Your Very Own Consciousness Can Interact With the Whole Universe, Scientists Believe

1 Replies, 367 Views

Saw this on r/consciousness. It's paywalled so here's the web archive version.
[-] The following 2 users Like LotusFlower's post:
  • Sciborg_S_Patel, Max_B
good find...

In 2020 Nima briefly showed a slide, during a marathon online lecture, of what the underlying kinematical (without momentum) structure from which Spacetime and QM emerges looks like in our everyday world of 3+1 (spacetime). And that kinematical structure looked like infinite cylinders with positive and negative windings, with points on the surface of oppositely wound cylinders connected by a wormholes. The kinematical structure shown on his slide has a great similarity to microtubules which exist within all eukaryotic cells.

Pennington recently showed that it's mathematically possible to recover the information that fell inside a blackhole and is then emitted as hawking radiation, by building a quantum computer to simulate the blackhole. What was totally surprising, and it turns out the most powerful part of his work, is that when you do that, the maths shows that the quantum computer and the blackhole become connected by wormholes.

Prior to these, Maldacena wrote his great work on AdS/CFT in 1997 (i wont go into here), but is often described as the tin can theory - where what happens within the bulk of the tin can, can be described by a theory which lives at infinity on the walls of the tin can. This cylindrical shape once again has similarities with the microtubule.

As it's apparently us doing the experiencing, it now seems obvious to me that we should expect to find the experience of this cylindrical structure - from which our experience of spacetime and QM emerges - within our experience of us. And we do find the brains networks are chock full of these cylindrical microtubule structures, only recently did we discover that they are distributed in the brain with positive and negative helical windings

The issue for me now is our naive view of scale... emergence from small to large... there is something wrong with it...

I suspect how we currently think about scale might be a major issue that is limiting us... one example I've been thinking hard about, is that it might be possible for us to scale thoughts in time.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring 
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
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  • Sciborg_S_Patel, LotusFlower

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