Essentia Foundation: It’s Time for Mindful physics!

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Quote:Hans Busstra sat down with Bernard Carr and Bernardo Kastrup to discuss all presentations given at our 'Time and Mind' conference and elaborate further on their own ideas. For instance, both Carr and Kastrup agree that, if you take an idealist perspective, you need multiple time dimensions to account for the decomposition problem: the mechanism by which consciousness with a big ‘C’ resolves itself into consciousness with a small ‘c’.

Quote:I. Bernard Carr and Bernardo Kastrup discussing their own views:

Bernard Carr on the bridge between physics an psi phenomena
Scientists don't like mystics and mystics don't like scientists...
11:26 Is the paranormal compatible with Einstein's Block Universe?
On physicists understanding of time
What is the relationship between time and mind?
Bernardo on the three different metaphysical interpretations of time
Levels of 'selves'
36:21 No philosopher seems to talk about the specious present...
37:32 Einsteins Block Universe
On Einstein calling the passage of time a stubborn illusion...
On the importance of careful language
How a multi-dimensional time model can explain different identities
On models and reality
Time in General Relativity
58:15 Time in Quantum Theory
Lee Smolin's understanding of time
1:00:38 The role of time in different branches of Quantum Theory
Is time fundamental, asked to Bernard Carr.

Quote:II. Bernard Carr and Bernardo Kastrup discussing the conference presentations:

1:02:34 On Lee Smolin's 'presentism'
On George Ellis' presentation: There is no way a physical block universe can have come into existence: the future not yet determined!
On Lee Smolin's presentation: The role of qualia in temporal naturalism
1:22:16 On Bernard Carr's own presentation: Making space for time and consciousness in physics
1:26:26 On Kip Thorne's ideas
1:30:39 Bernardo on the undeniability of parapsychological phenomena
1:33:10 On Jonathan Schooler's presentation: Could postulating three dimension of time address assorted disparities between physics and experience?
1:38:38 The Specious Present
On Marc Wittman's presentation: Subjective time during ordinary and altered states of consciousness
On Alex Gomez Marin's presentation: The consciousness of neuroscience
On Paul Davies's presentation: The muddlescape of time
On Julia Mossbridge's presentation: How do precognition and other perceptual anomalies shed light on models of consciousness, unconsciousness and time?
Closing remarks

Quote:You can watch all the presentations referred to in this conversation in full length here:

On George Ellis - There is no way a physical block universe can have come into existence: the future not yet determined!   [Image: yt_favicon.png] • Time & Mind: Was Einstein Wrong About...  

Lee Smolin - The role of qualia in temporal naturalism   [Image: yt_favicon.png] • Time & Mind: Was Einstein Wrong About...  

Bernard Carr - Making space for time and consciousness in physics   [Image: yt_favicon.png] • Time & Mind: Was Einstein Wrong About...  

Jonathan Schooler - Could postulating three dimension of time address assorted disparities between physics and experience?   [Image: yt_favicon.png] • Time & Mind: Was Einstein Wrong About...  

Marc Wittman's - Subjective time during ordinary and altered states of consciousness   [Image: yt_favicon.png] • Going Beyond Einstein: Linking Time A...  

Alex Gomez Marin - The consciousness of neuroscience   [Image: yt_favicon.png] • Going Beyond Einstein: Linking Time A...  

Paul Davies - The muddlescape of time   [Image: yt_favicon.png] • Going Beyond Einstein: Linking Time A...  

Julia Mossbridge's - How do precognition and other perceptual anomalies shed light on models of consciousness, unconsciousness and time?   [Image: yt_favicon.png] • Going Beyond Einstein: Linking Time A...  

Bernard Carr's essay "Higher Dimensions of Consiousness":
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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RE: Essentia Foundation: It’s Time for Mindful physics! - by Sciborg_S_Patel - 2024-05-20, 07:32 PM

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