Been a bit since I made a thread, but I've been wanting to. Anyways, this is a very interesting twist on reincarnation ala the late Michael Persinger and his associate Todd Murphy. It's lengthy so settle in:
Now I'm not very fond of people who constantly try to constrain what they are talking about within Darwinian terms, but hats off to them for making a stab. Murphy is just too far down the "God Helmet" rabbit hole for me. See what you all think.
A neat little sum up of his ideas I guess...
Now I'm not very fond of people who constantly try to constrain what they are talking about within Darwinian terms, but hats off to them for making a stab. Murphy is just too far down the "God Helmet" rabbit hole for me. See what you all think.
A neat little sum up of his ideas I guess...
Quote:While this is truly an incredible theory, it still stands as such; but the cohesive line of information that this cross analysis of “neurotheology” thus far represents is truly astounding and intriguing, and deserves further development, consideration, and scientific studying. An afterthought to this concept challenges the reader to take this information beyond the confines of their “ego.” It is considered by Professor Murphy, and all ancient ideologies that believe in reincarnation, that while the cognitive “soul” does survive death, it survives as a repertoire of karmic brain states, and that it does not carry any individualized traits that would be considered as an “ego.” Instead, the individual characteristics of the ego represent the context of each soul’s life cycle.
The idea of reincarnation is one of the oldest theological beliefs of all humankind, but still the question remains: Is it a belief, or a matter of physics? The hypothesis at hand suggests it is a combination of both.