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RE: ESP and the U.S. Government 2018-01-15, 11:36 PM 6
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ESP and the U.S. Government Extended Consciousness Phenomena
Parapsychological Research into Psi Phenomena (ESP, PK, Remote Viewing, etc.)
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Hi all, If you are interested in  a greater work of fiction, may I recommend reading the book by Jacobsen. I was part of the government program of which she writes from 1975-1995 and the research director of what is known as Star Gate from 1985-1995. My tenure is longer than anyone else associated with that program; yet, according to Ms. Jacobsen her book is an authoritative account of the program.  One problem: (A) I was never contacted, (B) some of the people she claimed to have interviewed tell me that they never spoke to her.  Here is a reference for a multi-author book review: Review (2017). Review of Ms. Annie Jacobsen’s book Phenomena. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 296-311.  PestMay

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