Courtesy of the Daily Grail - this article from Forbes debunks the recent news story suggesting that mobile phone use is causing bony spikes on the skull to develop, on the basis that these spikes were already well known and characterised, the paper contains errors and the suggested connection with mobile phones was purely speculative anyway:
Sloppy journalism from the BBC seems to have been the prime culprit in this case (again). On another thread I commented that Forbes and LiveScience had been rightly sceptical about a couple of misleading stories in the press recently. Forbes seems to have done it again, though in this case LiveScience repeated the story rather uncritically.
Sloppy journalism from the BBC seems to have been the prime culprit in this case (again). On another thread I commented that Forbes and LiveScience had been rightly sceptical about a couple of misleading stories in the press recently. Forbes seems to have done it again, though in this case LiveScience repeated the story rather uncritically.