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2002-03-04 (23 years old)
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Greetings everyone! 2022-12-13, 10:28 AM 4
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Greetings everyone! Psience Quest Specific
Member Introductions
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Hello everyone, I'm an Iranian young man and unorthodox Muslim who got interested in the afterlife research like NDEs and then went deep into other "supernatural" phenomena and now I'm here.  As a former lurker, I'm eager to to talk and interact with you all as in my eyes you're all great and inspiring people who were brave enough to stand against the orthodox dogma of modern science and to an extent the whole modern outlook.  Also, I think I owe you all an apology as I've already posted a thread and a comment ( before introducing myself properly, so please put it on my ignorance and hasty attitude.  And with that aside, I hope we can work together and get along well!  :D

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