The Mentality Training Sim

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This is something I’ll be referencing in my Energy Explanation thread

2016, July or August. After developing the Fatalism Method I was trying to figure out the respective roles of emotion and logic in magic. I asked a spirit I’ve mentioned many time on the forum that I call Gold if she would be willing to help me out with a shared dream, The next night, this was the result.

I enter into a dream. I get a psychic and paper dossier. Together they state that the government of wherever I was is highly repressive, employing heavy information controls on the population. As a result school teachers were jobs that required very high security clearance, payed just as well, and were very hard to replace. Officially the teachers had such high requirements because the government only picked the best, most knowledgeable, most qualified people for the job. Because the role of teaching the next generation was the most important of all. In reality the governments criteria were for people who could keep secrets and do whatever they’re told, without question, for money. They routinely, purposefully, employed known violent offenders. It appeared that the population was well aware of the situation but unable/unwilling to do much about it given the police state nature of the society. The government didn’t want anyone who would go off-script and fill impressionable young minds with ideas that weren’t “Politically Correct.” A large part of the curriculum was naturally about obedience and submission to authority. I assume this is why people with no scruples about beating the shit out of random people were chosen.

Thus the dossier stated that I was part of a team of others who, among other things, were going to infiltrate an elementary school and assassinate several teachers simultaneously. The idea being that, since teachers are very hard to replace due to their high security clearance requirements, losing many at once would create a temporary knowledge vacuum. A period of time where people would be able to think their own thoughts for awhile and not have to fear physical and psychological abuse for it. It was presumed that existing anti government sentiments may begin to surface during this time among the affected groups. At which point the seeds of revolution would’ve taken root and presumably there would be other teams elsewhere to help them along. We were all given child bodies to allow us to blend in. I think they were supposed to be around 8-10 years old. We weren’t possessing pre-existing bodies as far as I know, we were just given new ones. If I remember correctly it was explicitly stated in the dossier that we had to use magic to take down our targets given its untraceability in that society. That combined with child bodies was intended to make any forensics difficult, given that people would likely not expect a child to be capable of murder. Let alone ten or twelve of them, all on the same day, during the same class block. Although if I remember correctly I didn’t feel like I had magic. Or at least not enough magic. It concerned me a bit but I assumed that when push came to shove I’d be able to force out more like I had other times. I guess it’s more like I was telling myself that I’d have enough magic because I [i]had[/i] to have enough magic, regardless of how I felt.

We all split up and went into our assigned classrooms. The paper dossier listed my target as a known pedophile, lucky me. I sat through the class and it was pretty clear that the guy was indeed creepy. He had made one boy take his shirt off for almost half the class for I can’t remember what reason. A punishment I think. Kids were obviously pretty freaked out by him. He on the other hand seemed pretty happy. I sat there soaking in information as best I could. We’ll say the front of the class with the whiteboard is north. From what I remember there were about 6-8 rows of maybe 6 or 7 desks. I was sitting in the row that was second in from the east wall where the door was. There was a large deskless gap in the north and east parts of the room presumably to make walking around those areas easier. There was at least one window on the west wall and the teachers desk was in the northwest corner of the room. It was an L shaped, light beige-tan desk with an LCD computer screen in the corner. Probably made out of MDF or similar. The other walls didn’t have much on them, I think the south wall had a cork board with a couple things pinned to it.

I already really didn’t like him. I didn’t have to say much in class but I think there were a couple things. At the very end of the class, maybe before absolutely every kid had left, he had said something to me while he was walking down the rows to the south wall and I told him something like “You will [i]not[/i] touch me” or, “If you try to touch me, I [i]will[/i] kill you” I don’t remember. Would’ve been really dumb if I said something like the latter considering the mission I’d been given but I wouldn’t be all that surprised if I was that stupid at the time. Even if it wasn’t what I said, it was certainly what I was thinking. Whatever I said, I knew it was in context with a bunch of previous things he was saying and doing in the class but I can’t remember them anymore. He got incredibly angry. I can’t remember what he said but he was so angry his voice was cracking and his face started turning red at one point. He wasn’t even yelling. Just super intensely angry. I thought it was an interesting reaction given how calm he was before. I suspect it’s because he’s used to getting his way with people and in such an entitled mindset the idea of someone standing up against him, especially a kid, must’ve seemed like the highest insult.

I stayed behind after the class was over. He had gone and sat at his desk. With no one around I figured this was as good a time as any. I still didn’t feel like I had magic but it didn’t matter. He asked me what I wanted, apparently calmed down from earlier. He seemed to be assuming I just had some homework questions or something.

I psyched myself up to take him out in one shot and tried using energy to leap off the ground to kick him. But my body felt like it was swimming through molasses. I barely got off the ground and the kick was more like a tap. I’m sure most people can relate to this phenomenon. I call it “Dream sluggishness”… god that’s a dumb name. It was only enough to alert him that I was trying to attack him. He was pretty pissed and got up out of his chair.

[i]Well… fuck…[/i] I thought to myself as I set up in a high back stance. I knew I was at an extreme disadvantage in all areas, I barely came up to his hip, I assumed if he was going to attack me it would be with a kick. Otherwise he might grab me. I knew that things could get really, really bad if I lost since he was a paedophile. I tried using all of that to psyche myself up more, tried getting myself more and more emotional to draw out more energy. But it wasn’t working, nowhere near what I needed. Then a couple seconds later Gold popped into existence to my left. The teacher was startled and confused. He seemed to be babbling questions about who she was and how she got there or something, I didn’t hear because Gold was ignoring him and talking to me,

“Look [Medi], you’re letting the dream affect you more than it really is.” Is all I can remember with any reliability, she also said something about how I needed to just understand that I had magic and then use it, but I can’t remember her exact words.

“Ummmm… I don’t think I can do that [Gold].” I replied back. she’d more or less just told me ‘Oh, you can’t fly? that’s because you believe in gravity. Just stop believing in gravity and then you can fly!’

She sighed in annoyance, “Ok, here...”

I felt a field of energy surround me, I tried floating and doing various things with magic. There was a slight delay but then the thing would happen, I could tell it was because she was doing it for me. But in a few moments my mind was starting to accept the pattern and she eased off the energy. I kicked him in the side of his knee and punched him twice in the torso, breaking one of his ribs, and then teleported behind his head and kicked him in the back of the neck with my shin charged with as much energy as I could pour into it, intending to break his neck. He flopped onto the floor and started whimpering. I felt kinda bad about it, The whole point was so it would be over quickly.

“See? Your magic is not a product of your emotions, it’s a product of your mentality.” Gold said, verbatim.

Then with it revealed that this was the simulation I asked her to do for me and that there's no real danger we went off and repeated this same thing four or so more times, none of which I remember in any detail anymore. By the end I was [i]starting[/i] to understand how to apply it, although I’ve never been able to fully transfer that training to the real world.

In hindsight I can’t believe that when I asked her for help with this that her solution was to put me in a childs body in a room with a paedophile with no magic and tell me to kill him. But that’s par for the course with Gold. She believes that experience is the only way anyone learns anything and that you should not pollute a students mind with your personal beliefs of how things work. If you want to teach someone how to block a punch, just keep punching them, they’ll eventually get tired of getting hit in the face and invent something to prevent it. That’s her style of teaching. A philosophy that what a person is [i]willing[/i] to do to win, how far they are [i]willing[/i] to push themselves, is far more important and fundamental than their technical ability. And she’s right. It’s funny because as I was writing this I thought back to the Mother’s Day Incident and how I only survived because of my attitude, not any fancy technique, in fact all my technique was atrocious. I also wonder if it really was just a simulation or if she sent me off to do something real and just tagged the training onto it for convenience. I’ve had more than a few dreams like this where I get some sort of dossier or mission in what is stated as an alternate reality and I do wonder if that’s literally what’s happening sometimes.

“Historically” she always trained me this way which caused a lot of friction between us at points, I’d just wake up in strange places with no memory of how I’d gotten there often in some sort of immediate danger and then I’d find my way out of it and she’d be waiting there all nonchalantly acting like everything was fine. Telling me I was overreacting when I’d get mad at her or just dismissing what I said outright. Because, of course, if your student [i]knows[/i] it’s training they won’t act naturally, And if they don’t act naturally it’s not experience. So of [i]course[/i] you gotta wipe their memory and stuff. That was the usual explanation. Sigh… I could go on but those are stories for another time. If I ever work up the courage to continue my incredibly crazy, fantasical past life story you’ll learn a lot more about Gold and her philosphy on life after the halfway point. Although I’ve contemplated doing a thread in the philosophy section all about it just because to see what other peoples opinions on it are.

Teal has experienced this too. After some training Gold and I did with her in this life via shared dream she came up with the best description of Gold ever,

“Tall, blonde, and scary.” 

I’d say that’s pretty accurate. I hope she comes back to the forum soon. Ask me any questions you want, I don't think I wrote this one as clearly as I would like but I'm not sure how to fix it.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(This post was last modified: 2019-12-17, 07:13 PM by Mediochre.)
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(2018-03-19, 05:48 AM)Mediochre Wrote: Ask me any questions you want

Not totally related to your (very cool) story, but I'm interested to know what your overall... metaphysic, for want of a better word... is. Basically, how do you view reality, incorporating all of the experiences you've had: shared dreams, magic, spirit teachers, other realms, helping a goddess fix problems in her realm, etc etc? What do you make of it all? What's it all about, how does it work, and why? What's your view on the nature of mind and its relation to body - are you a dualist, an idealist, or something else? What are your views on origins/cosmology? What are your views on divinity? Does reality originate in a singular God(dess)? If so, what is the nature of that Being, and how does it relate to gods and goddesses with lowercase Gs? How do the different realms relate and how is it possible for us (you) to travel between them? And anything else you want to discuss (I think you've shared pretty well your views on morality and evil, but you could included them for completeness if you wanted to).

It's fine if you want to start a new thread to address all of that - and it's of course fine too if it's all too much for you to want to deal with.
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(2018-03-19, 07:08 AM)Laird Wrote: Not totally related to your (very cool) story, but I'm interested to know what your overall... metaphysic, for want of a better word... is. Basically, how do you view reality, incorporating all of the experiences you've had: shared dreams, magic, spirit teachers, other realms, helping a goddess fix problems in her realm, etc etc? What do you make of it all? What's it all about, how does it work, and why? What's your view on the nature of mind and its relation to body - are you a dualist, an idealist, or something else? What are your views on origins/cosmology? What are your views on divinity? Does reality originate in a singular God(dess)? If so, what is the nature of that Being, and how does it relate to gods and goddesses with lowercase Gs? How do the different realms relate and how is it possible for us (you) to travel between them? And anything else you want to discuss (I think you've shared pretty well your views on morality and evil, but you could included them for completeness if you wanted to).

It's fine if you want to start a new thread to address all of that - and it's of course fine too if it's all too much for you to want to deal with.

Yeah I've been planning to do thatthat, I'm on my phone right now so I'll have to reply more later. I didn't think I posted anything about the whole goddess tournament thing anywhere or at least I thought I deleted what I had cuz I thought it was too crazy to share. Oh well, I've been writing that thing up for a post anyways so I guess it doesn't matter.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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(2018-03-19, 04:59 PM)Mediochre Wrote: I didn't think I posted anything about the whole goddess tournament thing anywhere or at least I thought I deleted what I had cuz I thought it was too crazy to share.

Yes, I'm guessing you deleted it, because searching here and on Skeptiko under your name for either or both of "goddess" and "tournament" brings up nothing - I definitely remember reading it though; pretty sure you posted it to Skeptiko. Even just as a story regardless of it being non-fictional, it was worth the read. It sounds like you didn't keep a copy, which is a pity.
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(2018-03-19, 05:48 PM)Laird Wrote: Yes, I'm guessing you deleted it, because searching here and on Skeptiko under your name for either or both of "goddess" and "tournament" brings up nothing - I definitely remember reading it though; pretty sure you posted it to Skeptiko. Even just as a story regardless of it being non-fictional, it was worth the read. It sounds like you didn't keep a copy, which is a pity.

I'm writing up a more formal version of it anyways so it doesn't matter. I figure why not, I posting the rest of this stuff. the goddess tournament was the last of the "Big 3" which are dream... things... where I got full on spirited away for months at a time. I figured I should write up all of them in some capacity. I feel pretty weird doing it knowing that this is stuff I actually did because of how crazy it is. But whatever, at this point I'll just share it.

Beyond that for your other questions I doubt I'll be able to give a full answer right now. But in short, I don't think there is any being controlling or otherwise involved with "everything". I don't think it's even possible for a being to be involved at that level. Because if one was that would mean they are somehow restricting infinity which is a misnomer. Best as I can tell from a combination of research here and past life stuff things might work on a layered inheritance model going from incredibly vague to incredibly specific. With each layer inheriting its charactistics from the previous layer. This is the only way I can figure that you can go from nothing to something specific, and here was a lot of explanation of that in the past life stuff, especially in the second half when interdimensional travel got discovered. It seems like all these different things are actually their own physical planes that exist in their own, semi discreet, phase states. Interaction can occur because at some level these things derived from teh same layer so share that level of compatibility. Ibn teh second half of teh past life stuff I'll be able to go into the insane classification system that got developed for interdimensional stuff to define what ia reality vs a plane, vs a dimension, vs a realm and all these other nuances like what happens if someone from one dimension goes into another dimension and how do things flow together. It involved a lot of math that I no longer know because it's just way too much information to try remembering. 

Generally speaking according to all that, things that are compatible group together or otherwise interact, creating a reality or universe or whatever. Eveything is technically connected to everything since it derives from teh same base layer else but interaction is most strong between things that are most compatible. The less compatible, the less interaction, until the interaction is so small you can disregard it.

Magic could be said to be a form of hacking, where you inject "code" into the underlying reality to get a compatible effect a different way. Gods and goddesses are just the equivalent of people who are so good at programming they know how to make their own compilers, interpreters, operating systems, etc. But everything ends up being real in one way or another somewhere in all of that. Some dimensions were naturally occuring, others were created by people. Some were created by people who copy/pasted naturally occuring physics laws. Basically if you can imagine it, it probably exists out there somewhere. Either because it already existed or because you thinking about it created a butterfly effect thing that made it exist somewhere where your idea is most compatible. It's lowest energy state I guess. Granted I have no hard proof of any of this but a lot of what I've gone through highly supports it. especially the connection between dreams and reality and projection and poltergeisting for magic. But that's also why I'm so anti objective morality, from my perspective I've seen so many different variations of things that the idea that there is any specific anything at the highest level is absurd. In fact, typically, if someone locally is trying to tell people that they're a god or that everything is a certain way, there's a good chance they're just trying to manipulate them, which is why I am so suspicious of things here. granted it can also be genuine, but even if it is that doesn't make it objective. I dunno, I hope this is a good start. I should probably do a full thread on it sometime. Or I could just finish the past life thing.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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(2018-03-20, 04:24 AM)Mediochre Wrote: I got full on spirited away for months at a time.

By the time of our world too? I mean, were you (in our world) lying in bed asleep or unconscious/unresponsive for months during this experience?

(2018-03-20, 04:24 AM)Mediochre Wrote: I feel pretty weird doing it

Don't let that bother you. According to many, this forum itself is weird just because of the topics it discusses. So, you're in a weird environment already: push the limits of weirdness, dude.

(2018-03-20, 04:24 AM)Mediochre Wrote: Best as I can tell from a combination of research here and past life stuff things might work on a layered inheritance model going from incredibly vague to incredibly specific.

Sounds a bit like object-oriented programming, and then combined with your later comment that “Magic could be said to be a form of hacking, where you inject "code" into the underlying reality to get a compatible effect a different way” it sounds very much like we're talking about something like virtual realities running on some kind of (programmed) simulator. Am I on the right track, or is the coding stuff just a metaphor?

(2018-03-20, 04:24 AM)Mediochre Wrote: I'll be able to go into the insane classification system that got developed

Developed by whom?

(2018-03-20, 04:24 AM)Mediochre Wrote: to define what ia reality vs a plane, vs a dimension, vs a realm and all these other nuances like what happens if someone from one dimension goes into another dimension and how do things flow together

In one way, that would be fascinating. In another, that level of detail starts to make me wonder: all sorts of people have all sorts of detailed theories about reality which can't all be right - is it perhaps better to try to stick to the more general abstract stuff that we can hope for consensus on before digging into potentially subjective gritty details like that? But in the end, I don't want to discourage you from presenting all of your data/inference/theoretical points.

(2018-03-20, 04:24 AM)Mediochre Wrote: Gods and goddesses are just the equivalent of people who are so good at programming they know how to make their own compilers, interpreters, operating systems, etc.

So: not necessarily morally superior beings? (Trick question!)

(2018-03-20, 04:24 AM)Mediochre Wrote: typically, if someone locally is trying to tell people that they're a god or that everything is a certain way, there's a good chance they're just trying to manipulate them, which is why I am so suspicious of things here. granted it can also be genuine

Genuine in that the being actually is a "god(dess)", and that things are the way they say? How would you determine whether this is true (you must have done so for the "tournament goddess")?

(2018-03-20, 04:24 AM)Mediochre Wrote: I hope this is a good start.

For sure. It sounds like you have had some experiences that are way out there - all very valuable data for our community. However you choose to present it is fine.
(This post was last modified: 2018-03-20, 12:51 PM by Laird.)
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(2018-03-20, 12:44 PM)Laird Wrote: By the time of our world too? I mean, were you (in our world) lying in bed asleep or unconscious/unresponsive for months during this experience?
No, only over there.  The concept of "local time" is something I've run into a lot. Both in this life and the past.

(2018-03-20, 12:44 PM)Laird Wrote: Sounds a bit like object-oriented programming, and then combined with your later comment that “Magic could be said to be a form of hacking, where you inject "code" into the underlying reality to get a compatible effect a different way” it sounds very much like we're talking about something like virtual realities running on some kind of (programmed) simulator. Am I on the right track, or is the coding stuff just a metaphor?
It's just a metaphor. It comes from when I first met another "spirit" I've called Red in the past, although Dreamsoap thinks she should be called Scarlet and I agree. Oh yeah I should probably mention that when I say people like Gold and Green and Yellow and Scarlet are "spirits" it's not because they are literally spirits, it's just that that's where they are right now. That's the plane they're currently living on. And it just makes it easier to call them spirits even though technically these are people I've physically met before and all that, granted that was in the past but still. I'll keep calling them spirits just to make it easier. Anyways, Scarlet was the first person I ever met, that I can remember, that could build her own universe. when she explained how it all worked I was like "wow that sounds like programming!" and tried teaching her some coding in return. we both agreed that the concepts are very similar but they're definitely their own unique things. They're similar because in both what you're doing is defining logical pathways out of nothing, how things react with other things.

The methods and results are vastly different, but on that level there's a lot of commonalities. So for example as an analogy you could say that a god is someone with root access, and they could have a pantheon of admins and moderators who have varying degrees of access. But those people only have that access within something they've constructed or otherwise been given access to. So they can walk out of their universe and into another where they have no power at all It's one thing to know how to push a button and know how the button works. Magic, certainly as I've always learned, is the latter, so that no matter where you go you can always use your abilities because you know how to manipulate things at that level. Although of course its not perfect. Some places can be easier to do this in than others. Either by design or some other natural or incidental factor. The ideal is to never be limited no matter the circumstances. For example, doesn't matter how much knowledge and experience I have, I have no clue how to use magic right here, right now, I'm working on that. I've never had to do things quite like this before. But I do have an idea of where to start and what to look for.

(2018-03-20, 12:44 PM)Laird Wrote: So: not necessarily morally superior beings? (Trick question!)
No, they're not. That being said though, if you're bulding your own universes there's no way ffor you to not have a more in depth understanding of how reality works than someo other people since that level of understanding is required. And I suppose I could see how someone would look at that and think that "gods" are morally superior, but it's not really true. It would be impossible to, for example, remain religious if you yourself were creating universes just like God or Allah or whatever is said to. It would be impossible to believe that if a god builds a universe that they're will is objective morality or purpose that you must obey. You would know it's not, it's just their personal opinion or whatever they personally wanted to do with that universe the same as it is when you do it.

(2018-03-20, 12:44 PM)Laird Wrote: Genuine in that the being actually is a "god(dess)", and that things are the way they say? How would you determine whether this is true (you must have done so for the "tournament goddess")?

No I mean like they could say one thing and then do something else. They could be lying to people for their own gain. In the case of the goddess who ran the tournament who's name I just can't remember, she very clearly wasn't lying about what she was doing. She said she was trying to develop a system to help younger souls learn that prejudice isn't worth it. Everything she did was in line with that, she really went out of he way to make everything as fair as possible. And when she made mistakes she owned up to it and chose not to just steal the tournament from those who found a loophole in the rules and tell them "I'm the goddess and there's nothing yo can do about it so deal with it." She didn't even force me into anything, she asked me if I was willing to help her out. I mean sure she did kind of pull me out of my body to do the asking but still.
I don't mind calling her a goddess because if someone's going to put in the time and effort to learn things to that level, then yeah I'd say they've earned a title out of it. Personally I do think "god" or "goddess" is an appropriate title for someone who knows how to build a universe or is otherwise controlling one. Obviously there's some people who try to use that title as an excuse for things or try to claim that they are more important than they are. But if you're not a dick about it then sure, I don't mind using the title. And of course maybe someone wants to use a different title and that's fine too, there's a lot of variety in all of this. Oh and unsurprisingly magic is one of the very first things "outlawed" by people who just want to be dicks, probably because they don't want people realizing that they're not special let alone being able to challenge them. Although there can be other more legitimate reasons. There's nothing that's black and white about any of this.
(2018-03-20, 12:44 PM)Laird Wrote: Developed by whom?

In one way, that would be fascinating. In another, that level of detail starts to make me wonder: all sorts of people have all sorts of detailed theories about reality which can't all be right - is it perhaps better to try to stick to the more general abstract stuff that we can hope for consensus on before digging into potentially subjective gritty details like that? But in the end, I don't want to discourage you from presenting all of your data/inference/theoretical points.

This is a question I'm going to have to leave out. It needs its own entire thread and that's kinda what the past life story thread is for.
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So it turns out I actually do have a copy of the whole goddess tournament writeup I did though it's missing a piece. But I've been slowly working on Loderunner first. I only post this here because that's where we were talking about that. In the process of working on Loderunner I realized the sheer amount of emotional baggage I had with iit because it was not a fun time. Had a lot of sleepless nights because of it. But it's getting pretty close to done so we'll see how that goes.
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Couldn't help but notice some of the similarities this interview had with Gold's simulation and all the other things she and others said since around 2009 as well as my own memories and a lot of the basis of the training I'm doing today:

I haven't been all that active in the forum for the last while but I have some intention to write up a lot of how my memories say "multiversal" physics works and how I've been noticing more and more how modern "real" physics has been continually going in the direction of what I remember for awhile now. The effect talked about in the video was one observed and exploited though it had some caveats. Namely that it wasn't any sort of pure co creation type thing, nor was reality actually arranging itself to teach you anything for any reason. It was just an inevitability of the math. There was still very real separation between things, everything wasn't just some reflection of you, but the way the interactions worked certainly could make it seem that way. Because reality at any given point was, essentially, comprised of things all with the same serial number.

But if you changed your serial number, or that of something else, you would shift to where all those things were. I.e, shifting realities and dimensions. Likewise if something else shifted its number to the one you had. But since such things were exceedingly unlikely to happen in any specific timespace area, let alone be noticed, let alone be recognised as such, the "I'm co creating, its all a reflection of me" concept remains functionally true to a degree.
"The cure for bad information is more information."

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