A futile new attempt to prop up Darwinism

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Some new research work in paleogeography, astronomy and paleontology is the latest example of the typical tendency of orthodox neo-Darwinian evolutionary biology to try to explain by various relatively sudden environmental changes the Darwinian evolutionarily inexplicable sudden appearance of more than 20 fundamentally new and innovative animal phyla at the beginning of the Cambrian period a little over 500 million years ago. This is called the "Cambrian Explosion". In this evolutionarily sudden event taking less than 20 million years many very complex animal body designs (phyla) appeared over relatively few generations containing multiple irreducibly complex body subsystems. To top that, absolutely no long series of simpler intermediate forms leading to the Cambrian organisms has ever been found in the fossil record. This completely disagrees with and demolishes by evidence the cast-in-ideological-concrete Darwinist and neo-Darwinist assumptions, that all biological "evolutionary" change takes place very slowly due to the completely undirected semi-random walk process of random genetic changes being shaped by natural selection.

There have been several of these attempts, and they have all been fundamentally invalid. For instance a hypothesis that the relatively sudden rise in oxygenation level of the atmosphere occuring during the late pre-Cambrian somehow "stimulated" the basically glacially slow neo-Darwian undirected process to suddenly invent many whole new animal body plans in a rapid response to a greatly increased source of energy. Of course this idea completely is impossible because the RM + NS Darwinistic process fundamentally has a very long "wait time' for each of the very many requisite randomly occuring genetic changes to just randomly happen to appear in the population and become reinforced by spreading into the population, all to somehow gradually build up a very complex integrated set of body subsystems (such as the brain and nervous system, skeleton of some type, digestive system, legs, and manipulators or jaws to obtain food), essentially biological machines, all integrated and working together to keep the organism alive and allow it to carry out its lifestyle. This very long "wait time" makes the Darwinian process far too slow even in theory to account for the changes that have taken place over the last 500 million years.

Basically, the ID movement has scientifically and evidentially invalidated Darwinism, finding multiple fundamental flaws in its proposed mechanism. The major problems with Darwinism are the existence of irreducibly complex body systems (systems that could not possibly have been built up by numerous small successive changes), the very long wait times for required mutations to randomly occur, and the inherent tendency of the Darwinian process to degrade the genome, to progressively break existing genes, not build up new ones.

Even if the neo-Darwinian model actually worked, it would require long ages of slow bit by bit improvements to somehow build up multiple such complex biological machines, but the fossil record reveals absolutely no fossils of these intermediate forms. The Cambrian period truly was an "explosion", invalidating Darwinism.

The new article and subject research is just another perhaps more sophisticated attempt at the same sort of thing, to somehow solve the major problem that the Cambrian Explosion poses for the Darwinian evolutionary model. 


Quote:Earth's days once got more than two hours longer, thanks to the moon drifting thousands of miles farther away in its orbit over two periods, researchers have discovered.

The extra hours of sunlight, in turn, may have led to oxygenation events that ushered in a period when life's complexity exploded, the study researchers say
The researchers found that there was a "staircase" pattern in Earth's spin, with two periods where the planet's rotation quickly and dramatically changed, followed by periods of stability. Over the study period, days got 2.2 hours longer. The moon, during this period, also got an average of 12,000 miles (20,000 km) farther away.

One of these time periods, roughly 650 million to 500 million years ago, encompassed the Cambrian explosion, a period when life diversified dramatically and radiated into new niches. The second "step" in the staircase of Earth's spin occurred roughly 340 million to 280 million years ago, which corresponded to a period when massive glaciers covered the planet.
The study suggests that by increasing the day length — and, therefore, sun exposure — the moon may have triggered great oxygenation events that led to life's diversification. However, those results "need to be interpreted with care," the authors wrote in the study.
(This post was last modified: 2024-08-20, 03:38 PM by nbtruthman. Edited 1 time in total.)
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