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Greetings everyone! 2017-12-14, 06:00 AM 12
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Greetings everyone! Psience Quest Specific
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I come here too late, I should have come here several months ago. But I was at a crucial job determination and was in a severely deep depression mood that time. Around June ~ July of this year - 2017 which is going to end at the time of my writing this, I made a decision to enter a new company, and now I'm at another situation to decide whether to go to another company or just stay here which is currently nice to work for myself but some bosses are fighting against each other and if the leader of development department would leave after Spring Festival next year (like someone told several few of us in private), namely February 2018, that would mean there should come another development leader, in which case a lot of unpredictable cases would ensue. I have suffered severe depression mood for decades. I need to understand why we are here, on earth, leading these lives, some of which are more terrific than mine, while some are super glamorous wonderful compared with mine, observing the past, but who knows the future, perhaps the now hapless ones would thrive while the super happy ones would go tragic. I want and need to understand why, how we were created? by who? how different fates of different individuals be arranged? There is going to be the Christmas, Merry Christmas to all here, nice to meet you all here, though my mood is depressed I wish you all have a nice mood and be happy, embracing the new year.

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