3 minutes a day with SIP of the divine

12 Replies, 1486 Views

Anyone interested in trying this with me?

Suzanne Gliesemann is a respected medium that's been involved pretty significantly with IANDS. She has an impressive bio (including being an aide to the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff!), that you can read here* (scroll down):

She proposes a 3-minute meditation where you can practice connecting with spirit (your guides or your higher self or Source), and suggests you do it every day for 21 days and see what you come up with.

She explains it and you can follow along with her during this 10-minute video:

I'll be doing it. I don't know if I'll be reporting whatever I experience or not here (I'm doing other things as well that go in this direction), but I invite people to do so if they wish. Just putting this out there in case it interests anybody.

*Or you can hear her describe her bio/journey and how she got to become a medium through incredible dedication and practice in the mid-2000s at the beginning of this interview:
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I've just done it twice so far, and I'm used to meditating, but right away I noticed that it's easier to keep my attention on the space because I'm attentively listening, in the various senses of the word.
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(2023-03-11, 02:24 AM)Ninshub Wrote: I've just done it twice so far, and I'm used to meditating, but right away I noticed that it's easier to keep my attention on the space because I'm attentively listening, in the various senses of the word.

You'd certainly be in my meditatory connected gang, Ian...if I meditated, that is. I don't, for reasons I won't go into but for those that can meditate, it's a great thing (isn't it) for both the soul and health issues.
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(2023-03-11, 02:10 AM)Ninshub Wrote: Anyone interested in trying this with me?

Oh, go on then, Ian. You've twisted my arm hard enough. Big Grin

Just did my first session. Nothing came up, although I did end up drifting a little into what I expect were my own thoughts around the question I'd planned to ask before finding out that Suzanne had one prepared for us: "What action should I be taking to achieve the primary life goal I've set myself?"

Will try to remember to keep this up daily. Feel free to post reminders!
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I've done it for 3 days and I've had nothing as well. But I'm mindful that likely says more about me and needing to refine my sensing abilities, because my belief is that we're always receiving messages and guidance.

I'll keep at it, and not just with this exercise.
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By the by, Suzanne has a free app available, Awakened Way, and one of the things it offers is the section "Ask for Guidance Now". Have your question ready, follow the instructions (pause, get centered, take a deep breath, connect to your heart etc.) and you hit the "Inspire" button and one of 5000 messages logged should come up, and the idea being Spirit should select one that speaks to your concern.


You can just sign in as a guest if you don't want to "log in" and give out any information once when you have the app, and this still works.

In this other interview she gave on the same podcast channel, at 14:25, she describes a really striking anecdote related to someone using it.
(2023-03-12, 12:33 PM)Laird Wrote: Feel free to post reminders!

Well here's one Laird!
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(2023-03-13, 01:21 AM)Ninshub Wrote: Well here's one Laird!

Nothing again, and more monkey mind than last time. Admittedly, it was also more of an abrupt break from a more mentally active state than last time.

Thanks for the reminder!
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Another reminder Laird!
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(2023-03-16, 02:50 AM)Ninshub Wrote: Another reminder Laird!

And another session bites the dust! Nothing again, and a fair bit of monkey mind again.

I undertook an unprompted session on one of the days between this and your last reminder which was kinda-sorta-maybe a little bit successful, but it's hard to know.

I expect most if not all people (can) do this too, but it's possible for me to have a sort of conversation in my head with a putative independent partner, where "its" side of the conversation is so instantaneously spontaneous that I can pretend(?) that it's not really(?) me generating it. I don't do this very often because I think the ambiguity could lead to madness, perhaps even some sort of genuine "split" in one's psyche. Anyhow, I kind of spontaneously did it a little during that prior session, and "it" told me that I was perfect as I was.

Aside from the high-dubiousness-of-genuine-independence problem, I then noticed that Suzanne used the word (or variants of it) "perfect" a couple of times in the video just after the session ends, which I would have heard the first time, potentially priming me to put that message into "its" mouth.

Also, "it" is a bit like some AI chatbots where you can get the answer you want by force of will (in the case of a chatbot, by framing the question in a leading way), and in any case, subsequent questions sometimes lead to contradictions. So, when I followed up by mentally asking "it" the question, "So, does that mean I never make any mistakes?" "it" answered (per my expectation-will) "No".

I kind of dropped this "inner conversation game" in fairly short order (for the reason given above) and returned to "regular" meditation, with no further results.
(This post was last modified: 2023-03-16, 03:52 AM by Laird. Edited 1 time in total.)
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