The SPR has a
review by Nemo C. Mörck of ano
ther book by Ingo Swann, "Penetration: Special Edition:
The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy" (2019), which is a revised version of
the original "Penetration" that was self-published by Swann in 1998, with an extra chapter found among Swann's papers.
The main subject of
the book is remote viewing that appeared to show a living civilisation on
the Moon, and
the extra chapter is about remote viewing of Mars, probably intended to be
the first of a new section. Apparently opinions differ as to whe
the content is fact or fiction - Mörck says it reads as fiction to him. He also mentions speculation by Stephan Schwartz that
the remote viewers might have been seeing
the future on Mars, ra
ther than
the present. (But I couldn't help thinking that Swann's vision* of a woman wearing "
the briefest of halters of pink with big yellow polka dots" toge
ther with plat
form high-heels and purple sunglasses was
more redolent of 1960):
(* It's been pointed out to me that Swann actually saw this woman in normal life - in a supermarket - but sensed that she was an extraterrestrial!)