduced as the "Kings" in the Sightings episode.)
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  • Pollux
Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog is telling the story of an interesting English case of poltergeist phenomena/suspected witchcraft from 1880. Two episodes have appeared so far, and apparently there are more to come:

(Edit: Here is the third - and final? - part: )
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  • Pollux, Typoz
Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here is a blog on Fortean phenomena by Paul Cropper. Poltergeists seem to be prominent so far, so I'll post the link here:
Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here is an article at Academia by Jason J. Braithwaite which was published in 2009 in the Skeptic Magazine, entitled "Magnetic Fields, hallucinations and anomalous experiences: A sceptical critique of the current evidence". It deals with the idea that hauntings are caused by the influence of magnetic fields on the brain:
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  • Oleo
(2018-03-03, 09:32 AM)Chris Wrote: Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog is telling the story of an interesting English case of poltergeist phenomena/suspected witchcraft from 1880. Two episodes have appeared so far, and apparently there are more to come:

(Edit: Here is the third - and final? - part: )

No - actually there was a fourth part, which was the final one:
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  • Kamarling, Ninshub
Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here's a report from the Derby Telegraph of several sightings of what is described as a "ghost plane" over Derbyshire:
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  • Ninshub
The SPR Facebook page has two poltergeist-related items today:

A news item about a Russian family afflicted by a pyromaniac poltergeist, from The Silver Times (caution: the report reads like a Google-generated translation):

A Mysterious Universe interview with Christopher Laursen of the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, who studied 20th-century poltergeists for his Ph.D:
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Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here's a link to an article by Stafford Betty published in the Society's Journal in 1984, entitled "The Kern City poltergeist: a case severely straining the living agent hypothesis":
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The SPR website has a positive review by Chris Jensen Romer of a recent book by Peter A. McCue entitled "Paranormal Encounters on Britain's Roads: Phantom Figures, UFOs and Missing Time":

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