Some thoughts from Jacques Vallee

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The following quote is a key short excerpt from a lengthy new interview on UFOs with grand master UFO investigator and theorist Jacques Vallee by Jeffrey Kripal, at

As can be seen, Vallee takes the phenomenon very seriously and he won't rule out the extraterrestial hypothesis - he just wants to keep all options open, where it is interpreted as definitely an intelligent "something" coming into our world from "elsewhere" than the Earth. He also won't rule out the numerous reports of UFU retrieval and reverse engineering black projects. 

Interestingly, Vallee considers it highly likely that this intelligent "something" has been around for a very long time in different forms and may be deliberately trying to teach us something or at least to alter our society in some way. Tellingly, he considers that the phenomenon at least is presenting itself as if from outer space, whether that is really the case or not. In other words, that this may be a deception of some other intelligence.

Quote:"Jacques Vallee: We know it’s all politics. The group in Washington within the DoD that has been charged with looking at the problem, the AARO [All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, a US government office founded in 2022 to investigate UFOs], it turns out, has signed a $2 million contract with a company that is concerned with rumor control—essentially to stop people from stirring up the public with the stories about what UFOs may be. So this is a signal to many of us that the subject is about to go into a new phase of secrecy. You are not going to know what is going to be found when the scientists in those projects are looking at cadavers of aliens that have been recovered. You’re not going to hear what has been found about the propulsion system of the eight or nine or 10 crafts that have been retrieved. And you’re not going to be hearing about the 90 percent of the data, which is mostly outside the United States and is not military data. So to me, the last six months have been a big backtracking. A number of my colleagues are leaving the field.

Drew: When you say there are alien cadavers, that there are propulsion systems, are you speaking figuratively? Or are you saying that you are under the belief or that you happen to know that there are, indeed, eight, nine, 10 crafts or that there are alien bodies?

Jacques: Well, what I’m saying is that, number one, there isn’t a disclosure. I mean, there is a recognition that the problem is real, which many of us have known for 50 years, because we were in touch with witnesses and with scientists who had the data. I don’t have the security clearance anymore, but I did for years. I know the phenomenon very well. When I’m in conferences, even the last few days at Esalen, we’re talking about the subject with people who… they’ve read books, they’ve done homework, they’ve listened to testimony, but they haven’t been on site. And they have only a vague appreciation of what’s going on in the rest of the world. So their view of the phenomenon is an American view. And that view is shielded by research which is done behind a veil of secrecy.

Drew: But I did want to fact-check: Are you saying that you are under the impression that the phenomenon may be extraterrestrial when you’re referring to…

Jacques: No, no, no. All the hypotheses are open. The phenomenon presents itself as a contact with space, in a large sense… with something outside of the Earth."
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