True Crime Podcasts

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Who monitors this organisation, Chris ? Who decides what a crime against humanity is ? Grenfell tower wasn't a crime against humanity, it was the terrible consequence of not making sure that building materials are up to the correct fire retarding standard.

I don't like the look of it at all. The photos of the "team" are all in black and white (why not colour ? Is that for effect... if so why try to be emotive ?). It looks like they are anti-US, too and not neutral but I could be wrong)

Thanks for posting it if only because I had no idea that such organisations existed and connected with Goldsmith's college as well. I wonder if Chris French drives one of the team's SUV's. Wink  No, I doubt it.
(This post was last modified: 2018-05-03, 04:59 PM by tim.)
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(2018-05-03, 05:17 PM)Chris Wrote: But from what I've seen so far, the quality of their analysis is high, and their conclusions about individual cases are difficult to argue with.
"But from what I've seen so far, the quality of their analysis is high, and their conclusions about individual cases are difficult to argue with."

Who are they accountable to ?
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(2018-05-03, 05:43 PM)Chris Wrote: What I'm suggesting is that their work should be judged on its merits, like all academic work, and in fact like anything else we discuss here. I've spent most of today looking at their work, and I've given you my opinion on its merits.

If you want to make an argument against their work based on who they are or aren't "accountable" to, that's up to you, but please don't expect me to participate. I posted the link here because I thought some people might find it interesting. Feel free to take it or leave it.

"What I'm suggesting is that their work should be judged on its merits,"

I thought the Turner prize was for art ? Is their work artistic ? Is that why their photo's are in black and white ?

If you don't want to participate in explaining what this curious organisation is about, then I would suggest you don't post it ? But that's just my opinion.

I'll leave it there, thanks
(This post was last modified: 2018-05-03, 06:37 PM by tim.)
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OK. I've deleted the posts. Too much hassle.
(2018-05-03, 07:03 PM)Chris Wrote: OK. I've deleted the posts. Too much hassle.

Yeas, I saw that, thanks for the heads up.

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