What is the Alien Agenda?

6 Replies, 566 Views

Continuation from here.

Personally I am not sure these entities are from other planets, and even if they are from other dimensions not sure they have a clear independent existence from humanity's own place in the "Imaginal" realm...
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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(2023-12-01, 05:14 PM)Silence Wrote: For sure.  Its so funny to me how my mind reacts when exposed to something on this topic that's new (re: the link you provided).

On one hand my fantasy-soul gets excited by this.  A galactic battle between good and evil (aliens in this case).  However, my rational (?) mind immediately tries to put this in perspective in two ways: 1) anytime my fantasy-soul (not sure what to call this so don't read anything into the 'soul' part) lights up my rational side reminds me that fantasy stuff is typically (always?) fiction/legend content and that 2) things in actual history I mind wax fantastical about (i.e., battles between good and evil) always involve very real horrors, violence, suffering, etc.  The conquering hero in these stories, whether from history or fiction, takes the forefront while the destruction and horror that came with it (whether good won or not) is always muted/forgotten.

On another hand, my big-question-seeking side is also excited by the potential for actual alien interaction/confirmation-of-existence.  After all, they may have some insights to share there. Wink

Lastly, and what was maybe most frightening about the link you provided, is the notion of bad actors at higher levels (i.e., aliens).  I've always hoped (assumed even?) that higher intelligence/evolved beings would be benevolent.  I have no rational basis to assert or assume this though.

Just a few random musings.

Glad you mentioned the "fantasy soul" in the sense of being drawn to the idea of a more epic existence. I definitely feel that pull as well...

But like you I think it is just too simple for whatever is happening with "aliens". Things seem to get really weird at times with some sightings, and there seems to be a connection running from mythology of the past to the modern alien phenomena...
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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Sorry to diverge slightly, but here is an example of the grifting. This just pisses me off. 

I watched Danny Sheehan, the so called people’s advocate, on the Engaging The Phenomenon podcast, which I do enjoy.

I watched and Danny made some interesting claims about what is going to happen regarding disclosure. Apparently his group are one of the approved groups to make nominations to this 9 person panel that the UAP act making the rounds would introduce. Scientists, theologians and other types are planned to be included.

However (there’s always a however isn’t there….), I found out that Danny Sheehan’s New Paradigm Project which is the group associated with UAP disclosure, claims to have inside information. The catch? 

Donate at least $1000 to access this “inside information”. Pretty rich coming from a group who supposedly champion transparency and who probably moan about doners corrupting congress etc etc. 


How is anyone supposed to trust these people? I want bloody hard evidence, I shouldn’t have to pay someone $1000 to find out the greatest discovery in humankind. 

Something doesn’t add up for me.

Edit - I wanted to give credit to Jay from Project Unity who I have seen twice do 180’s regarding suspect sources and info etc, when new info comes to light. It was his tweet about this that prompted this post. He also removed an interview with Caz Clarke and her “Pentyrch Indident” from Wales in the UK, when it became obvious that it was a load of nonsense.
(This post was last modified: 2023-12-01, 09:28 PM by diverdown. Edited 2 times in total.)
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(2023-12-01, 08:06 PM)Sciborg_S_Patel Wrote: Continuation from here.

Personally I am not sure these entities are from other planets, and even if they are from other dimensions not sure they have a clear independent existence from humanity's own place in the "Imaginal" realm...

I agree that we can certainly not be sure that these entities are from other planets in our Universe, or from other dimensions, other universes in a multiverse, or time travelers from our own future (of course, paradoxes probably prevent this option), or any of the other imaginative ideas put out over the years. 

I just think it would be instructive to briefly review one of the significant number of excellent quality UFO incidents that feature apparently piloted structured vehicles of some kind. As far as I am concerned, these cases cumulatively establish beyond much reasonable doubt that at least some UFOs/UAPs are somebody else’s hardware.
The following is an example of an extensive detailed sighting by two expert observers (also included in a post some time ago at https://psiencequest.net/forums/thread-u...1#pid48301 ). Of course, anything at all including this could possibly really be some sort of deceptive illusion created by some sort of very powerful mind-altering aliens, but that option seems too suspiciously like magical imagination to me. 

How about it? It seems to me that the "if it looks like a duck and walks and quacks like a duck it probably is a duck" reasoning is more plausible -  this case was probably as it appeared to be, rather than some sort of staged illusion by some sort of very advanced beings.

The Nash-Fortenberry UFO sighting

Location: Over Chesapeake Bay, VA
July 1952

The Nash-Fortenberry UFO sighting was an unidentified flying object sighting that occurred on July 14, 1952, when two experienced commercial pilots (William B. Nash and William H. Fortenberry) saw eight UFOs flying in a tight echelon formation over Chesapeake Bay in the state of Virginia. Though the encounter lasted only twelve to fifteen seconds, Nash and Fortenberry were able to offer a detailed moment-by-moment chronology of events, and a relatively accurate measurement of the objects’ motion and size when compared to well-known attractions. Both pilots were World War II U.S. Navy veterans, and had been trained in identification of enemy aircraft — Nash was a Naval Air Transport veteran who specialized in anti-submarine patrols, while Fortenberry worked with the Navy’s air experimental wing.

Nash stated that the sighting consisted of “six bright objects streaking towards us at tremendous speed…They had the fiery aspect of hot coals, but of a much greater glow…Their shape was clearly outlined and evidently circular!” He would go on to state that this color was the same on each craft, which themselves glowed around “twenty times” brighter than the city lights below them.

A little more of this extensive detailed sighting by two expert observers, from https://www.ufoinsight.com/ufos/sighting...nberry-ufo :

The closer the objects got to the airliner the clearer the two men could see they were in a purposeful “narrow echelon formation”. The leader, according to Nash, was the “lowest” in the formation, with “each following craft slightly higher”. Then, the leader appeared to attempt to slow suddenly. Nash would continue:

“We received this impression because the second and third wavered slightly and seemed almost to overrun the leader, so that for a brief moment during the remainder of their approach the positions of these three varied. It looked very much as if an element of “human” or “intelligence” error had been introduced in so far as the following two did not react soon enough when the leader began to slow down and so almost overran him!”

As the two men continued to observe the row of glowing circular objects, they suddenly and with lightning speed changed their direction. They would “flip” on their edges with the glowing surface facing the pilots’ right. As they did so, the bottoms of the craft were “not clearly visible”.

This would lead the pilots to believe that the bottoms of the craft were, in fact, unlighted. The same appeared true for the edge of the objects. Nash would describe their overall appearance as being “much like coins”.

The encounter was corroborated by several groups of independent ground witnesses. The case has been recorded in the United States Air Force Blue book project as “unknown”. Major Dewey Fournet, who was involved with the Project Blue Book project years later, indicated that the incident was “one of the most detailed and reliable cases” of the times.

Another even more extensive and detailed recounting of the incident is at https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/4...o-casebook .
(This post was last modified: 2023-12-01, 09:48 PM by nbtruthman. Edited 3 times in total.)
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I do think it's plausible that some cases involve actual craft, though I would note cases like Whitely Streiber where he at least claims to have encounters that seem to sometimes involve technology and sometimes seem to be more fantastical.

But as I've said before if these entities are on the "Imaginal" level but drawing on human technological expectations they could easily seem to be advanced, far more developed versions of our own vehicles.

Though even if there are cases which are "just" nuts & bolts craft I'm not sure there's any agenda. It all seems so haphazard, admittedly in part because some testimonies could very well just be hallucinations and/or fabrications...but it is difficult to imagine civilizations so much more advanced than our own acting the way the aliens apparently do...

Couldn't they just take over if they wanted to...after all it seems they have the technology to beat human weaponry with ease?
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

(This post was last modified: 2023-12-01, 10:01 PM by Sciborg_S_Patel. Edited 3 times in total.)
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(2023-12-01, 09:59 PM)Sciborg_S_Patel Wrote: I do think it's plausible that some cases involve actual craft, though I would note cases like Whitely Streiber where he at least claims to have encounters that seem to sometimes involve technology and sometimes seem to be more fantastical.

But as I've said before if these entities are on the "Imaginal" level but drawing on human technological expectations they could easily seem to be advanced, far more developed versions of our own vehicles.

Though even if there are cases which are "just" nuts & bolts craft I'm not sure there's any agenda. It all seems so haphazard, admittedly in part because some testimonies could very well just be hallucinations and/or fabrications...but it is difficult to imagine civilizations so much more advanced than our own acting the way the aliens apparently do...

Couldn't they just take over if they wanted to...after all it seems they have the technology to beat human weaponry with ease?

Sure. I think that is one of the main reasons why the elaborate staged illusion theory of UFOs/UAPs probably fails. Unless the aliens for some reason just want to impassively observe humanity's responses to such an illusion (and therefore learn something more about us, more than just our biology which could be obtained by unobserved means), or they altruistically want to avoid contact-induced societal collapse by slowly introducing the idea of the reality of NHIs, followed by actual physical contact. Of course the disorganized and variedly fantastical nature of the overall phenomenon militates against these ideas of some sort of mass psychology experiment or a deliberate gradual contact, put on by one alien race. I agree with the idea that it is more like there are multiple NHI races or beings with different and sometimes conflicting purposes/capabilities. One thing for sure: somebody or a number of different somebodies have been interested in us for a long time. I don't think there is much credibility to the idea that the phenomenon has been somehow unconsciously created by us humans ourselves.
(This post was last modified: 2023-12-01, 10:34 PM by nbtruthman. Edited 1 time in total.)
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(2023-12-01, 10:26 PM)nbtruthman Wrote: I don't think there is much credibility to the idea that the phenomenon has been somehow unconsciously created by us humans ourselves.

Oh I would agree that a Super-Psi type explanation for UFO phenomena runs into issues that may even be worse than attempts to use Super-Psi to counter evidence of Survival.

Rather, think of an entity with vastly different relationship to Space/Time/Mind but having to express itself to us...In fact the commonality of certain types of figures in Survival evidence, despite the way said figures seem to clothe themselves in cultural artifacts, might be a good way to think of it...

As for the interest of these entities, it is difficult to figure this out. Do beings that could cross the span of this universe or crossover from another universe really have such poor means of biological invesgitation they need to cut up and probe humans & cattle?
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

(This post was last modified: 2023-12-01, 10:39 PM by Sciborg_S_Patel. Edited 1 time in total.)

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