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RE: Indridi Indridason's contact with Emil Jensen 2023-08-04, 11:10 AM 6
Thread Subject Forum Name
Indridi Indridason's contact with Emil Jensen Extended Consciousness Phenomena
Deathbed Visions, After-Death Communications, Mediumship
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Sorry for the delay. I have been busy at work the last few weeks. Here is my response to the remaining problem. Let us assume that the Copenhagen fire happened earlier, perhaps one night before the séance took place like the critic is claiming. The information would still not have been able to reach Iceland in that amount of time. As Haraldsson wrote, the Marconi station only carried major world news that it got from the Poldhu station in Cornwall. The Copenhagen fire was not major world news, since there was no person that died and only some damage to one building. So the information could not get to Iceland through telegraphy even if it took place one night earlier. Even if they would have been able to access the information about the fire, it still does not explain the veridical information about Emil Jensen. This cannot be explained as fraud, since no one tried to verify the information until Haraldsson did it over 100 years later. What would have been the point of looking up the information and using the information to create a fraudulent case if no one involved made any attempt at verifying the information? It is not possible that the information can be due to cryptomnesia either. As I showed in post 49 in this thread, the obituaries that was published did not contain all the veridical information, nor information about where in Copenhagen he lived, so it is not possible that Indridi could have read all of the information in these obituaries and subconsciously used it, nor is it possible that someone else could have told Indridi all of the information after having read the obituaries. Also, even if there would have been some way for them to obtain the information about the fire that would still not explain why Indiri did claim that it was the Jensen communicator out of all possible communicators that told everyone about the fire if Indiri was not aware of the fact that Jensen lived two doors away from the fire. That it would be a coincidence that Indiri just happened to claim that it was this particular person that lived so close to the factory that communicated the information is very unlikely. If Indiri would have been consciously or subconsciously aware of the fact that Jensen lived two doors away from the fire, then why did Indiri not tell anyone about this veridical information during the sitting, since that would make the case evidentially stronger? If the fire took place one night earlier one may wonder why Indridi/Jensen claimed to experience it while it was taking place. This could be due to telepathic deferment. To quote Braude: "Furthermore, cases of crisis apparitions and modern experiments in dream telepathy suggest that there may be a period of latency between the sending of a telepathic message and the subsequent telepathic experience of the percipient (typically dubbed telepathic deferment). In fact the evidence suggests that the emergence into consciousness of (or the behavioral response to) a telepathic stimulus frequently occurs when that event is convenient or otherwise appropriate relative to the ongoing background of events or the subject’s state of mind. For example, the subject’s response might be delayed until a time of repose or relaxation or at least to a time when surrounding events are not particularly distracting." ( If it really was Jensen that experienced the fire in Copenhagen, then perhaps he experienced through ESP what was happening one night earlier due to telepathic deferment, and if it was Indridi that subconsciously experienced the fire in Copenhagen through ESP, then perhaps he experienced what was happening one night earlier due to telepathic deferment.

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