The Holy Daimon Online Project - now live.

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The Holy Daimon Online Project - now live.

Quote:The idea to this project emerged in 2017, following the completion of my manuscript for the forthcoming Scarlet Imprint title Holy Daimon. After ten years of working with the being that I  call my holy daimon (you can call it your Holy Guardian Angel, or whatever you prefer), it had become painfully clear how truncated, one-dimensional and in most cases superficial our 21st century understanding of this class of spiritual beings had turned. Our current lack of practically probed, diversified ways of engaging with it, becomes particularly evident when we compare it to the significant amount of practical source-works on the subject our Late Medieval ancestors still had at hand. Almost none of these are publicly available in the English language today. As a consequence, this subject, which is covering some of the heartland of the Western tradition of magic, is known to most serious practitioners through two books alone: either the famous Book Abramelin (approx. 1606) or alternatively Aleister Crowley's Liber Samekh or Bornless Ritual (1904). Both of them, in my humble opinion, present authentic and fully workable pathways towards communion with our daimon. Yet, obviously, knowing only these two source-works cannot grant us a broader vista on the many diverse ways in which our ancestors knew how to engage with these unique spirits. This is where the Holy Daimon Online Project comes in.

According to our humble means, we will be releasing a slowly expanding amount of original source-works focussed on daimonic theurgy specifically. The initial wave of translated manuscripts is taken from the precious collection of Latin and German Late Medieval grimoires preserved in the University Library of Leipzig. Future releases from alternative and broader sources, including an unknown mago-mystical cabalistic treatise which heavily influenced the authors of the Zohar are planned for 2019 and beyond. All work is entirely privately funded; and all transcriptions, translations and original research has to happen in the periphery of several very busy, yet passionately committed lives.

Finally, it should be called out that the Holy Daimon Online Project is entirely independent, neither affiliated with nor sponsored by any magical school or institution of other nature. It's purpose and goal is as philanthropic as it might be naïve: to contribute to the resurfacing of an active, living tradition of Western Ritual Magic.   
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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During my forays with Cannabis and Ayahuasca, I have encountered Beings that might be called my Holy Guardian Angels, or as I prefer, my Spiritual Guides. There are others, but they are more Spiritual Allies, Shamanic Animal Guides, or perhaps merely personifications of those abstract energies. I am not sure of the nature of the latter. The former I understand better.

And so, it is always welcome to know that I am not alone in my experiences, and that I am not delusional, as I sometimes fear and doubt as a possibility. My primary Guide, the only one of whom I have been able to sense during this darker, foggier, murkier phase of my depression and anxiety, keeps reminding me to stay strong and just do my personal best. They understand my struggles, but cannot help me as often as they would like to... for reasons that escape my understanding at the moment, but that I know are for the best, somehow.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

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