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Dave_Beaty's Most Liked Post
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Universities Conducting PSI research in 2022 2022-08-17, 11:44 AM 5
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Universities Conducting PSI research in 2022 Extended Consciousness Phenomena
Parapsychological Research into Psi Phenomena (ESP, PK, Remote Viewing, etc.)
Post Message
Hi gang, first post.  I am a TV producer working on a film about the nature of consciousness. One important aspect is the ongoing and historical research using empirical method to explore the various areas of parapsychology.  As I have been researching, one thing is clear, it's not a field of study that has surmounted the stigma and ridicule of the past to allow open inquiry with programs that are funded and well staffed.  In fact, I've found many that have folded, lack funding, or are fearful for their survival.  That said, I'd like to portray those that dare to continue on a personal mission to research these topics. NDE, OBE, PK, RV and other subjective and objective studies. But even finding, let alone having anyone dare to speak is a real problem as I have found.  It seems everyone is so worried about perception, credibility, and program protection that even talking in public is now forbaddin.  So, what universities and academic institutions are still in existence with programs that students and researchers can go to to find programs today? Dave Beaty Senior Producer and UAP Researcher

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