Tell me what this image says

15 Replies, 2921 Views

I have a personal synchronicty related to this photograph. I felt compelled today to look it up again and noticed that it was exactly 7 years ago that it was posted as NASA's star picture of the day (6/19/2013)

Anyway, I feel like maybe there could be more significance I'm missing. Especially since the NASA image has constellations superimposed over it and I know next to nothing about Astrology. Maybe not... maybe its just an image.

If this image or the constellations superimposed over it tells a story to anyone, please tell me what you see.

Many thanks!
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(2020-06-19, 04:39 PM)Hurmanetar Wrote: I have a personal synchronicty related to this photograph. I felt compelled today to look it up again and noticed that it was exactly 7 years ago that it was posted as NASA's star picture of the day (6/19/2013)

Anyway, I feel like maybe there could be more significance I'm missing. Especially since the NASA image has constellations superimposed over it and I know next to nothing about Astrology. Maybe not... maybe its just an image.

If this image or the constellations superimposed over it tells a story to anyone, please tell me what you see.

Many thanks!
This is all that it is. "The above image is a six-frame panorama taken during about two weeks ago in OregonUSA." Any imagined synchronicity is just that.
(2020-06-20, 04:02 PM)Steve001 Wrote: This is all that it is. "The above image is a six-frame panorama taken during about two weeks ago in OregonUSA." Any imagined synchronicity is just that.

Go fall in a lake.

Edit: I meant this metaphorically and in the kindest way possible.
(This post was last modified: 2020-06-20, 07:28 PM by Hurmanetar.)
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The first thing that I saw was not in the image as such, but is there if you look. A tree, very wide but not tall, perhaps evoking some African species. It is in the centre of the picture.
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(2020-06-20, 05:30 PM)Typoz Wrote: The first thing that I saw was not in the image as such, but is there if you look. A tree, very wide but not tall, perhaps evoking some African species. It is in the centre of the picture.

I see that... or a toxic mushroom cloud!

I like your version better.
(This post was last modified: 2020-06-20, 07:30 PM by Hurmanetar.)
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(2020-06-20, 05:08 PM)Hurmanetar Wrote: Go fall in a lake.

Edit: I meant this metaphorically and in the kindest way possible.
I feel the love. I really do.
It’s a beautiful picture.
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Took a look at it, doesn't look like anything but a picture to me. I'm mostly inclined to agree with Steve on it unless you have more reason to think there could be a connection to something real beyond a feeling and a number coincidence.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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(2020-06-20, 11:46 PM)Mediochre Wrote: Took a look at it, doesn't look like anything but a picture to me. I'm mostly inclined to agree with Steve on it unless you have more reason to think there could be a connection to something real beyond a feeling and a number coincidence.

The reason it originally had significance to me...

About 5 years ago my wife planned a surprise 30th birthday for me. I had no idea where we were going. So I'm learning about synchronicity at that time and I hear that synchronicity happens more often when you travel because you are breaking out of routine, so I'm sort of on the lookout for a synchronicity on our trip, but no dice. But then I get back to work and turn on my computer to recognize that my desktop background, this image, is of Crater Lake, a place we visited in the middle of our trip. I had changed my desktop background to this picture a few weeks before our trip before I had any idea where we were going. It put a smile on my face... there's my synchronicity! I didn't think of it as meaning anything in particular, just a fun coincidence that I was hoping for.

I've thought about it occasionally since then... But yesterday I decided to look into it a bit more since I'm listening to / reading a bunch of Jungian stuff right now, and since my wife and I are having a titanic struggle not unlike the sky god against the lava god.

I began thinking about the symbolism here...

It is a volcano that blew about 7700 years ago and in the circular caldera is one of the deepest and clearest lakes in the world. Water obviously symbolizes the subconscious and the feminine. But here we have super clear water in the top of a mountain... mountain being masculine. We have roundness and jaggedness. The depth and clarity of the water symbolize peering deep into the subconscious. Below is the fire of destruction and creation. Above is the heavenly abode of God or the Great Spirit or the Higher Self. You have all four alchemical elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water.

The archetypal significance of the symbolism really just hits you, so it is easy to see why the Natives considered it a place both of the devil and the great spirit. Their legends about its formation talk about the sky god warring with the god of the underworld. It was a place revered and feared and used for initiations and vision quests.

As I looked into it more I found the place is a hotbed for paranormal reports ranging from lost planes and hikers to UFOs to Bigfoot to giant serpents like the Loch Ness. The native legends said there were monsters there and giant crayfish that would crawl out and drag men down into the lake. One of the first names that white men gave to the place was the Witch's Cauldron.

Regardless of whether these paranormal events happened, it is easy to see why the lore attaches itself to this place because of its deep symbolism connecting to the unconscious.

(When I told Steve to fall in a lake... I meant he needs to take a journey into his subconscious and confront the monsters therein.)

So another little side-synch... yesterday I was looking into this lake and also browsing some YouTube videos. I've been listening to Max Derrat's excellent explication of Jung's Aion and yesterday he posted this video:

I am also reading Jung's Aion, but haven't made it to chapter 14 yet. Anyway, Jung discusses the "Quaternio" relating the lower and higher self. In the highest Quaternio of the Self, he references Moses, Miriam, Jethro, and Zipporah. That made me flip over to the other tab on my internet browser where I had a map of Crater Lake pulled up and there is a peak within Crater Lake named Merriam Cone. So the name caught my attention and I thought I'd see if any other of the four Quaternio were present. Well, Moses might be considered a Wizard, and the largest island in the lake is Wizard Island. Jethro is the Wise Old Man archetype, and in the lake there is an old Hemlock tree that floats vertically with only a small bit above water and they call this the "Old Man of the Lake". Now where is Zipporah, the wife? I don't know... I was there looking at this with my wife. Maybe the water itself is the wife or the roundness of the lake... anyway. Below this higher quaternio is a lower one unified in the symbol of the serpent. Maybe connected to the Loch Ness like sightings in the lake?

Anyway... make of it what you will, but I thought all of this was "neat" and certainly cemented in my mind the lesson of the higher Quaternio.

Also, I was primed for the Native American thing because lately, I've been playing this one song on repeat while I work because something about the Masculine Native words draws me in... a call to manhood in the face of the enemy:
The natives called the lake the abode of the Great Spirit (and of the devil).

Oh one more semi-synch which is more of a stretch... Becuase of Max Derrat's channel I found an interest in the Silent Hill horror games which my wife has always loved so we played through Silent Hill 2 last weekend. Silent Hill is set on a sort of round lake called Lake Toluca and Silent Hill symbolizes a journey into the subconscious to confront the monsters therein.

That's all I've got for now.

I'll add Baobab Tree and Mushroom Cloud in the mix.
(This post was last modified: 2020-06-21, 10:42 PM by Hurmanetar.)
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I saw a Rorschach inkblot (seriously).
(This post was last modified: 2020-06-21, 09:25 PM by Ninshub.)
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